
BFI Sight & Sound (英国《视与听》)电影榜单

《视与听》从 1952 年开始,每十年评选一次影史最佳电影,并从 1992 年开始分成影评人和导演两版。

2022 年导演评选电影 Top 100

The Greatest Films of All Time

序号 Rank 排名 Title 电影 Director 导演 Year 年份 Region 地区 电影 年份 豆瓣电影 豆瓣评分 豆瓣信息 IMDb电影 IMDb评分 IMDb信息
0 🎉001 2001: A Space Odyssey Directed by Stanley Kubrick 1968 USA, United Kingdom 2001太空漫游 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968 1292226 8.9 斯坦利·库布里克; 英国/美国; 科幻; 英语/俄语 tt0062622 8.3 Stanley Kubrick; United Kingdom/United States; Adventure
1 🎉002 Citizen Kane Directed by Orson Welles 1941 USA 公民凯恩 Citizen Kane 1941 1292288 8.8 奥逊·威尔斯; 美国; 悬疑; 英语/意大利语 tt0033467 8.3 Orson Welles; United States; Mystery
2 🎉003 The Godfather Directed by Francis Ford Coppola 1972 USA 教父 The Godfather 1972 1291841 9.3 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉; 美国; 犯罪; 英语 tt0068646 9.2 Francis Ford Coppola; United States; Crime
3 🎉004 Tokyo Story Directed by Yasujirō Ozu 1953 Japan 东京物语 東京物語 1953 1291568 9.1 小津安二郎; 日本; 家庭; 日语 tt0046438 8.1 Yasujirô Ozu; Japan; Drama
4 🎉004 Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles Directed by Chantal Akerman 1975 Belgium, France 让娜·迪尔曼 Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles 1975 1868933 8.9 香特尔·阿克曼; 比利时/法国; 剧情; 法语 tt0073198 7.5 Chantal Akerman; Belgium/France; Drama; French
5 🎉006 Directed by Federico Fellini 1963 Italy, France 八部半 8½ 1963 1361276 8.6 费德里科·费里尼; 意大利/法国; 剧情; 意大利语 tt0056801 8 Federico Fellini; Italy/France; Drama
6 🎉006 Vertigo Directed by Alfred Hitchcock 1958 USA 迷魂记 Vertigo 1958 1297294 8.7 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0052357 8.3 Alfred Hitchcock; United States; Mystery; English
7 🎉008 Mirror Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky 1975 USSR 镜子 Зеркало 1975 1299248 9.0 安德烈·塔可夫斯基; 苏联; 传记; 俄语/西班牙语 tt0072443 7.9 Andrei Tarkovsky; Soviet Union; Biography
8 🎉009 Persona Directed by Ingmar Bergman 1966 Sweden 假面 Persona 1966 1294438 8.8 英格玛·伯格曼; 瑞典; 惊悚; 瑞典语/英语 tt0060827 8.1 Ingmar Bergman; Sweden; Thriller
9 🎉009 Close-up Directed by Abbas Kiarostami 1989 Iran 特写 کلوزآپ 1990 1303521 8.9 阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米; 伊朗; 犯罪; 波斯语/阿塞拜疆语 tt0100234 8.2 Abbas Kiarostami; Iran; Biography
10 🎉009 In the Mood for Love Directed by Wong Kar Wai 2000 Hong Kong, France 花样年华 花樣年華 2000 1291557 8.8 王家卫; 中国香港; 爱情; 粤语 tt0118694 8.1 Kar-Wai Wong; Hong Kong/France; Romance
11 🎉012 Barry Lyndon Directed by Stanley Kubrick 1975 USA, United Kingdom 巴里·林登 Barry Lyndon 1975 1292472 8.8 斯坦利·库布里克; 英国/美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0072684 8.1 Stanley Kubrick; United Kingdom/United States; Adventure
12 🎉012 Taxi Driver Directed by Martin Scorsese 1976 USA 出租车司机 Taxi Driver 1976 1292222 8.6 马丁·斯科塞斯; 美国; 犯罪; 英语/西班牙语 tt0075314 8.2 Martin Scorsese; United States; Crime
13 🎉014 Stalker Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky 1979 USSR 潜行者 Сталкер 1979 1295656 8.8 安德烈·塔可夫斯基; 苏联; 科幻; 俄语 tt0079944 8.1 Andrei Tarkovsky; Soviet Union; Sci-Fi; Russian
14 🎉014 À bout de souffle Directed by Jean-Luc Godard 1960 France 精疲力尽 À bout de souffle 1960 1353745 8.4 让-吕克·戈达尔; 法国; 爱情; 法语/英语 tt0053472 7.7 Jean-Luc Godard; France; Crime
15 🎉014 Seven Samurai Directed by Akira Kurosawa 1954 Japan 七武士 七人の侍 1954 1295399 9.3 黑泽明; 日本; 动作; 日语 tt0047478 8.6 Akira Kurosawa; Japan; Action; Japanese
16 🎉014 Beau travail Directed by Claire Denis 1998 France 军中禁恋 Beau travail 1999 1306791 7.5 克莱尔·德尼; 法国; 同性; 法语 tt0209933 7.3 Claire Denis; France; War
17 🎉018 A Woman under the Influence Directed by John Cassavetes 1974 USA 醉酒的女人 A Woman Under the Influence 1974 1293525 8.3 约翰·卡萨维蒂; 美国; 爱情; 英语/意大利语 tt0072417 8 John Cassavetes; United States; Romance
18 🎉018 Apocalypse Now Directed by Francis Ford Coppola 1979 USA 现代启示录 Apocalypse Now 1979 1292260 8.5 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉; 美国; 战争; 英语 tt0078788 8.4 Francis Ford Coppola; United States; Mystery
19 🎉020 Rashomon Directed by Akira Kurosawa 1950 Japan 罗生门 羅生門 1950 1291879 8.8 黑泽明; 日本; 悬疑; 日语 tt0042876 8.2 Akira Kurosawa; Japan; Crime; Japanese
20 🎉020 Bicycle Thieves Directed by Vittorio De Sica 1948 Italy 偷自行车的人 Ladri di biciclette 1948 1295873 9.1 维托里奥·德西卡; 意大利; 犯罪; 意大利语 tt0040522 8.3 Vittorio De Sica; Italy; Drama
21 🎉022 Raging Bull Directed by Martin Scorsese 1980 USA 愤怒的公牛 Raging Bull 1980 1293155 8.4 马丁·斯科塞斯; 美国; 传记; 英语 tt0081398 8.1 Martin Scorsese; United States; Biography; English
22 🎉022 The Battle of Algiers Directed by Gillo Pontecorvo 1966 Italy, Algeria 阿尔及尔之战 La battaglia di Algeri 1966 1419005 8.6 吉洛·彭泰科沃; 意大利/阿尔及利亚; 历史; 法语 tt0058946 8.1 Gillo Pontecorvo; Italy/Algeria; War
23 🎉022 Pather Panchali Directed by Satyajit Ray 1955 India 大地之歌 পথের পাঁচালী 1955 1306019 8.9 萨蒂亚吉特·雷伊; 印度; 剧情; 孟加拉语 tt0048473 8.2 Satyajit Ray; India; Drama; Bengali
24 🎉022 Mulholland Dr. Directed by David Lynch 2001 France, USA 穆赫兰道 Mulholland Dr. 2001 1292217 8.4 大卫·林奇; 法国/美国; 悬疑; 英语/西班牙语 tt0166924 7.9 David Lynch; France/United States; Mystery
25 🎉026 The Godfather Part II Directed by Francis Ford Coppola 1974 USA 教父2 The Godfather: Part II 1974 1299131 9.3 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉; 美国; 犯罪; 英语 tt0071562 9 Francis Ford Coppola; United States; Crime
26 🎉026 Andrei Rublev Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky 1966 USSR 安德烈·卢布廖夫 Андрей Рублёв 1966 1298248 9.0 安德烈·塔可夫斯基; 苏联; 传记; 俄语 tt0060107 8 Andrei Tarkovsky; Soviet Union; Biography
27 🎉028 GoodFellas Directed by Martin Scorsese 1990 USA 好家伙 GoodFellas 1990 1292268 8.5 马丁·斯科塞斯; 美国; 传记; 英语/意大利语 tt0099685 8.7 Martin Scorsese; United States; Biography
28 🎉029 Do the Right Thing Directed by Spike Lee 1989 USA 为所应为 Do the Right Thing 1989 1293958 8.2 斯派克·李; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0097216 8 Spike Lee; United States; Comedy
29 🎉030 Ordet Directed by Carl Th. Dreyer 1955 Denmark 词语 Ordet 1955 1303566 8.4 卡尔·西奥多·德莱叶; 丹麦; 剧情; 丹麦语 tt0048452 8.2 Carl Theodor Dreyer; Denmark; Drama; Danish
30 🎉030 The Passion of Joan of Arc Directed by Carl Th. Dreyer 1927 France 圣女贞德蒙难记 La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc 1928 1293783 8.7 卡尔·西奥多·德莱叶; 法国; 传记; 法语 tt0019254 8.1 Carl Theodor Dreyer; France; Biography
31 🎉030 Man with a Movie Camera Directed by Dziga Vertov 1929 USSR, Ukraine 持摄影机的人 Человек с Киноаппаратом 1929 1293199 9.1 吉加·维尔托夫; 苏联; 纪录片; 无对白 tt0019760 8.3 Dziga Vertov; Soviet Union; Documentary; None
32 🎉033 The 400 Blows Directed by François Truffaut 1959 France 四百击 Les quatre cents coups 1959 1300056 8.9 弗朗索瓦·特吕弗; 法国; 犯罪; 法语/英语 tt0053198 8.1 François Truffaut; France; Crime
33 🎉033 Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans Directed by F.W. Murnau 1927 USA 日出 Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans 1927 1295753 8.7 F·W·茂瑙; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0018455 8.1 F.W. Murnau; United States; Romance
34 🎉035 La Jetée Directed by Chris Marker 1962 France 堤 La jetée 1962 1306626 9.0 克里斯·马克; 法国; 爱情; 法语/德语 tt0056119 8.2 Chris Marker; France; Short
35 🎉035 La dolce vita Directed by Federico Fellini 1960 Italy, France 甜蜜的生活 La dolce vita 1960 1293271 8.6 费德里科·费里尼; 意大利/法国; 喜剧; 意大利语 tt0053779 8 Federico Fellini; Italy/France; Comedy
36 🎉037 Au hasard Balthazar Directed by Robert Bresson 1966 France, Sweden 驴子巴特萨 Au hasard Balthazar 1966 1401619 8.3 罗伯特·布列松; 法国/瑞典; 剧情; 法语/拉丁语 tt0060138 7.7 Robert Bresson; France/Sweden; Drama
37 🎉038 La strada Directed by Federico Fellini 1954 Italy 大路 La strada 1954 1292719 8.9 费德里科·费里尼; 意大利; 剧情; 意大利语 tt0047528 8 Federico Fellini; Italy; Drama; Italian
38 🎉038 L'avventura Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni 1960 Italy, France 奇遇 L'avventura 1960 1389923 8.2 米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼; 意大利/法国; 悬疑; 意大利语 tt0053619 7.7 Michelangelo Antonioni; Italy/France; Mystery
39 🎉038 La Règle du jeu Directed by Jean Renoir 1939 France 游戏规则 La Règle du jeu 1939 1401261 8.4 让·雷诺阿; 法国; 喜剧; 法语 tt0031885 7.9 Jean Renoir; France; Comedy
40 🎉041 Come and See Directed by Elem Klimov 1985 USSR 自己去看 Иди и смотри 1985 1422186 8.7 依莱姆·克里莫夫; 苏联; 战争; 白俄罗斯语 tt0091251 8.4 Elem Klimov; Soviet Union; Thriller
41 🎉041 Vagabond Directed by Agnès Varda 1985 France, United Kingdom 天涯沦落女 Sans toit ni loi 1985 1292445 8.3 阿涅斯·瓦尔达; 法国; 剧情; 法语 tt0089960 7.6 Agnès Varda; France; Drama
42 🎉041 A Man Escaped Directed by Robert Bresson 1956 France 死囚越狱 Un Condamné à mort s'est échappé 1956 1303562 8.5 罗伯特·布列松; 法国; 惊悚; 法语/德语 tt0049902 8.2 Robert Bresson; France; Thriller
43 🎉041 The Night of the Hunter Directed by Charles Laughton 1955 USA 猎人之夜 The Night of the Hunter 1955 1293582 8.0 查尔斯·劳顿; 美国; 惊悚; 英语 tt0048424 8 Charles Laughton; United States; Crime; English
44 🎉041 Playtime Directed by Jacques Tati 1967 France 玩乐时间 Play Time 1967 1303543 8.8 雅克·塔蒂; 法国/意大利; 喜剧; 法语 tt0062136 7.8 Jacques Tati; France/Italy; Comedy
