Awesome Templates¶
Updated at: 2024-11-25
Popular & New LaTeX Templates¶
Institute | Genre | GitHub Repo | Stars | Forks | UpdatedTime | License | Description |
Tsinghua University 清华大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | tuna/ thuthesis | LaTeX Thesis Template for Tsinghua University | ||||
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mohuangrui/ ucasthesis | LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences | ||||
Shanghai Jiaotong University 上海交通大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | sjtug/ SJTUThesis | 上海交通大学 LaTeX 论文模板 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University LaTeX Thesis Template | ||||
Zhejiang University 浙江大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | TheNetAdmin/ zjuthesis | Zhejiang University Graduation Thesis LaTeX Template | ||||
Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | hithesis/ hithesis | 嗨!thesis!哈尔滨工业大学毕业论文LaTeX模板 | ||||
University of Science and Technology of China 中国科学技术大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ustctug/ ustcthesis | LaTeX template for USTC thesis | ||||
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 电子科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | bdebye/ thesisuestc | ThesisUESTC-电子科技大学毕业论文模板 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | AndreyAkinshin/ Russian-Phd-LaTeX-Dissertation-Template | LaTeX-template for russian Phd thesis | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ElegantLaTeX/ ElegantPaper | Elegant LaTeX Template for Working Papers | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Pseudomanifold/ latex-mimosis | A minimal & modern LaTeX template for your (bachelor's | master's | doctoral) thesis | ||||
Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, BUAA) 北京航空航天大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | BHOSC/ BUAAthesis | 北航毕设论文LaTeX模板 | ||||
Wuhan University 武汉大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | whutug/ whu-thesis | 武汉大学毕业论文 LaTeX 模版 2024 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | derric/ cleanthesis | Clean Thesis is a clean, simple, and elegant LaTeX style (or template) for thesis documents. | ||||
Fudan University 复旦大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | stone-zeng/ fduthesis | LaTeX thesis template for Fudan University | ||||
University of Cambridge (英国)剑桥大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | kks32/ phd-thesis-template | A LaTeX / XeLaTeX / LuaLaTeX PhD thesis template for Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | joaomlourenco/ novathesis | A LaTeX template for academic monographs (e.g., dissertations and thesis). This template serves both beginners and proficient LaTeX users. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | suchow/ Dissertate | Beautiful LaTeX dissertation templates. | ||||
Xidian University 西安电子科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | note286/ xduts | Xidian University TeX Suite 西安电子科技大学LaTeX套装 | ||||
Beijing Institute of Technology 北京理工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | BITNP/ BIThesis | 📖 北京理工大学非官方 LaTeX 模板集合,包含本科、研究生毕业设计模板及更多。 🎉 (更多文档请访问 wiki 和 release 中的手册) | ||||
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 电子科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | shifujun/ UESTCthesis | 电子科技大学毕设设计论文LaTeX模板 | ||||
Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SYSU-SCC/ sysu-thesis | 中山大学 LaTeX 论文项目模板 | ||||
Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, BUAA) 北京航空航天大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | CheckBoxStudio/ BUAAThesis | 北航研究生学位论文模板(Word+LaTeX). | ||||
Peking University 北京大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | CasperVector/ pkuthss | LaTeX template for dissertations in Peking University | ||||
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 北京邮电大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | sheng-qiang/ BUPTBachelorThesis | A LaTeX Template for BUPT Bachelor Thesis (updated in 2018) 北京邮电大学学士学位论文LaTeX模板 | ||||
Nanjing University 南京大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | nju-lug/ NJUThesis | 南京大学学位论文模板 | ||||
Technical University of Munich (德国)慕尼黑工业大学 (Technische Universität München) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | fwalch/ tum-thesis-latex | A LaTeX template for TUM Bachelor/Master theses. | ||||
Nanjing University 南京大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Haixing-Hu/ nju-thesis | 南京大学学位论文XeLaTeX模板 | ||||
Northwestern Polytechnical University 西北工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | NWPUMetaphysicsOffice/ Yet-Another-LaTeX-Template-for-NPU-Thesis | 西北工业大学硕博学位论文模版 | Yet Another Thesis Template for Northwestern Polytechnical University | ||||
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 北京邮电大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | rioxwang/ BUPTGraduateThesis | |||||
Beijing Institute of Technology 北京理工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | BIT-thesis/ LaTeX-template | LaTeX template for BIT thesis | ||||
National Defense University of Science and Technology 国防科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | liubenyuan/ nudtpaper | A LaTeX template for Master/PhD Thesis of NUDT | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | latextemplates/ scientific-thesis-template | LaTeX template for Master, Bachelor, Diploma, and Student Theses | ||||
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 电子科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | tinoryj/ UESTC-Thesis-Latex-Template | UESTC Thesis Latex Template 2023. It fully supports the latest format specification in 2023, supports independent symbol table, abbreviation table, and complete and fully customizable Academic/Professional-Master/PhD covers. | ||||
Nanjing University 南京大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | njuhan/ njuthesis-nju-thesis-template | 南京大