45 🎉046 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Directed by Stanley Kubrick 1963 United Kingdom, USA 奇爱博士 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 1964 1322848 8.9 斯坦利·库布里克; 美国/英国; 喜剧; 英语/俄语 tt0057012 8.3 Stanley Kubrick; United Kingdom/United States; Comedy
46 🎉046 Don't Look Now Directed by Nicolas Roeg 1973 United Kingdom, Italy 威尼斯疑魂 Don't Look Now 1973 1302294 7.2 尼古拉斯·罗伊格; 英国/意大利; 悬疑; 英语/意大利语 tt0069995 7.1 Nicolas Roeg; United Kingdom/Italy; Horror
47 🎉046 Once upon a Time in the West Directed by Sergio Leone 1968 Italy, USA 西部往事 C'era una volta il West 1968 1293394 8.7 赛尔乔·莱昂内; 意大利/美国; 犯罪; 英语 tt0064116 8.5 Sergio Leone; Italy/United States; Western
48 🎉046 Le Mépris Directed by Jean-Luc Godard 1963 France, Italy 蔑视 Le mépris 1963 1303555 7.7 让-吕克·戈达尔; 法国/意大利; 爱情; 法语 tt0057345 7.4 Jean-Luc Godard; France/Italy; Romance
49 🎉046 L'Atalante Directed by Jean Vigo 1934 France 亚特兰大号 L'Atalante 1934 1299433 8.1 让·维果; 法国; 爱情; 法语 tt0024844 7.7 Jean Vigo; France; Comedy
50 🎉046 Psycho Directed by Alfred Hitchcock 1960 USA 惊魂记 Psycho 1960 1293181 9.0 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克; 美国; 悬疑; 英语 tt0054215 8.5 Alfred Hitchcock; United States; Horror; English
51 🎉052 Viridiana Directed by Luis Buñuel 1961 Spain, Mexico 维莉蒂安娜 Viridiana 1961 1303557 8.6 路易斯·布努埃尔; 西班牙/墨西哥; 剧情; 西班牙语 tt0055601 8.1 Luis Buñuel; Mexico/Spain; Drama
52 🎉052 Eraserhead Directed by David Lynch 1976 USA 橡皮头 Eraserhead 1977 1293925 7.9 大卫·林奇; 美国; 恐怖; 英语 tt0074486 7.3 David Lynch; United States; Fantasy; English
53 🎉052 La notte Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni 1961 Italy, France 夜 La notte 1961 1361252 8.7 米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼; 意大利/法国; 爱情; 意大利语/法语 tt0054130 7.9 Michelangelo Antonioni; Italy/France; Drama
54 🎉052 Fanny and Alexander Directed by Ingmar Bergman 1982 Sweden, France, Federal Republic of Germany 芬妮与亚历山大 Fanny och Alexander 1982 1292784 8.7 英格玛·伯格曼; 法国; 剧情; 瑞典语 tt0083922 8.1 Ingmar Bergman; Sweden; Drama
55 🎉052 La Maman et la Putain Directed by Jean Eustache 1973 France 母亲与娼妓 La Maman et la Putain 1973 1295252 7.9 让·厄斯塔什; 法国; 剧情; 法语 tt0070359 7.8 Jean Eustache; France; Romance; French
56 🎉052 Fear Eats the Soul Directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder 1974 Federal Republic of Germany 恐惧吞噬灵魂 Angst essen Seele auf 1974 1294092 8.5 赖纳·维尔纳·法斯宾德; 西德; 爱情; 德语/阿拉伯语 tt0071141 8 Rainer Werner Fassbinder; West Germany; Romance
57 🎉052 The Piano Directed by Jane Campion 1992 Australia, France 钢琴课 The Piano 1993 1293818 8.1 简·坎皮恩; 新西兰; 爱情; 英语 tt0107822 7.5 Jane Campion; Australia; Music
58 🎉052 City Lights Directed by Charles Chaplin 1931 USA 城市之光 City Lights 1931 1293908 9.3 查理·卓别林; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0021749 8.5 Charles Chaplin; United States; Comedy
59 🎉052 Cléo from 5 to 7 Directed by Agnès Varda 1962 France, Italy 五至七时的克莱奥 Cléo de 5 à 7 1962 1294565 8.7 阿涅斯·瓦尔达; 法国/意大利; 喜剧; 法语 tt0055852 7.8 Agnès Varda; France/Italy; Comedy; French
60 🎉052 Singin' in the Rain Directed by Gene Kelly, Stanley Donen 1951 USA 雨中曲 Singin' in the Rain 1952 1293460 9.1 斯坦利·多南/吉恩·凯利; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0045152 8.3 United States; Comedy; English
61 🎉062 La ciénaga Directed by Lucrecia Martel 2001 Argentina, USA, Japan, France, Switzerland, Spain, Brazil 沼泽 La Ciénaga 2001 1420225 7.9 卢奎西亚·马特尔; 阿根廷; 剧情; 西班牙语 tt0240419 7.1 Lucrecia Martel; Argentina; Comedy; Spanish
62 🎉062 Lawrence of Arabia Directed by David Lean 1962 United Kingdom 阿拉伯的劳伦斯 Lawrence of Arabia 1962 1292349 8.7 大卫·里恩; 英国; 传记; 英语 tt0056172 8.3 David Lean; United Kingdom; Adventure
63 🎉062 Jaws Directed by Steven Spielberg 1975 USA 大白鲨 Jaws 1975 1294941 7.8 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格; 美国; 惊悚; 英语 tt0073195 8.1 Steven Spielberg; United States; Adventure; English
64 🎉062 Tropical Malady Directed by Apichatpong Weerasethakul 2004 France, Thailand, Germany, Italy, Switzerland 热带疾病 สัตว์ประหลาด 2004 1414808 8.0 阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古; 泰国; 爱情; 泰语 tt0381668 7.1 Apichatpong Weerasethakul; Thailand; Fantasy; Thai
65 🎉062 Sátántangó Directed by Béla Tarr 1994 Hungary, Germany, Switzerland 撒旦探戈 Sátántangó 1994 1422088 8.9 贝拉·塔尔; 匈牙利; 悬疑; 匈牙利语 tt0111341 8.2 Béla Tarr; Hungary; Drama; Hungarian
66 🎉062 Sunset Blvd. Directed by Billy Wilder 1950 USA 日落大道 Sunset Blvd. 1950 1298733 8.8 比利·怀尔德; 美国; 黑色电影; 英语 tt0043014 8.4 Billy Wilder; United States; Film-Noir; English
67 🎉062 Blade Runner Directed by Ridley Scott 1982 USA, Hong Kong 银翼杀手 Blade Runner 1982 1291839 8.6 雷德利·斯科特; 美国; 科幻; 英语 tt0083658 8.1 Ridley Scott; United States/United Kingdom; Action
68 🎉062 Some Like It Hot Directed by Billy Wilder 1959 USA 热情如火 Some Like It Hot 1959 1292574 8.9 比利·怀尔德; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0053291 8.2 Billy Wilder; United States; Comedy; English
69 🎉062 Late Spring Directed by Yasujirō Ozu 1949 Japan 晚春 晩春 1949 1307265 8.6 小津安二郎; 日本; 家庭; 日语 tt0041154 8.2 Yasujirô Ozu; Japan; Comedy; Japanese
70 🎉062 Meshes of the Afternoon Directed by Maya Deren, Alexander Hackenschmied 1943 USA 午后的迷惘 Meshes of the Afternoon 1943 1437390 8.8 梅雅·黛伦/亚历山大·罕密德; 美国; 短片; 英语 tt0036154 7.8 United States; Short; None
71 🎉072 Kes Directed by Ken Loach 1969 United Kingdom 小孩与鹰 Kes 1969 1297920 8.6 肯·洛奇; 英国; 儿童; 英语 tt0064541 7.9 Ken Loach; United Kingdom; Family; English
72 🎉072 A Separation Directed by Asghar Farhadi 2011 Iran 一次别离 جدایی نادر از سیمین 2011 5964718 8.8 阿斯加·法哈蒂; 伊朗/法国; 家庭; 波斯语 tt1832382 8.3 Asghar Farhadi; Iran; Drama; Persian
73 🎉072 Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom Directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini 1975 Italy, France Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom 1975 tt0073650 5.8 Pier Paolo Pasolini; Italy/France; Drama
74 🎉072 The Conversation Directed by Francis Ford Coppola 1974 USA 窃听大阴谋 The Conversation 1974 1296908 8.1 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉; 美国; 悬疑; 英语 tt0071360 7.7 Francis Ford Coppola; United States; Mystery; English
75 🎉072 L'Argent Directed by Robert Bresson 1983 France, Switzerland 钱 L'argent 1983 1303536 8.3 罗伯特·布列松; 法国/瑞士; 犯罪; 法语/拉丁语 tt0085180 7.4 Robert Bresson; France/Switzerland; Crime
76 🎉072 Where Is the Friend's House? Directed by Abbas Kiarostami 1987 Iran 何处是我朋友的家 خانه دوست کجاست؟‎ 1987 1301897 9.0 阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米; 伊朗; 剧情; 波斯语 tt0093342 8.1 Abbas Kiarostami; Iran; Family; Persian
77 🎉072 Ikiru Directed by Akira Kurosawa 1952 Japan 生之欲 生きる 1952 1293847 9.3 黑泽明; 日本; 剧情; 日语 tt0044741 8.3 Akira Kurosawa; Japan; Drama
78 🎉072 Chinatown Directed by Roman Polanski 1974 USA 唐人街 Chinatown 1974 1293889 8.4 罗曼·波兰斯基; 美国; 悬疑; 英语 tt0071315 8.1 Roman Polanski; United States; Mystery
79 🎉072 The Seventh Seal Directed by Ingmar Bergman 1957 Sweden 第七封印 Det sjunde inseglet 1957 1293234 8.5 英格玛·伯格曼; 瑞典; 奇幻; 瑞典语/拉丁语 tt0050976 8.1 Ingmar Bergman; Sweden; Fantasy
80 🎉072 The Ascent Directed by Larissa Shepitko 1976 USSR 上升 Восхождение 1977 1303255 8.1 拉莉萨·舍皮琴科; 苏联; 战争; 俄语/德语 tt0075404 8.2 Larisa Shepitko; Soviet Union; War
81 🎉072 Wild Strawberries Directed by Ingmar Bergman 1957 Sweden 野草莓 Smultronstället 1957 1293071 8.8 英格玛·伯格曼; 瑞典; 爱情; 瑞典语/拉丁语 tt0050986 8.1 Ingmar Bergman; Sweden; Romance
82 🎉072 Blue Velvet Directed by David Lynch 1986 USA Blue Velvet 1986 tt0090756 7.7 David Lynch; United States; Crime; English
83 🎉072 The Spirit of the Beehive Directed by Víctor Erice 1973 Spain 蜂巢幽灵 El espíritu de la colmena 1973 1401900 8.5 维克多·艾里斯; 西班牙; 剧情; 西班牙语 tt0070040 7.8 Víctor Erice; Spain; Fantasy; Spanish
84 🎉072 A Brighter Summer Day Directed by Edward Yang 1991 Taiwan 牯岭街少年杀人事件 牯嶺街少年殺人事件 1991 1292329 8.9 杨德昌; 中国台湾; 犯罪; 汉语普通话 tt0101985 8.2 Edward Yang; Taiwan; Crime
85 🎉072 Modern Times Directed by Charles Chaplin 1936 USA 摩登时代 Modern Times 1936 1294371 9.3 查理·卓别林; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0027977 8.5 Charles Chaplin; United States; Comedy; English
86 🎉072 The Red Shoes Directed by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger 1948 United Kingdom 红菱艳 The Red Shoes 1948 1299204 8.2 迈克尔·鲍威尔/埃默里克·普雷斯伯格; 英国; 爱情; 英语 tt0040725 8.1 United Kingdom; Music
87 🎉072 Touki Bouki Directed by Djibril Diop Mambéty 1973 Senegal 土狼之旅 Touki Bouki 1973 1424576 7.6 吉布里尔·迪奥普·曼贝蒂; 塞内加尔; 剧情; 沃洛夫语 tt0070820 7 Djibril Diop Mambéty; Senegal; Drama
88 🎉072 Sans Soleil Directed by Chris Marker 1982 France 日月无光 Sans soleil 1983 1401901 8.5 克里斯·马克; 法国; 纪录片; 法语 tt0084628 7.8 Chris Marker; France; Documentary
89 🎉072 News from Home Directed by Chantal Akerman 1976 France, Belgium 家乡的消息 News from Home 1976 1902009 8.0 香特尔·阿克曼; 法国; 纪录片; 法语 tt0076452 7.3 Chantal Akerman; Belgium; Documentary; French
90 🎉072 Shoah Directed by Claude Lanzmann 1985 France 浩劫 Shoah 1985 1303328 8.9 克洛德·朗兹曼; 法国; 纪录片; 英语 tt0090015 8.7 Claude Lanzmann; France; Documentary
91 🎉072 The Searchers Directed by John Ford 1956 USA 搜索者 The Searchers 1956 1292668 7.9 约翰·福特; 美国; 西部; 英语 tt0049730 7.8 John Ford; United States; Adventure
92 🎉093 Throne of Blood Directed by Akira Kurosawa 1957 Japan 蜘蛛巢城 蜘蛛巣城 1957 1294827 8.5 黑泽明; 日本; 历史; 日语 tt0050613 8 Akira Kurosawa; Japan; Drama; Japanese
93 🎉093 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Directed by Michel Gondry 2004 USA 暖暖内含光 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2004 1308777 8.5 米歇尔·贡德里; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0338013 8.3 Michel Gondry; United States; Romance; English
94 🎉093 Hidden Directed by Michael Haneke 2004 France, Austria, Germany, Italy 隐藏摄像机 Caché 2005 1438066 7.6 迈克尔·哈内克; 法国; 悬疑; 法语 tt0387898 7.3 Michael Haneke; France; Mystery; French
95 🎉093 Taste of Cherry Directed by Abbas Kiarostami 1997 Iran 樱桃的滋味 طعم گیلاس 1997 1296177 8.1 阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米; 法国/伊朗; 剧情; 波斯语 tt0120265 7.7 Abbas Kiarostami; Iran/France; Drama; Persian
96 🎉093 Pickpocket Directed by Robert Bresson 1959 France 扒手 Pickpocket 1959 1303559 8.3 罗伯特·布列松; 法国; 犯罪; 法语 tt0053168 7.6 Robert Bresson; France; Crime; French
97 🎉093 The Colour of Pomegranates Directed by Sergei Paradjanov 1968 USSR 石榴的颜色 Նռան գույնը 1969 1303542 8.7 谢尔盖·帕拉杰诺夫; 苏联; 传记; 亚美尼亚语 tt0063555 7.6 Sergei Parajanov; Soviet Union; Biography
98 🎉093 The Conformist Directed by Bernardo Bertolucci 1970 Italy, France, Federal Republic of Germany 同流者 Il conformista 1970 1300955 8.6 贝纳尔多·贝托鲁奇; 意大利; 剧情; 意大利语 tt0065571 7.9 Bernardo Bertolucci; Italy; Drama
99 🎉093 Parasite Directed by Bong Joon-ho 2019 Republic of Korea 寄生虫 기생충 2019 27010768 8.8 奉俊昊; 韩国; 剧情; 韩语/英语 tt6751668 8.5 Bong Joon Ho; South Korea; Thriller
100 🎉093 Yi Yi Directed by Edward Yang 1999 Taiwan, Japan 一一 2000 1292434 9.1 杨德昌; 中国台湾/日本; 爱情; 汉语普通话 tt0244316 8.1 Edward Yang; Taiwan/Japan; Romance
101 🎉093 Moonlight Directed by Barry Jenkins 2016 USA 月光男孩 Moonlight 2016 26648249 7.4 巴里·詹金斯; 美国; 同性; 英语 tt4975722 7.4 Barry Jenkins; United States; Drama; English
102 🎉093 Battleship Potemkin Directed by Sergei M. Eisenstein 1925 USSR 战舰波将金号 Броненосец Потёмкин 1925 1293492 8.7 谢尔盖·爱森斯坦; 苏联; 历史; 无对白 tt0015648 7.9 Sergei Eisenstein; Soviet Union; History
103 🎉093 Wanda Directed by Barbara Loden 1970 USA 旺达 Wanda 1970 1855338 8.3 芭芭拉·洛登; 美国; 犯罪; 英语 tt0067961 7.1 Barbara Loden; United States; Crime; English

2022 年影评人评选电影 Top250

Directors’ 100 Greatest Films of All Time

序号 Rank 排名 Title 电影 Director 导演 Year 年份 Region 地区 电影 年份 豆瓣电影 豆瓣评分 豆瓣信息 IMDb电影 IMDb评分 IMDb信息
0 🎉001 Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles Directed by Chantal Akerman 1975 Belgium, France 让娜·迪尔曼 Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles 1975 1868933 8.9 香特尔·阿克曼; 比利时/法国; 剧情; 法语 tt0073198 7.5 Chantal Akerman; Belgium/France; Drama; French
1 🎉002 Vertigo Directed by Alfred Hitchcock 1958 USA 迷魂记 Vertigo 1958 1297294 8.7 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0052357 8.3 Alfred Hitchcock; United States; Mystery; English
2 🎉003 Citizen Kane Directed by Orson Welles 1941 USA 公民凯恩 Citizen Kane 1941 1292288 8.8 奥逊·威尔斯; 美国; 悬疑; 英语/意大利语 tt0033467 8.3 Orson Welles; United States; Mystery
3 🎉004 Tokyo Story Directed by Yasujirō Ozu 1953 Japan 东京物语 東京物語 1953 1291568 9.1 小津安二郎; 日本; 家庭; 日语 tt0046438 8.1 Yasujirô Ozu; Japan; Drama
4 🎉005 In the Mood for Love Directed by Wong Kar Wai 2000 Hong Kong, France 花样年华 花樣年華 2000 1291557 8.8 王家卫; 中国香港; 爱情; 粤语 tt0118694 8.1 Kar-Wai Wong; Hong Kong/France; Romance
5 🎉006 2001: A Space Odyssey Directed by Stanley Kubrick 1968 USA, United Kingdom 2001太空漫游 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968 1292226 8.9 斯坦利·库布里克; 英国/美国; 科幻; 英语/俄语 tt0062622 8.3 Stanley Kubrick; United Kingdom/United States; Adventure
6 🎉007 Beau travail Directed by Claire Denis 1998 France 军中禁恋 Beau travail 1999 1306791 7.5 克莱尔·德尼; 法国; 同性; 法语 tt0209933 7.3 Claire Denis; France; War
7 🎉008 Mulholland Dr. Directed by David Lynch 2001 France, USA 穆赫兰道 Mulholland Dr. 2001 1292217 8.4 大卫·林奇; 法国/美国; 悬疑; 英语/西班牙语 tt0166924 7.9 David Lynch; France/United States; Mystery
8 🎉009 Man with a Movie Camera Directed by Dziga Vertov 1929 USSR, Ukraine 持摄影机的人 Человек с Киноаппаратом 1929 1293199 9.1 吉加·维尔托夫; 苏联; 纪录片; 无对白 tt0019760 8.3 Dziga Vertov; Soviet Union; Documentary; None
9 🎉010 Singin' in the Rain Directed by Gene Kelly, Stanley Donen 1951 USA 雨中曲 Singin' in the Rain 1952 1293460 9.1 斯坦利·多南/吉恩·凯利; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0045152 8.3 United States; Comedy; English
10 🎉011 Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans Directed by F.W. Murnau 1927 USA 日出 Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans 1927 1295753 8.7 F·W·茂瑙; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0018455 8.1 F.W. Murnau; United States; Romance
11 🎉012 The Godfather Directed by Francis Ford Coppola 1972 USA 教父 The Godfather 1972 1291841 9.3 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉; 美国; 犯罪; 英语 tt0068646 9.2 Francis Ford Coppola; United States; Crime
12 🎉013 La Règle du jeu Directed by Jean Renoir 1939 France 游戏规则 La Règle du jeu 1939 1401261 8.4 让·雷诺阿; 法国; 喜剧; 法语 tt0031885 7.9 Jean Renoir; France; Comedy
13 🎉014 Cléo from 5 to 7 Directed by Agnès Varda 1962 France, Italy 五至七时的克莱奥 Cléo de 5 à 7 1962 1294565 8.7 阿涅斯·瓦尔达; 法国/意大利; 喜剧; 法语 tt0055852 7.8 Agnès Varda; France/Italy; Comedy; French
14 🎉015 The Searchers Directed by John Ford 1956 USA 搜索者 The Searchers 1956 1292668 7.9 约翰·福特; 美国; 西部; 英语 tt0049730 7.8 John Ford; United States; Adventure
15 🎉016 Meshes of the Afternoon Directed by Maya Deren, Alexander Hackenschmied 1943 USA 午后的迷惘 Meshes of the Afternoon 1943 1437390 8.8 梅雅·黛伦/亚历山大·罕密德; 美国; 短片; 英语 tt0036154 7.8 United States; Short; None
16 🎉017 Close-up Directed by Abbas Kiarostami 1989 Iran 特写 کلوزآپ 1990 1303521 8.9 阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米; 伊朗; 犯罪; 波斯语/阿塞拜疆语 tt0100234 8.2 Abbas Kiarostami; Iran; Biography
17 🎉018 Persona Directed by Ingmar Bergman 1966 Sweden 假面 Persona 1966 1294438 8.8 英格玛·伯格曼; 瑞典; 惊悚; 瑞典语/英语 tt0060827 8.1 Ingmar Bergman; Sweden; Thriller
18 🎉019 Apocalypse Now Directed by Francis Ford Coppola 1979 USA 现代启示录 Apocalypse Now 1979 1292260 8.5 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉; 美国; 战争; 英语 tt0078788 8.4 Francis Ford Coppola; United States; Mystery
19 🎉020 Seven Samurai Directed by Akira Kurosawa 1954 Japan 七武士 七人の侍 1954 1295399 9.3 黑泽明; 日本; 动作; 日语 tt0047478 8.6 Akira Kurosawa; Japan; Action; Japanese
20 🎉021 Late Spring Directed by Yasujirō Ozu 1949 Japan 晚春 晩春 1949 1307265 8.6 小津安二郎; 日本; 家庭; 日语 tt0041154 8.2 Yasujirô Ozu; Japan; Comedy; Japanese
21 🎉021 The Passion of Joan of Arc Directed by Carl Th. Dreyer 1927 France 圣女贞德蒙难记 La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc 1928 1293783 8.7 卡尔·西奥多·德莱叶; 法国; 传记; 法语 tt0019254 8.1 Carl Theodor Dreyer; France; Biography
22 🎉023 Playtime Directed by Jacques Tati 1967 France 玩乐时间 Play Time 1967 1303543 8.8 雅克·塔蒂; 法国/意大利; 喜剧; 法语 tt0062136 7.8 Jacques Tati; France/Italy; Comedy
23 🎉024 Do the Right Thing Directed by Spike Lee 1989 USA 为所应为 Do the Right Thing 1989 1293958 8.2 斯派克·李; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0097216 8 Spike Lee; United States; Comedy
24 🎉025 The Night of the Hunter Directed by Charles Laughton 1955 USA 猎人之夜 The Night of the Hunter 1955 1293582 8.0 查尔斯·劳顿; 美国; 惊悚; 英语 tt0048424 8 Charles Laughton; United States; Crime; English
25 🎉025 Au hasard Balthazar Directed by Robert Bresson 1966 France, Sweden 驴子巴特萨 Au hasard Balthazar 1966 1401619 8.3 罗伯特·布列松; 法国/瑞典; 剧情; 法语/拉丁语 tt0060138 7.7 Robert Bresson; France/Sweden; Drama
26 🎉027 Shoah Directed by Claude Lanzmann 1985 France 浩劫 Shoah 1985 1303328 8.9 克洛德·朗兹曼; 法国; 纪录片; 英语 tt0090015 8.7 Claude Lanzmann; France; Documentary
27 🎉028 Daisies Directed by Věra Chytilová 1966 Czechoslovakia 雏菊 Sedmikrásky 1966 1296500 8.5 维拉·希蒂洛娃; 捷克斯洛伐克; 喜剧; 捷克语 tt0060959 7.3 Vera Chytilová; Czechoslovakia; Comedy; Czech
28 🎉029 Taxi Driver Directed by Martin Scorsese 1976 USA 出租车司机 Taxi Driver 1976 1292222 8.6 马丁·斯科塞斯; 美国; 犯罪; 英语/西班牙语 tt0075314 8.2 Martin Scorsese; United States; Crime
29 🎉030 Portrait of a Lady on Fire Directed by Céline Sciamma 2019 France 燃烧女子的肖像 Portrait de la jeune fille en feu 2019 30257175 8.7 瑟琳·席安玛; 法国; 爱情; 法语/意大利语 tt8613070 8.1 Céline Sciamma; France; Romance
30 🎉031 Directed by Federico Fellini 1963 Italy, France 八部半 8½ 1963 1361276 8.6 费德里科·费里尼; 意大利/法国; 剧情; 意大利语 tt0056801 8 Federico Fellini; Italy/France; Drama
31 🎉031 Psycho Directed by Alfred Hitchcock 1960 USA 惊魂记 Psycho 1960 1293181 9.0 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克; 美国; 悬疑; 英语 tt0054215 8.5 Alfred Hitchcock; United States; Horror; English
32 🎉031 Mirror Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky 1975 USSR 镜子 Зеркало 1975 1299248 9.0 安德烈·塔可夫斯基; 苏联; 传记; 俄语/西班牙语 tt0072443 7.9 Andrei Tarkovsky; Soviet Union; Biography
33 🎉034 L'Atalante Directed by Jean Vigo 1934 France 亚特兰大号 L'Atalante 1934 1299433 8.1 让·维果; 法国; 爱情; 法语 tt0024844 7.7 Jean Vigo; France; Comedy
34 🎉035 Pather Panchali Directed by Satyajit Ray 1955 India 大地之歌 পথের পাঁচালী 1955 1306019 8.9 萨蒂亚吉特·雷伊; 印度; 剧情; 孟加拉语 tt0048473 8.2 Satyajit Ray; India; Drama; Bengali
35 🎉036 M Directed by Fritz Lang 1931 Germany M就是凶手 M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder 1931 1293381 8.2 弗里茨·朗; 德国; 惊悚; 德语 tt0022100 8.3 Fritz Lang; Germany; Crime; German
36 🎉036 City Lights Directed by Charles Chaplin 1931 USA 城市之光 City Lights 1931 1293908 9.3 查理·卓别林; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0021749 8.5 Charles Chaplin; United States; Comedy
37 🎉038 Rear Window Directed by Alfred Hitchcock 1954 USA 后窗 Rear Window 1954 1299080 8.7 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克; 美国; 悬疑; 英语 tt0047396 8.5 Alfred Hitchcock; United States; Mystery; English
38 🎉038 À bout de souffle Directed by Jean-Luc Godard 1960 France 精疲力尽 À bout de souffle 1960 1353745 8.4 让-吕克·戈达尔; 法国; 爱情; 法语/英语 tt0053472 7.7 Jean-Luc Godard; France; Crime
39 🎉038 Some Like It Hot Directed by Billy Wilder 1959 USA 热情如火 Some Like It Hot 1959 1292574 8.9 比利·怀尔德; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0053291 8.2 Billy Wilder; United States; Comedy; English
40 🎉041 Rashomon Directed by Akira Kurosawa 1950 Japan 罗生门 羅生門 1950 1291879 8.8 黑泽明; 日本; 悬疑; 日语 tt0042876 8.2 Akira Kurosawa; Japan; Crime; Japanese
41 🎉041 Bicycle Thieves Directed by Vittorio De Sica 1948 Italy 偷自行车的人 Ladri di biciclette 1948 1295873 9.1 维托里奥·德西卡; 意大利; 犯罪; 意大利语 tt0040522 8.3 Vittorio De Sica; Italy; Drama
42 🎉043 Stalker Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky 1979 USSR 潜行者 Сталкер 1979 1295656 8.8 安德烈·塔可夫斯基; 苏联; 科幻; 俄语 tt0079944 8.1 Andrei Tarkovsky; Soviet Union; Sci-Fi; Russian
43 🎉043 Killer of Sheep Directed by Charles Burnett 1977 USA 杀羊人 Killer of Sheep 1978 1303494 7.3 查尔斯·伯内特; 美国; 剧情; 英语 tt0076263 7.2 Charles Burnett; United States; Drama; English
44 🎉045 Barry Lyndon Directed by Stanley Kubrick 1975 USA, United Kingdom 巴里·林登 Barry Lyndon 1975 1292472 8.8 斯坦利·库布里克; 英国/美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0072684 8.1 Stanley Kubrick; United Kingdom/United States; Adventure
45 🎉045 North by Northwest Directed by Alfred Hitchcock 1959 USA 西北偏北 North by Northwest 1959 1295872 8.3 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克; 美国; 悬疑; 英语/法语 tt0053125 8.3 Alfred Hitchcock; United States; Action
46 🎉045 The Battle of Algiers Directed by Gillo Pontecorvo 1966 Italy, Algeria 阿尔及尔之战 La battaglia di Algeri 1966 1419005 8.6 吉洛·彭泰科沃; 意大利/阿尔及利亚; 历史; 法语 tt0058946 8.1 Gillo Pontecorvo; Italy/Algeria; War
47 🎉048 Ordet Directed by Carl Th. Dreyer 1955 Denmark 词语 Ordet 1955 1303566 8.4 卡尔·西奥多·德莱叶; 丹麦; 剧情; 丹麦语 tt0048452 8.2 Carl Theodor Dreyer; Denmark; Drama; Danish
48 🎉048 Wanda Directed by Barbara Loden 1970 USA 旺达 Wanda 1970 1855338 8.3 芭芭拉·洛登; 美国; 犯罪; 英语 tt0067961 7.1 Barbara Loden; United States; Crime; English
49 🎉050 The Piano Directed by Jane Campion 1992 Australia, France 钢琴课 The Piano 1993 1293818 8.1 简·坎皮恩; 新西兰; 爱情; 英语 tt0107822 7.5 Jane Campion; Australia; Music
50 🎉050 The 400 Blows Directed by François Truffaut 1959 France 四百击 Les quatre cents coups 1959 1300056 8.9 弗朗索瓦·特吕弗; 法国; 犯罪; 法语/英语 tt0053198 8.1 François Truffaut; France; Crime
51 🎉052 News from Home Directed by Chantal Akerman 1976 France, Belgium 家乡的消息 News from Home 1976 1902009 8.0 香特尔·阿克曼; 法国; 纪录片; 法语 tt0076452 7.3 Chantal Akerman; Belgium; Documentary; French
52 🎉052 Fear Eats the Soul Directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder 1974 Federal Republic of Germany 恐惧吞噬灵魂 Angst essen Seele auf 1974 1294092 8.5 赖纳·维尔纳·法斯宾德; 西德; 爱情; 德语/阿拉伯语 tt0071141 8 Rainer Werner Fassbinder; West Germany; Romance
53 🎉054 The Apartment Directed by Billy Wilder 1960 USA 桃色公寓 The Apartment 1960 1394218 8.8 比利·怀尔德; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0053604 8.3 Billy Wilder; United States; Comedy; English
54 🎉054 Sherlock Jr. Directed by Buster Keaton 1924 USA 福尔摩斯二世 Sherlock Jr. 1924 1303408 9.4 巴斯特·基顿; 美国; 喜剧; 无对白 tt0015324 8.2 Buster Keaton; United States; Action
55 🎉054 Le Mépris Directed by Jean-Luc Godard 1963 France, Italy 蔑视 Le mépris 1963 1303555 7.7 让-吕克·戈达尔; 法国/意大利; 爱情; 法语 tt0057345 7.4 Jean-Luc Godard; France/Italy; Romance
56 🎉054 Battleship Potemkin Directed by Sergei M. Eisenstein 1925 USSR 战舰波将金号 Броненосец Потёмкин 1925 1293492 8.7 谢尔盖·爱森斯坦; 苏联; 历史; 无对白 tt0015648 7.9 Sergei Eisenstein; Soviet Union; History
57 🎉054 Blade Runner Directed by Ridley Scott 1982 USA, Hong Kong 银翼杀手 Blade Runner 1982 1291839 8.6 雷德利·斯科特; 美国; 科幻; 英语 tt0083658 8.1 Ridley Scott; United States/United Kingdom; Action
58 🎉059 Sans Soleil Directed by Chris Marker 1982 France 日月无光 Sans soleil 1983 1401901 8.5 克里斯·马克; 法国; 纪录片; 法语 tt0084628 7.8 Chris Marker; France; Documentary
59 🎉060 Daughters of the Dust Directed by Julie Dash 1991 USA 大地的女儿 Daughters of the Dust 1991 1890283 7.4 茱莉·黛许; 美国/英国; 爱情; 英语 tt0104057 6.6 Julie Dash; United States/Germany; History
60 🎉060 La dolce vita Directed by Federico Fellini 1960 Italy, France 甜蜜的生活 La dolce vita 1960 1293271 8.6 费德里科·费里尼; 意大利/法国; 喜剧; 意大利语 tt0053779 8 Federico Fellini; Italy/France; Comedy
61 🎉060 Moonlight Directed by Barry Jenkins 2016 USA 月光男孩 Moonlight 2016 26648249 7.4 巴里·詹金斯; 美国; 同性; 英语 tt4975722 7.4 Barry Jenkins; United States; Drama; English
62 🎉063 The Third Man Directed by Carol Reed 1949 United Kingdom 第三人 The Third Man 1949 1295451 8.2 卡罗尔·里德; 英国; 悬疑; 英语 tt0041959 8.1 Carol Reed; United Kingdom/United States; Film-Noir
63 🎉063 GoodFellas Directed by Martin Scorsese 1990 USA 好家伙 GoodFellas 1990 1292268 8.5 马丁·斯科塞斯; 美国; 传记; 英语/意大利语 tt0099685 8.7 Martin Scorsese; United States; Biography
64 🎉063 Casablanca Directed by Michael Curtiz 1942 USA 卡萨布兰卡 Casablanca 1942 1296753 8.7 迈克尔·柯蒂兹; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0034583 8.5 Michael Curtiz; United States; Romance
65 🎉066 Touki Bouki Directed by Djibril Diop Mambéty 1973 Senegal 土狼之旅 Touki Bouki 1973 1424576 7.6 吉布里尔·迪奥普·曼贝蒂; 塞内加尔; 剧情; 沃洛夫语 tt0070820 7 Djibril Diop Mambéty; Senegal; Drama
66 🎉067 The Red Shoes Directed by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger 1948 United Kingdom 红菱艳 The Red Shoes 1948 1299204 8.2 迈克尔·鲍威尔/埃默里克·普雷斯伯格; 英国; 爱情; 英语 tt0040725 8.1 United Kingdom; Music
67 🎉067 Metropolis Directed by Fritz Lang 1927 Germany 大都会 Metropolis 1927 1298107 9.1 弗里茨·朗; 德国; 科幻; 无对白 tt0017136 8.3 Fritz Lang; Germany; Sci-Fi
68 🎉067 Andrei Rublev Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky 1966 USSR 安德烈·卢布廖夫 Андрей Рублёв 1966 1298248 9.0 安德烈·塔可夫斯基; 苏联; 传记; 俄语 tt0060107 8 Andrei Tarkovsky; Soviet Union; Biography
69 🎉067 La Jetée Directed by Chris Marker 1962 France 堤 La jetée 1962 1306626 9.0 克里斯·马克; 法国; 爱情; 法语/德语 tt0056119 8.2 Chris Marker; France; Short
70 🎉067 The Gleaners and I Directed by Agnès Varda 2000 France 拾穗者 Les glaneurs et la glaneuse 2000 1301279 9.1 阿涅斯·瓦尔达; 法国; 纪录片; 法语 tt0247380 7.7 Agnès Varda; France; Documentary; French
71 🎉072 L'avventura Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni 1960 Italy, France 奇遇 L'avventura 1960 1389923 8.2 米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼; 意大利/法国; 悬疑; 意大利语 tt0053619 7.7 Michelangelo Antonioni; Italy/France; Mystery
72 🎉072 Journey to Italy Directed by Roberto Rossellini 1954 Italy, France 游览意大利 Viaggio in Italia 1954 1303576 7.8 罗伯托·罗西里尼; 法国/意大利; 剧情; 英语/意大利语 tt0046511 7.3 Roberto Rossellini; Italy/France; Romance
73 🎉072 My Neighbour Totoro Directed by Hayao Miyazaki 1988 Japan 龙猫 となりのトトロ 1988 1291560 9.2 宫崎骏; 日本; 动画; 日语 tt0096283 8.1 Hayao Miyazaki; Japan; Animation; Japanese
74 🎉075 Spirited Away Directed by Hayao Miyazaki 2001 Japan 千与千寻 千と千尋の神隠し 2001 1291561 9.4 宫崎骏; 日本; 动画; 日语 tt0245429 8.6 Hayao Miyazaki; Japan; Animation
75 🎉075 Sansho the Bailiff Directed by Kenji Mizoguchi 1954 Japan 山椒大夫 1954 1303573 8.1 沟口健二; 日本; 剧情; 日语 tt0047445 8.4 Kenji Mizoguchi; Japan; Drama; Japanese
76 🎉075 Imitation of Life Directed by Douglas Sirk 1959 USA 春风秋雨 Imitation of Life 1959 1294625 7.9 道格拉斯·塞克; 美国; 剧情; 英语 tt0052918 7.8 Douglas Sirk; United States; Drama; English
77 🎉078 Histoire(s) du Cinéma Directed by Jean-Luc Godard 1988 France, Switzerland Histoire(s) du cinéma 1989 tt6677224 7.2 France/Switzerland; Documentary; French
78 🎉078 A Matter of Life and Death Directed by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger 1946 United Kingdom 平步青云 A Matter of Life and Death 1946 1299411 7.7 迈克尔·鲍威尔/埃默里克·普雷斯伯格; 英国; 爱情; 英语/法语 tt0038733 8 United Kingdom; Fantasy
79 🎉078 Modern Times Directed by Charles Chaplin 1936 USA 摩登时代 Modern Times 1936 1294371 9.3 查理·卓别林; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0027977 8.5 Charles Chaplin; United States; Comedy; English
80 🎉078 Sunset Blvd. Directed by Billy Wilder 1950 USA 日落大道 Sunset Blvd. 1950 1298733 8.8 比利·怀尔德; 美国; 黑色电影; 英语 tt0043014 8.4 Billy Wilder; United States; Film-Noir; English
81 🎉078 Céline and Julie Go Boating Directed by Jacques Rivette 1974 France 塞琳和朱莉出航记 Céline et Julie vont en bateau 1974 1418141 8.4 雅克·里维特; 法国; 喜剧; 法语 tt0071381 7.2 Jacques Rivette; France; Comedy; French
82 🎉078 A Brighter Summer Day Directed by Edward Yang 1991 Taiwan 牯岭街少年杀人事件 牯嶺街少年殺人事件 1991 1292329 8.9 杨德昌; 中国台湾; 犯罪; 汉语普通话 tt0101985 8.2 Edward Yang; Taiwan; Crime
83 🎉078 Sátántangó Directed by Béla Tarr 1994 Hungary, Germany, Switzerland 撒旦探戈 Sátántangó 1994 1422088 8.9 贝拉·塔尔; 匈牙利; 悬疑; 匈牙利语 tt0111341 8.2 Béla Tarr; Hungary; Drama; Hungarian
84 🎉085 Blue Velvet Directed by David Lynch 1986 USA Blue Velvet 1986 tt0090756 7.7 David Lynch; United States; Crime; English
85 🎉085 The Spirit of the Beehive Directed by Víctor Erice 1973 Spain 蜂巢幽灵 El espíritu de la colmena 1973 1401900 8.5 维克多·艾里斯; 西班牙; 剧情; 西班牙语 tt0070040 7.8 Víctor Erice; Spain; Fantasy; Spanish
86 🎉085 Pierrot le fou Directed by Jean-Luc Godard 1965 France, Italy 狂人皮埃罗 Pierrot le fou 1965 1292533 8.4 让-吕克·戈达尔; 法国/意大利; 爱情; 法语 tt0059592 7.4 Jean-Luc Godard; France/Italy; Crime
87 🎉088 The Shining Directed by Stanley Kubrick 1980 USA, United Kingdom 闪灵 The Shining 1980 1292225 8.3 斯坦利·库布里克; 英国/美国; 恐怖; 英语 tt0081505 8.4 Stanley Kubrick; United Kingdom/United States; Horror; English
88 🎉088 CHUNGKING EXPRESS Directed by Wong Kar Wai 1994 Hong Kong 重庆森林 重慶森林 1994 1291999 8.8 王家卫; 中国香港; 爱情; 粤语 tt0109424 8 Kar-Wai Wong; Hong Kong; Comedy
89 🎉090 Parasite Directed by Bong Joon-ho 2019 Republic of Korea 寄生虫 기생충 2019 27010768 8.8 奉俊昊; 韩国; 剧情; 韩语/英语 tt6751668 8.5 Bong Joon Ho; South Korea; Thriller
90 🎉090 Yi Yi Directed by Edward Yang 1999 Taiwan, Japan 一一 2000 1292434 9.1 杨德昌; 中国台湾/日本; 爱情; 汉语普通话 tt0244316 8.1 Edward Yang; Taiwan/Japan; Romance
91 🎉090 Ugetsu Monogatari Directed by Kenji Mizoguchi 1953 Japan 雨月物语 雨月物語 1953 1303577 8.6 沟口健二; 日本; 战争; 日语 tt0046478 8.2 Kenji Mizoguchi; Japan; Fantasy; Japanese
92 🎉090 The Leopard Directed by Luchino Visconti 1963 Italy, France 豹 Il gattopardo 1963 1293146 8.7 卢基诺·维斯康蒂; 意大利/法国; 爱情; 意大利语/拉丁语 tt0057091 7.9 Luchino Visconti; Italy/France; History
93 🎉090 Madame de... Directed by Max Ophuls 1953 France, Italy 伯爵夫人的耳环 Madame de... 1953 1301122 8.1 马克斯·奥菲尔斯; 法国/意大利; 爱情; 法语 tt0046022 7.9 Max Ophüls; France/Italy; Romance
94 🎉095 Once upon a Time in the West Directed by Sergio Leone 1968 Italy, USA 西部往事 C'era una volta il West 1968 1293394 8.7 赛尔乔·莱昂内; 意大利/美国; 犯罪; 英语 tt0064116 8.5 Sergio Leone; Italy/United States; Western
95 🎉095 A Man Escaped Directed by Robert Bresson 1956 France 死囚越狱 Un Condamné à mort s'est échappé 1956 1303562 8.5 罗伯特·布列松; 法国; 惊悚; 法语/德语 tt0049902 8.2 Robert Bresson; France; Thriller
96 🎉095 The General Directed by Buster Keaton, Clyde Bruckman 1926 USA 将军号 The General 1926 1292778 9.1 巴斯特·基顿/克莱德·布鲁克曼; 美国; 喜剧; 无对白 tt0017925 8.1 United States; Action; None
97 🎉095 Black Girl Directed by Ousmane Sembène 1965 Senegal, France 黑女孩 La Noire de... 1966 2060678 7.3 乌斯曼·塞姆班; 塞内加尔/法国; 剧情; 法语 tt0060758 7.4 Ousmane Sembene; Senegal/France; Drama; French
98 🎉095 Tropical Malady Directed by Apichatpong Weerasethakul 2004 France, Thailand, Germany, Italy, Switzerland 热带疾病 สัตว์ประหลาด 2004 1414808 8.0 阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古; 泰国; 爱情; 泰语 tt0381668 7.1 Apichatpong Weerasethakul; Thailand; Fantasy; Thai
99 🎉095 Get Out Directed by Jordan Peele 2017 USA, Japan 逃出绝命镇 Get Out 2017 26688480 7.8 乔丹·皮尔; 美国; 悬疑; 英语 tt5052448 7.8 Jordan Peele; United States/Japan; Horror
100 🎉101 Vagabond Directed by Agnès Varda 1985 France, United Kingdom 天涯沦落女 Sans toit ni loi 1985 1292445 8.3 阿涅斯·瓦尔达; 法国; 剧情; 法语 tt0089960 7.6 Agnès Varda; France; Drama
101 🎉101 The House Is Black Directed by Forough Farokhzad 1962 Iran 房屋是黑的 خانه سیاه است 1963 1499492 8.8 芙茹弗·法洛克扎德; 伊朗; 纪录片; 波斯语 tt0336693 7.8 Forugh Farrokhzad; Iran; Documentary; Persian
102 🎉101 Rio Bravo Directed by Howard Hawks 1958 USA 赤胆屠龙 Rio Bravo 1959 1298497 8.1 霍华德·霍克斯; 美国; 喜剧; 英语/西班牙语 tt0053221 8 Howard Hawks; United States; Western
103 🎉104 The Godfather Part II Directed by Francis Ford Coppola 1974 USA 教父2 The Godfather: Part II 1974 1299131 9.3 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉; 美国; 犯罪; 英语 tt0071562 9 Francis Ford Coppola; United States; Crime
104 🎉104 Jaws Directed by Steven Spielberg 1975 USA 大白鲨 Jaws 1975 1294941 7.8 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格; 美国; 惊悚; 英语 tt0073195 8.1 Steven Spielberg; United States; Adventure; English
105 🎉104 Come and See Directed by Elem Klimov 1985 USSR 自己去看 Иди и смотри 1985 1422186 8.7 依莱姆·克里莫夫; 苏联; 战争; 白俄罗斯语 tt0091251 8.4 Elem Klimov; Soviet Union; Thriller
106 🎉104 La Maman et la Putain Directed by Jean Eustache 1973 France 母亲与娼妓 La Maman et la Putain 1973 1295252 7.9 让·厄斯塔什; 法国; 剧情; 法语 tt0070359 7.8 Jean Eustache; France; Romance; French
107 🎉108 Bringing Up Baby Directed by Howard Hawks 1938 USA 育婴奇谭 Bringing Up Baby 1938 1297657 7.3 霍华德·霍克斯; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0029947 7.8 Howard Hawks; United States; Comedy; English
108 🎉108 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Directed by John Ford 1962 USA 双虎屠龙 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 1962 1295134 8.2 约翰·福特; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0056217 8.1 John Ford; United States; Western; English
109 🎉108 Touch of Evil Directed by Orson Welles 1958 USA 历劫佳人 Touch of Evil 1958 1294756 8.0 奥逊·威尔斯; 美国; 惊悚; 英语/西班牙语 tt0052311 8 Orson Welles; United States; Crime
110 🎉108 Wild Strawberries Directed by Ingmar Bergman 1957 Sweden 野草莓 Smultronstället 1957 1293071 8.8 英格玛·伯格曼; 瑞典; 爱情; 瑞典语/拉丁语 tt0050986 8.1 Ingmar Bergman; Sweden; Romance
111 🎉108 The Wizard of Oz Directed by Victor Fleming 1939 USA 绿野仙踪 The Wizard of Oz 1939 1292625 8.2 维克多·弗莱明; 美国; 歌舞; 英语 tt0032138 8.1 United States; Adventure; English
112 🎉108 Goodbye, Dragon Inn Directed by Tsai Ming-liang 2003 Taiwan 不散 2003 1304862 7.8 蔡明亮; 中国台湾; 剧情; 汉语普通话 tt0377556 7.1 Tsai Ming-liang; Taiwan; Comedy
113 🎉114 Don't Look Now Directed by Nicolas Roeg 1973 United Kingdom, Italy 威尼斯疑魂 Don't Look Now 1973 1302294 7.2 尼古拉斯·罗伊格; 英国/意大利; 悬疑; 英语/意大利语 tt0069995 7.1 Nicolas Roeg; United Kingdom/Italy; Horror
114 🎉114 Nashville Directed by Robert Altman 1975 USA 纳什维尔 Nashville 1975 1293037 8.2 罗伯特·奥特曼; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0073440 7.6 Robert Altman; United States; Comedy; English
115 🎉114 A Woman under the Influence Directed by John Cassavetes 1974 USA 醉酒的女人 A Woman Under the Influence 1974 1293525 8.3 约翰·卡萨维蒂; 美国; 爱情; 英语/意大利语 tt0072417 8 John Cassavetes; United States; Romance
116 🎉114 To Be or Not to Be Directed by Ernst Lubitsch 1942 USA 你逃我也逃 To Be or Not to Be 1942 1303418 9.2 恩斯特·刘别谦; 美国; 喜剧; 英语/德语 tt0035446 8.1 Ernst Lubitsch; United States; Comedy
117 🎉118 The Thing Directed by John Carpenter 1982 USA 怪形 The Thing 1982 1296794 8.2 约翰·卡朋特; 美国; 科幻; 英语/挪威语 tt0084787 8.2 John Carpenter; United States/Canada; Horror
118 🎉118 The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Directed by Tobe Hooper 1974 USA 德州电锯杀人狂 The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 1974 1300392 7.2 托比·霍珀; 美国; 惊悚; 英语 tt0072271 7.4 Tobe Hooper; United States; Horror; English
119 🎉118 The Conformist Directed by Bernardo Bertolucci 1970 Italy, France, Federal Republic of Germany 同流者 Il conformista 1970 1300955 8.6 贝纳尔多·贝托鲁奇; 意大利; 剧情; 意大利语 tt0065571 7.9 Bernardo Bertolucci; Italy; Drama
120 🎉118 Aguirre, Wrath of God Directed by Werner Herzog 1972 Federal Republic of Germany 阿基尔,上帝的愤怒 Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes 1972 1306002 8.3 沃纳·赫尔佐格; 西德/墨西哥; 传记; 德语 tt0068182 7.8 Werner Herzog; West Germany/Mexico; Action
121 🎉122 Only Angels Have Wings Directed by Howard Hawks 1939 USA 天使之翼 Only Angels Have Wings 1939 1300712 7.6 霍华德·霍克斯; 美国; 爱情; 英语/西班牙语 tt0031762 7.6 Howard Hawks; United States; Adventure
122 🎉122 The Umbrellas of Cherbourg Directed by Jacques Demy 1964 France, Federal Republic of Germany 瑟堡的雨伞 Les parapluies de Cherbourg 1964 1301646 7.8 雅克·德米; 法国/西德; 爱情; 法语 tt0058450 7.8 Jacques Demy; France/West Germany; Musical
123 🎉122 Johnny Guitar Directed by Nicholas Ray 1954 USA 荒漠怪客 Johnny Guitar 1954 1303575 7.8 尼古拉斯·雷; 美国; 西部; 英语 tt0047136 7.6 Nicholas Ray; United States; Western; English
124 🎉122 The Colour of Pomegranates Directed by Sergei Paradjanov 1968 USSR 石榴的颜色 Նռան գույնը 1969 1303542 8.7 谢尔盖·帕拉杰诺夫; 苏联; 传记; 亚美尼亚语 tt0063555 7.6 Sergei Parajanov; Soviet Union; Biography
125 🎉122 The Matrix Directed by The Wachowskis 1999 USA, Australia 黑客帝国 The Matrix 1999 1291843 9.1 莉莉·沃卓斯基/拉娜·沃卓斯基; 美国; 动作; 英语 tt0133093 8.7 United States/Australia; Action; English
126 🎉122 There Will Be Blood Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson 2007 USA 血色将至 There Will Be Blood 2007 1945780 8.4 保罗·托马斯·安德森; 美国; 剧情; 英语/美国手语 tt0469494 8.2 Paul Thomas Anderson; United States; Drama
127 🎉128 The Ascent Directed by Larissa Shepitko 1976 USSR 上升 Восхождение 1977 1303255 8.1 拉莉萨·舍皮琴科; 苏联; 战争; 俄语/德语 tt0075404 8.2 Larisa Shepitko; Soviet Union; War
128 🎉129 Pulp Fiction Directed by Quentin Tarantino 1994 USA 低俗小说 Pulp Fiction 1994 1291832 8.9 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0110912 8.9 Quentin Tarantino; United States; Crime
129 🎉129 Raging Bull Directed by Martin Scorsese 1980 USA 愤怒的公牛 Raging Bull 1980 1293155 8.4 马丁·斯科塞斯; 美国; 传记; 英语 tt0081398 8.1 Martin Scorsese; United States; Biography; English
130 🎉129 His Girl Friday Directed by Howard Hawks 1939 USA 女友礼拜五 His Girl Friday 1940 1299231 7.7 霍华德·霍克斯; 美国; 喜剧; 英语/法语 tt0032599 7.8 Howard Hawks; United States; Comedy
131 🎉129 Fanny and Alexander Directed by Ingmar Bergman 1982 Sweden, France, Federal Republic of Germany 芬妮与亚历山大 Fanny och Alexander 1982 1292784 8.7 英格玛·伯格曼; 法国; 剧情; 瑞典语 tt0083922 8.1 Ingmar Bergman; Sweden; Drama
132 🎉133 It's a Wonderful Life Directed by Frank Capra 1947 USA 生活多美好 It's a Wonderful Life 1946 1293749 9.3 弗兰克·卡普拉; 美国; 爱情; 英语/法语 tt0038650 8.6 Frank Capra; United States; Family
133 🎉133 Notorious Directed by Alfred Hitchcock 1946 USA 美人计 Notorious 1946 1300766 7.7 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0038787 7.9 Alfred Hitchcock; United States; Film-Noir
134 🎉133 Lawrence of Arabia Directed by David Lean 1962 United Kingdom 阿拉伯的劳伦斯 Lawrence of Arabia 1962 1292349 8.7 大卫·里恩; 英国; 传记; 英语 tt0056172 8.3 David Lean; United Kingdom; Adventure
135 🎉136 Gertrud Directed by Carl Th. Dreyer 1964 Denmark 葛楚 Gertrud 1964 1420116 8.1 卡尔·西奥多·德莱叶; 丹麦; 剧情; 丹麦语 tt0058138 7.3 Carl Theodor Dreyer; Denmark; Romance; Danish
136 🎉136 All That Heaven Allows Directed by Douglas Sirk 1955 USA 深锁春光一院愁 All That Heaven Allows 1955 1303345 7.5 道格拉斯·塞克; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0047811 7.6 Douglas Sirk; United States; Romance; English
137 🎉136 Partie de campagne Directed by Jean Renoir 1936 France 天堂的孩子 Les enfants du paradis 1945 1300375 8.5 马塞尔·卡尔内; 法国; 爱情; 法语 tt0037674 8.3 Marcel Carné; France; Romance; French
138 🎉136 Pickpocket Directed by Robert Bresson 1959 France 扒手 Pickpocket 1959 1303559 8.3 罗伯特·布列松; 法国; 犯罪; 法语 tt0053168 7.6 Robert Bresson; France; Crime; French
139 🎉136 The Seventh Seal Directed by Ingmar Bergman 1957 Sweden 第七封印 Det sjunde inseglet 1957 1293234 8.5 英格玛·伯格曼; 瑞典; 奇幻; 瑞典语/拉丁语 tt0050976 8.1 Ingmar Bergman; Sweden; Fantasy
140 🎉136 Trouble in Paradise Directed by Ernst Lubitsch 1932 USA 天堂里的烦恼 Trouble in Paradise 1932 1294746 8.2 恩斯特·刘别谦; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0023622 7.9 Ernst Lubitsch; United States; Comedy
141 🎉136 Sambizanga Directed by Sarah Maldoror 1972 Angola, France, Congo 桑比赞加 Sambizanga 1973 4729942 0.0 莎拉·马尔多罗; 安哥拉/法国; 剧情; 葡萄牙语 tt0069214 7 Sarah Maldoror; Angola/France; Drama
142 🎉136 The Wild Bunch Directed by Sam Peckinpah 1969 USA 日落黄沙 The Wild Bunch 1969 1296963 8.3 萨姆·佩金帕; 美国; 动作; 英语 tt0065214 7.9 Sam Peckinpah; United States; Action
143 🎉136 Les Enfants du paradis Directed by Marcel Carné 1945 France 乡间一日 Une Partie de Campagne 1946 1401585 7.9 让·雷诺阿; 法国; 喜剧; 法语 tt0028445 7.5 Jean Renoir; France; Short; French
144 🎉136 La ciénaga Directed by Lucrecia Martel 2001 Argentina, USA, Japan, France, Switzerland, Spain, Brazil 沼泽 La Ciénaga 2001 1420225 7.9 卢奎西亚·马特尔; 阿根廷; 剧情; 西班牙语 tt0240419 7.1 Lucrecia Martel; Argentina; Comedy; Spanish
145 🎉146 Chinatown Directed by Roman Polanski 1974 USA 唐人街 Chinatown 1974 1293889 8.4 罗曼·波兰斯基; 美国; 悬疑; 英语 tt0071315 8.1 Roman Polanski; United States; Mystery
146 🎉146 La Grande Illusion Directed by Jean Renoir 1937 France 大幻影 La grande illusion 1937 1294808 8.4 让·雷诺阿; 法国; 战争; 法语 tt0028950 8.1 Jean Renoir; France; War
147 🎉146 India Song Directed by Marguerite Duras 1975 France 印度之歌 India Song 1975 1298347 7.5 玛格丽特·杜拉斯; 法国; 爱情; 法语 tt0073166 6.1 Marguerite Duras; France; Fantasy; French
148 🎉146 Alien Directed by Ridley Scott 1979 USA, United Kingdom 异形 Alien 1979 1300868 8.3 雷德利·斯科特; 英国/美国; 科幻; 英语 tt0078748 8.5 Ridley Scott; United Kingdom/United States; Horror; English
149 🎉146 Vampyr Directed by Carl Th. Dreyer 1932 Germany, France 吸血鬼 Vampyr 1932 1300749 7.8 卡尔·西奥多·德莱叶; 德国/法国; 恐怖; 德语 tt0023649 7.4 Carl Theodor Dreyer; Germany/France; Fantasy; German
150 🎉146 The Watermelon Woman Directed by Cheryl Dunye 1997 USA 寻找西瓜女 The Watermelon Woman 1997 1304762 7.9 谢丽尔·邓耶; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0118125 7.1 Cheryl Dunye; United States; Comedy; English
151 🎉152 Le Bonheur Directed by Agnès Varda 1965 France 幸福 Le bonheur 1965 1483516 8.3 阿涅斯·瓦尔达; 法国; 爱情; 法语 tt0058985 7.6 Agnès Varda; France; Romance; French
152 🎉152 Meghe Dhaka Tara Directed by Ritwik Ghatak 1960 India 云遮星 মেঘে ঢাকা তারা 1960 1460605 7.8 李维克·伽塔克; 印度; 剧情; 孟加拉语 tt0054073 7.8 Ritwik Ghatak; India; Drama
153 🎉152 Days of Heaven Directed by Terrence Malick 1978 USA 天堂之日 Days of Heaven 1978 1293232 7.9 泰伦斯·马力克; 美国; 爱情; 英语/意大利语 tt0077405 7.7 Terrence Malick; United States; Romance
154 🎉152 West Indies: The Fugitive Slaves of Liberty Directed by Med Hondo 1979 France, Mauritania 西印度群岛 West Indies 1979 25774676 0.0 梅德·翁多; 法国; 剧情; 法语 tt0080125 7.2 Med Hondo; France; Musical; French
155 🎉152 Twin Peaks: The Return Directed by David Lynch 2017 USA 双峰 第三季 Twin Peaks Season 3 2017 26088510 8.9 大卫·林奇; 美国; 悬疑; 英语 tt4093826 8.5 United States; Crime
156 🎉157 Los olvidados Directed by Luis Buñuel 1950 Mexico 被遗忘的人们 Los Olvidados 1950 1303579 8.3 路易斯·布努埃尔; 墨西哥; 犯罪; 西班牙语 tt0042804 8.2 Luis Buñuel; Mexico; Crime; Spanish
157 🎉157 Ikiru Directed by Akira Kurosawa 1952 Japan 生之欲 生きる 1952 1293847 9.3 黑泽明; 日本; 剧情; 日语 tt0044741 8.3 Akira Kurosawa; Japan; Drama
158 🎉157 Out of the Past Directed by Jacques Tourneur 1947 USA 漩涡之外 Out of the Past 1947 1302338 8.1 雅克·特纳; 美国; 惊悚; 英语/美国手语 tt0039689 8 Jacques Tourneur; United States; Crime
159 🎉157 Vivre sa vie Directed by Jean-Luc Godard 1962 France 随心所欲 Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux 1962 1296757 8.5 让-吕克·戈达尔; 法国; 剧情; 法语 tt0056663 7.8 Jean-Luc Godard; France; Drama; French
160 🎉157 Amarcord Directed by Federico Fellini 1972 Italy, France 阿玛柯德 Amarcord 1973 1298672 8.7 费德里科·费里尼; 意大利/法国; 喜剧; 意大利语/古希腊语 tt0071129 7.8 Federico Fellini; Italy/France; Comedy
161 🎉157 Once upon a Time in America Directed by Sergio Leone 1983 USA, Italy 美国往事 Once Upon a Time in America 1984 1292262 9.2 赛尔乔·莱昂内; 美国/意大利; 犯罪; 英语 tt0087843 8.3 Sergio Leone; Italy/United States; Crime
162 🎉157 The Gospel According to St. Matthew Directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini 1964 Italy, France 马太福音 Il vangelo secondo Matteo 1964 1299775 8.4 皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼; 意大利/法国; 传记; 意大利语 tt0058715 7.6 Pier Paolo Pasolini; Italy/France; Biography; Italian
163 🎉157 Where Is the Friend's House? Directed by Abbas Kiarostami 1987 Iran 何处是我朋友的家 خانه دوست کجاست؟‎ 1987 1301897 9.0 阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米; 伊朗; 剧情; 波斯语 tt0093342 8.1 Abbas Kiarostami; Iran; Family; Persian
164 🎉157 All about My Mother Directed by Pedro Almodóvar 1999 Spain, France 关于我母亲的一切 Todo sobre mi madre 1999 1291937 8.6 佩德罗·阿莫多瓦; 西班牙/法国; 剧情; 西班牙语 tt0185125 7.8 Pedro Almodóvar; Spain/France; Comedy
165 🎉157 A City of Sadness Directed by Hou Hsiao-Hsien 1989 Taiwan 悲情城市 1989 1294194 9.0 侯孝贤; 中国台湾; 历史; 闽南语 tt0096908 7.8 Hsiao-Hsien Hou; Taiwan; History
166 🎉157 Orlando Directed by Sally Potter 1992 United Kingdom, Russian Federation, Italy, France, Netherlands 奥兰多 Orlando 1992 1301895 8.3 莎莉·波特; 英国; 爱情; 英语/法语 tt0107756 7.1 Sally Potter; United Kingdom; Biography
167 🎉157 West of the Tracks Directed by Wang Bing 2002 People's Republic of China 铁西区第一部分:工厂 2003 1309215 8.7 王兵; 中国大陆; 纪录片; 汉语普通话 tt0389448 8.2 Wang Bing; China/Netherlands; Documentary; Mandarin
168 🎉169 The Magnificent Ambersons Directed by Orson Welles 1942 USA 伟大的安巴逊 The Magnificent Ambersons 1942 1299214 7.4 奥逊·威尔斯; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0035015 7.6 United States; Romance; English
169 🎉169 Hiroshima mon amour Directed by Alain Resnais 1959 France, Japan 广岛之恋 Hiroshima mon amour 1959 1302050 7.9 阿伦·雷乃; 法国/日本; 爱情; 法语 tt0052893 7.8 Alain Resnais; France/Japan; Romance
170 🎉169 Letter from an Unknown Woman Directed by Max Ophuls 1948 USA 一封陌生女子的来信 Letter from an Unknown Woman 1948 1297228 7.9 马克斯·奥菲尔斯; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0040536 7.9 Max Ophüls; United States; Romance; English
171 🎉169 Charulata Directed by Satyajit Ray 1964 India 孤独的妻子 চারুলতা 1964 1468782 7.9 萨蒂亚吉特·雷伊; 印度; 爱情; 孟加拉语 tt0057935 8.1 Satyajit Ray; India; Romance
172 🎉169 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Directed by Sergio Leone 1966 Italy 黄金三镖客 Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo 1966 1401118 9.2 赛尔乔·莱昂内; 意大利; 西部; 意大利语/英语 tt0060196 8.8 Sergio Leone; Italy; Adventure
173 🎉169 Red Desert Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni 1964 Italy, France 红色沙漠 Il deserto rosso 1964 1299261 8.0 米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼; 意大利/法国; 剧情; 意大利语/土耳其语 tt0058003 7.5 Michelangelo Antonioni; Italy/France; Drama
174 🎉169 Black Narcissus Directed by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger 1947 United Kingdom 黑水仙 Black Narcissus 1947 1292733 7.7 迈克尔·鲍威尔/埃默里克·普雷斯伯格; 英国; 剧情; 英语 tt0039192 7.7 United Kingdom; Drama; English
175 🎉169 Memories of Underdevelopment Directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea 1968 Cuba 低度开发的回忆 Memorias del subdesarrollo 1968 1484154 8.1 托马斯·古铁雷兹·阿莱; 古巴; 剧情; 西班牙语/英语 tt0063291 7.6 Tomás Gutiérrez Alea; Cuba; Drama
176 🎉169 The Exterminating Angel Directed by Luis Buñuel 1962 Mexico 泯灭天使 El ángel exterminador 1962 1303556 8.3 路易斯·布努埃尔; 墨西哥; 喜剧; 西班牙语 tt0056732 8 Luis Buñuel; Mexico; Fantasy; Spanish
177 🎉169 Under the Skin Directed by Jonathan Glazer 2013 United Kingdom, USA, Switzerland 皮囊之下 Under the Skin 2013 3749974 6.3 乔纳森·格雷泽; 英国; 科幻; 英语 tt1441395 6.3 Jonathan Glazer; United Kingdom; Horror; English
178 🎉169 Heat Directed by Michael Mann 1995 USA 盗火线 Heat 1995 1295686 8.5 迈克尔·曼; 美国; 动作; 英语/西班牙语 tt0113277 8.3 Michael Mann; United States; Action
179 🎉169 Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One Directed by William Greaves 1967 USA 共生心理分类学:第1幕 Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One 1968 1876327 7.3 威廉·格雷夫斯; 美国; 纪录片; 英语 tt0296881 7.2 William Greaves; United States; Documentary
180 🎉169 Out 1 Directed by Jacques Rivette 1990 France 出局:禁止接触 Out 1, noli me tangere 1971 1477852 8.3 雅克·里维特/苏珊·席夫曼; 法国; 喜剧; 法语/英语 tt0246135 7.5 France; Mystery
181 🎉169 Un chien andalou Directed by Luis Buñuel 1928 France 一条安达鲁狗 Un chien andalou 1929 1298962 8.2 路易斯·布努埃尔; 法国; 短片; 法语 tt0020530 7.6 Luis Buñuel; France; Short; French
182 🎉169 L'Argent Directed by Robert Bresson 1983 France, Switzerland 钱 L'argent 1983 1303536 8.3 罗伯特·布列松; 法国/瑞士; 犯罪; 法语/拉丁语 tt0085180 7.4 Robert Bresson; France/Switzerland; Crime
183 🎉169 Last Year at Marienbad Directed by Alain Resnais 1961 France, Italy 去年在马里昂巴德 L'année dernière à Marienbad 1961 1400240 8.3 阿伦·雷乃; 法国/意大利; 爱情; 法语 tt0054632 7.6 Alain Resnais; France/Italy; Mystery; French
184 🎉185 Paris, Texas Directed by Wim Wenders 1984 Federal Republic of Germany, France, United Kingdom 德州巴黎 Paris, Texas 1984 1302061 8.5 维姆·文德斯; 西德; 剧情; 英语/西班牙语 tt0087884 8.1 Wim Wenders; West Germany; Drama
185 🎉185 Les Demoiselles de Rochefort Directed by Jacques Demy 1967 France 柳媚花娇 Les Demoiselles de Rochefort 1967 1301648 8.0 雅克·德米; 法国; 喜剧; 法语/英语 tt0062873 7.7 Jacques Demy; France; Comedy
186 🎉185 The Birds Directed by Alfred Hitchcock 1963 USA 群鸟 The Birds 1963 1310175 8.1 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克; 美国; 悬疑; 英语 tt0056869 7.6 Alfred Hitchcock; United States; Horror
187 🎉185 The River Directed by Jean Renoir 1951 USA 大河 The River 1951 1416677 7.6 让·雷诺阿; 法国; 爱情; 英语/孟加拉语 tt0043972 7.4 Jean Renoir; France; Romance
188 🎉185 An Autumn Afternoon Directed by Yasujirō Ozu 1962 Japan 秋刀鱼之味 秋刀魚の味 1962 1294433 8.7 小津安二郎; 日本; 家庭; 日语 tt0056444 8 Yasujirô Ozu; Japan; Drama; Japanese
189 🎉185 Love Streams Directed by John Cassavetes 1984 USA 爱的激流 Love Streams 1984 1303532 8.2 约翰·卡萨维蒂; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0087644 7.6 John Cassavetes; United States; Drama
190 🎉185 Greed Directed by Erich von Stroheim 1923 USA 贪婪 Greed 1924 1301923 8.0 埃里克·冯·施特罗海姆; 美国; 剧情; 英语 tt0015881 8 Erich von Stroheim; United States; Thriller
191 🎉185 Ran Directed by Akira Kurosawa 1985 France, Japan 1985 1296196 8.9 黑泽明; 日本/法国; 动作; 日语 tt0089881 8.2 Akira Kurosawa; Japan/France; Action; Japanese
192 🎉185 Pyaasa Directed by Guru Dutt 1957 India 诗人悲歌 Pyaasa 1957 1861216 7.9 古鲁·杜特; 印度; 爱情; 北印度语 tt0050870 8.3 Guru Dutt; India; Musical; Hindi
193 🎉185 Wings of Desire Directed by Wim Wenders 1987 Federal Republic of Germany, France 柏林苍穹下 Der Himmel über Berlin 1987 1292504 8.6 维姆·文德斯; 西德/法国; 爱情; 德语 tt0093191 7.9 Wim Wenders; West Germany/France; Fantasy
194 🎉185 Magnolia Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson 1999 USA 木兰花 Magnolia 1999 1293564 8.2 保罗·托马斯·安德森; 美国; 剧情; 英语 tt0175880 8 Paul Thomas Anderson; United States; Drama
195 🎉196 The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp Directed by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger 1943 United Kingdom 百战将军 The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp 1943 1299816 7.7 迈克尔·鲍威尔/埃默里克·普雷斯伯格; 英国; 爱情; 英语 tt0036112 8 United Kingdom; Romance
196 🎉196 Wavelength Directed by Michael Snow 1967 Canada 波长 Wavelength 1967 1296621 7.1 迈克尔·斯诺; 加拿大/美国; 短片; 英语 tt0127354 5.4 Michael Snow; Canada/United States; Short; English
197 🎉196 I Know Where I’m Going! Directed by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger 1945 United Kingdom 我走我路 I Know Where I'm Going! 1945 1308333 7.0 迈克尔·鲍威尔/埃默里克·普雷斯伯格; 英国; 爱情; 英语/苏格兰盖立语 tt0037800 7.4 United Kingdom; Romance
198 🎉196 L' eclisse Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni 1962 Italy, France 蚀 L'eclisse 1962 1293105 8.4 米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼; 意大利/法国; 爱情; 意大利语/英语 tt0056736 7.7 Michelangelo Antonioni; Italy/France; Romance
199 🎉196 Double Indemnity Directed by Billy Wilder 1944 USA 双重赔偿 Double Indemnity 1944 1293226 8.5 比利·怀尔德; 美国; 悬疑; 英语 tt0036775 8.3 Billy Wilder; United States; Crime; English
200 🎉196 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Directed by Stanley Kubrick 1963 United Kingdom, USA 奇爱博士 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 1964 1322848 8.9 斯坦利·库布里克; 美国/英国; 喜剧; 英语/俄语 tt0057012 8.3 Stanley Kubrick; United Kingdom/United States; Comedy
201 🎉196 One Way or Another Directed by Sara Gómez 1977 Cuba 这样或那样 De cierta manera 1978 1902590 7.8 萨拉·戈麦斯; 古巴; 剧情; 西班牙语 tt0075915 7 Sara Gómez; Cuba; Romance; Spanish
202 🎉196 Nosferatu Directed by F.W. Murnau 1922 Germany 诺斯费拉图 Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens 1922 1296791 8.2 F·W·茂瑙; 德国; 恐怖; 无对白 tt0013442 7.9 F.W. Murnau; Germany; Fantasy
203 🎉196 Paisan Directed by Roberto Rossellini 1946 Italy 战火 Paisà 1946 1299257 8.2 罗伯托·罗西里尼; 意大利; 战争; 意大利语 tt0038823 7.6 Roberto Rossellini; Italy; War
204 🎉196 Zama Directed by Lucrecia Martel 2017 Argentina, Brazil, Spain, France, Mexico, Netherlands, Monaco, Portugal, USA, Lebanon, United Kingdom, Dominican Republic 扎马 Zama 2017 24719134 7.2 卢奎西亚·马特尔; 阿根廷; 剧情; 西班牙语 tt3409848 6.7 Lucrecia Martel; Argentina; History
205 🎉196 Mad Max: Fury Road Directed by George Miller 2015 USA, Australia 疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路 Mad Max: Fury Road 2015 3592854 8.7 乔治·米勒; 澳大利亚/美国; 动作; 英语/俄语 tt1392190 8.1 George Miller; Australia/United States; Action
206 🎉196 The Tree of Life Directed by Terrence Malick 2010 USA 生命之树 The Tree of Life 2011 2336735 7.2 泰伦斯·马力克; 美国; 家庭; 英语 tt0478304 6.8 Terrence Malick; United States; Fantasy; English
207 🎉196 Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives Directed by Apichatpong Weerasethakul 2010 Thailand, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands 能召回前世的布米叔叔 ลุงบุญมีระลึกชาติ 2010 4280102 7.4 阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古; 泰国; 奇幻; 泰语 tt1588895 6.7 Apichatpong Weerasethakul; Thailand; Fantasy
208 🎉196 The Headless Woman Directed by Lucrecia Martel 2008 Argentina, Spain, France, Italy 无头的女人 La mujer sin cabeza 2008 3047620 7.2 卢奎西亚·马特尔; 阿根廷; 悬疑; 西班牙语 tt1221141 6.5 Lucrecia Martel; Argentina; Mystery; Spanish
209 🎉196 Paris Is Burning Directed by Jennie Livingston 1990 USA, United Kingdom 巴黎在燃烧 Paris Is Burning 1990 1299344 8.9 詹尼•利文斯通; 美国; 纪录片; 英语 tt0100332 8.2 Jennie Livingston; United Kingdom/United States; Documentary; English
210 🎉211 By the Bluest of Seas Directed by Boris Barnet 1935 USSR 浮于碧海 У самого синего моря 1936 2369090 7.0 鲍里斯·巴尔涅特/S. Mardanin; 苏联; 剧情; 俄语 tt0028436 6.9 Soviet Union; Musical; Russian
211 🎉211 Duck Soup Directed by Leo McCarey 1933 USA 鸭羹 Duck Soup 1933 1298113 7.1 莱奥·麦卡雷; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0023969 7.7 Leo McCarey; United States; Comedy; English
212 🎉211 All about Eve Directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz 1950 USA 彗星美人 All About Eve 1950 1401385 8.7 约瑟夫·L·曼凯维奇; 美国; 剧情; 英语 tt0042192 8.2 Joseph L. Mankiewicz; United States; Drama
213 🎉211 Brief Encounter Directed by David Lean 1945 United Kingdom 相见恨晚 Brief Encounter 1945 1294364 8.0 大卫·里恩; 英国; 爱情; 英语 tt0037558 8 David Lean; United Kingdom; Romance
214 🎉211 Suspiria Directed by Dario Argento 1977 Italy 阴风阵阵 Suspiria 1977 1296332 7.6 达里奥·阿基多; 意大利; 恐怖; 意大利语 tt0076786 7.3 Dario Argento; Italy; Horror
215 🎉211 In a Lonely Place Directed by Nicholas Ray 1950 USA 兰闺艳血 In a Lonely Place 1950 1302923 7.9 尼古拉斯·雷; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0042593 7.9 Nicholas Ray; United States; Film-Noir; English
216 🎉211 The Deer Hunter Directed by Michael Cimino 1978 USA 猎鹿人 The Deer Hunter 1978 1292403 8.3 迈克尔·西米诺; 美国; 战争; 英语 tt0077416 8.1 Michael Cimino; United States/United Kingdom; War
217 🎉211 Army of Shadows Directed by Jean-Pierre Melville 1969 France, Italy 影子部队 L'armée des ombres 1969 1466419 8.6 让-皮埃尔·梅尔维尔; 法国/意大利; 战争; 法语 tt0064040 8.1 Jean-Pierre Melville; France/Italy; War
218 🎉211 Melancholia Directed by Lars von Trier 2011 Denmark, Sweden, France, Germany, Italy 忧郁症 Melancholia 2011 4086853 7.2 拉斯·冯·提尔; 丹麦; 科幻; 英语 tt1527186 7.1 Lars von Trier; Denmark; Sci-Fi; English
219 🎉211 Twenty Years Later Directed by Eduardo Coutinho 1984 Brazil 二十年后 Cabra Marcado Para Morrer 1984 1925768 7.6 爱德华多·库蒂尼奥; 巴西; 纪录片; 葡萄牙语 tt0134402 8.3 Eduardo Coutinho; Brazil; Documentary; Portuguese
220 🎉211 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me Directed by David Lynch 1992 USA 双峰:与火同行 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me 1992 1303472 7.9 大卫·林奇; 法国/美国; 悬疑; 英语/拉丁语 tt0105665 7.3 David Lynch; France/United States; Horror
221 🎉211 Pink Flamingos Directed by John Waters 1972 USA Pink Flamingos 1972 tt0069089 6 John Waters; United States; Comedy; English
222 🎉211 Raiders of the Lost Ark Directed by Steven Spielberg 1981 USA 夺宝奇兵 Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981 1296717 7.9 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格; 美国; 动作; 英语 tt0082971 8.4 Steven Spielberg; United States; Action
223 🎉211 Limite Directed by Mário Peixoto 1931 Brazil 界限 Limite 1931 1925767 7.6 马里奥·皮索托; 巴西; 剧情; 葡萄牙语 tt0022080 7 Mario Peixoto; Brazil; Romance
224 🎉225 Harlan County, USA Directed by Barbara Kopple 1976 USA 美国哈兰县 Harlan County, U.S.A. 1976 1294724 8.7 芭芭拉·卡颇; 美国; 纪录片; 英语 tt0074605 8.2 Barbara Kopple; United States; Documentary; English
225 🎉225 Cries and Whispers Directed by Ingmar Bergman 1972 Sweden 呼喊与细语 Viskningar och rop 1972 1296147 8.6 英格玛·伯格曼; 瑞典; 爱情; 瑞典语 tt0069467 8 Ingmar Bergman; Sweden; Drama
226 🎉225 Star Wars Directed by George Lucas 1977 USA 星球大战 Star Wars 1977 1293838 8.5 乔治·卢卡斯; 美国; 动作; 英语 tt0076759 8.6 George Lucas; United States; Action; English
227 🎉225 Intolerance Directed by D.W. Griffith 1916 USA 党同伐异 Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages 1916 1295287 8.7 大卫·格里菲斯; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0006864 7.7 D.W. Griffith; United States; History; English
228 🎉225 The Hour of the Furnaces Directed by Fernando Solanas 1968 Argentina 燃火的时刻 La hora de los hornos Notas y testimonios sobre el neocolonialismo, la violencia y la liberación 1968 2245725 8.7 费尔南多·索拉纳斯/奥克塔维奥·赫蒂诺; 阿根廷; 纪录片; 西班牙语 tt0063084 7.6 Argentina; Documentary
229 🎉225 Europa '51 Directed by Roberto Rossellini 1952 Italy 一九五一年的欧洲 Europa '51 1952 1293321 8.0 罗伯托·罗西里尼; 意大利; 剧情; 意大利语 tt0043511 7.4 Roberto Rossellini; Italy; Drama; Italian
230 🎉225 Napoléon Directed by Abel Gance 1927 France 拿破仑 Napoléon 1927 1401756 8.6 阿贝尔·冈斯; 法国; 传记; 法语 tt0018192 8.2 Abel Gance; France; Biography
231 🎉225 The Crowd Directed by King Vidor 1928 USA 群众 The Crowd 1928 1293273 8.3 金·维多; 美国; 爱情; 英语 tt0018806 8.1 King Vidor; United States; Romance; None
232 🎉225 A Touch of Zen Directed by King Hu 1969 Taiwan 侠女 俠女 1970 1306490 8.6 胡金铨; 中国台湾/中国香港; 动作; 汉语普通话 tt0064451 7.5 King Hu; Taiwan/Hong Kong; Action; Mandarin
233 🎉225 Je, tu, il, elle Directed by Chantal Akerman 1974 Belgium 我你他她 Je, tu, il, elle 1974 1429055 7.8 香特尔·阿克曼; 比利时/法国; 剧情; 法语 tt0071690 6.7 Chantal Akerman; Belgium/France; Drama; French
234 🎉225 Petite maman Directed by Céline Sciamma 2021 France 小妈妈 Petite maman 2021 35225859 8.0 瑟琳·席安玛; 法国; 奇幻; 法语 tt13204490 7.4 Céline Sciamma; France; Fantasy; French
235 🎉225 As I Was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty Directed by Jonas Mekas 2000 USA 当我往前走之时偶尔会瞥到一缕美丽之景 As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty 2000 4117025 8.7 乔纳斯·梅卡斯; 美国; 纪录片; 英语 tt0262240 8.2 Jonas Mekas; United States; Documentary; English
236 🎉225 Flowers of Shanghai Directed by Hou Hsiao-Hsien 1998 Taiwan, Japan 海上花 1998 1303451 8.2 侯孝贤; 中国台湾/日本; 剧情; 粤语/上海话 tt0156587 7.3 Hsiao-Hsien Hou; Taiwan/Japan; Drama
237 🎉225 Happy Together Directed by Wong Kar Wai 1997 Hong Kong 春光乍泄 春光乍洩 1997 1292679 9.0 王家卫; 中国香港; 爱情; 粤语 tt0118845 7.7 Kar-Wai Wong; Hong Kong; Romance
238 🎉225 Crash Directed by David Cronenberg 1996 Canada 欲望号快车 Crash 1996 1292682 7.0 大卫·柯南伯格; 加拿大; 剧情; 英语/瑞典语 tt0115964 6.4 David Cronenberg; United Kingdom; Drama
239 🎉225 Blue Directed by Derek Jarman 1993 United Kingdom, Japan 蓝 Blue 1993 1417428 8.6 德里克·贾曼; 英国/日本; 纪录片; 英语 tt0106438 7.3 Derek Jarman; United Kingdom/Japan; Biography; English
240 🎉225 Grave of the Fireflies Directed by Isao Takahata 1988 Japan 萤火虫之墓 火垂るの墓 1988 1293318 8.7 高畑勋; 日本; 动画; 日语 tt0095327 8.5 Isao Takahata; Japan/United States; Animation; Japanese
241 🎉225 The Green Ray Directed by Eric Rohmer 1986 France 绿光 Le rayon vert 1986 1294039 8.1 埃里克·侯麦; 法国; 爱情; 法语 tt0091830 7.6 Éric Rohmer; France; Romance
242 🎉243 Born in Flames Directed by Lizzie Borden 1983 硝烟中诞生 Born in Flames 1983 1966826 7.6 Lizzie Borden; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0085267 6.5 Lizzie Borden; United States; Comedy
243 🎉243 Pandora's Box Directed by G.W. Pabst 1928 Germany 潘多拉的魔盒 Die Büchse der Pandora 1929 1401368 8.1 G·W·帕布斯特; 德国; 爱情; 德语 tt0018737 7.7 Georg Wilhelm Pabst; Germany; Crime
244 🎉243 Sullivan's Travels Directed by Preston Sturges 1941 USA 苏利文的旅行 Sullivan's Travels 1941 1303416 7.5 普莱斯顿·斯特奇斯; 美国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0034240 7.9 Preston Sturges; United States; Adventure; English
245 🎉243 Annie Hall Directed by Woody Allen 1977 USA 安妮·霍尔 Annie Hall 1977 1296987 8.6 伍迪·艾伦; 美国; 喜剧; 英语/德语 tt0075686 8 Woody Allen; United States; Comedy
246 🎉243 Earth Directed by Alexander Dovzhenko 1930 USSR, Ukraine 大地 Земля 1930 1474748 7.9 亚历山大·杜辅仁科; 苏联; 剧情; 俄语 tt0021571 7.2 Aleksandr Dovzhenko; Soviet Union; Drama
247 🎉243 My Darling Clementine Directed by John Ford 1946 USA 侠骨柔情 My Darling Clementine 1946 1299733 7.8 约翰·福特; 美国; 西部; 英语/西班牙语 tt0038762 7.7 John Ford; United States; Romance
248 🎉243 Mouchette Directed by Robert Bresson 1966 France 穆谢特 Mouchette 1967 1302413 8.4 罗伯特·布列松; 法国; 剧情; 法语 tt0061996 7.7 Robert Bresson; France; Drama; French
249 🎉243 A Clockwork Orange Directed by Stanley Kubrick 1971 USA, United Kingdom 发条橙 A Clockwork Orange 1971 1292233 8.6 斯坦利·库布里克; 英国/美国; 科幻; 英语 tt0066921 8.3 Stanley Kubrick; United Kingdom/United States; Crime; English
250 🎉243 A Canterbury Tale Directed by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger 1944 United Kingdom 夜夜春宵 A Canterbury Tale 1944 1295943 7.3 迈克尔·鲍威尔/埃默里克·普雷斯伯格; 英国; 喜剧; 英语 tt0036695 7.3 United Kingdom; Comedy; English
251 🎉243 Videodrome Directed by David Cronenberg 1983 Canada 录影带谋杀案 Videodrome 1983 1295276 7.4 大卫·柯南伯格; 加拿大; 科幻; 英语 tt0086541 7.2 David Cronenberg; Canada; Horror
252 🎉243 Possession Directed by Andrzej Zulawski 1981 France, Federal Republic of Germany 着魔 Possession 1981 1297203 8.0 安德烈·祖拉斯基; 法国/西德; 恐怖; 英语 tt0082933 7.3 Andrzej Zulawski; France/West Germany; Horror
253 🎉243 Soleil Ô Directed by Med Hondo 1970 France 噢,太阳 Soleil Ô 1973 6030619 7.7 梅德·翁多; 法国/毛里塔尼亚; 剧情; 法语/阿拉伯语 tt0062285 7.3 Med Hondo; France/Mauritania; Drama
254 🎉243 Distant Voices, Still Lives Directed by Terence Davies 1988 United Kingdom, Federal Republic of Germany 远方的声音 Distant Voices, Still Lives 1988 1305878 7.6 特伦斯·戴维斯; 英国; 音乐; 英语 tt0095037 7.4 Terence Davies; United Kingdom/West Germany; Music; English
255 🎉243 Nostalgia for the Light Directed by Patricio Guzmán 2010 France, Germany, Chile, Spain, USA 故乡之光 Nostalgia de la luz 2010 4307515 8.4 帕特里西奥·古斯曼; 法国; 纪录片; 西班牙语/英语 tt1556190 7.6 Patricio Guzmán; France; Documentary
256 🎉243 Syndromes and a Century Directed by Apichatpong Weerasethakul 2006 Thailand, France, Austria, Netherlands 恋爱症候群 แสงศตวรรษ 2006 1857095 7.9 阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古; 泰国; 剧情; 泰语 tt0477731 7.3 Apichatpong Weerasethakul; Thailand; Drama; Thai
257 🎉243 The Intruder Directed by Claire Denis 2004 France, Republic of Korea 入侵者 L'intrus 2004 1440407 7.4 克莱尔·德尼; 法国; 剧情; 法语 tt0422491 6.7 Claire Denis; France; Drama
258 🎉243 Morvern Callar Directed by Lynne Ramsay 2001 United Kingdom, Canada 默文·卡拉 Morvern Callar 2002 1420042 7.6 琳恩·拉姆塞; 英国/加拿大; 剧情; 西班牙语/英语 tt0300214 6.7 Lynne Ramsay; United Kingdom/Canada; Drama
259 🎉243 In Vanda's Room Directed by Pedro Costa 2000 Portugal, Germany, Switzerland 旺妲的房间 No Quarto da Vanda 2000 1829859 8.0 佩德罗·科斯塔; 葡萄牙; 纪录片; 葡萄牙语 tt0139500 7 Pedro Costa; Portugal; Drama; Portuguese
260 🎉243 Werckmeister Harmonies Directed by Béla Tarr 2000 Hungary, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy 鲸鱼马戏团 Werckmeister harmóniák 2000 1416898 8.7 贝拉·塔尔/阿尼亚斯·赫拉尼茨基; 匈牙利; 悬疑; 匈牙利语/斯洛伐克语 tt0249241 8 Hungary; Mystery
261 🎉243 Taste of Cherry Directed by Abbas Kiarostami 1997 Iran 樱桃的滋味 طعم گیلاس 1997 1296177 8.1 阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米; 法国/伊朗; 剧情; 波斯语 tt0120265 7.7 Abbas Kiarostami; Iran/France; Drama; Persian
262 🎉243 The Quince Tree Sun Directed by Víctor Erice 1992 Spain 榅桲树阳光 El sol del membrillo 1992 1401529 8.6 维克多·艾里斯; 西班牙; 纪录片; 西班牙语 tt0105438 7.7 Víctor Erice; Spain; Documentary
263 🎉243 The Last Laugh Directed by F.W. Murnau 1924 Germany 最卑贱的人 Der letzte Mann 1924 1307639 8.7 F·W·茂瑙; 德国; 剧情; 德语 tt0015064 8 F.W. Murnau; Germany; Drama; None







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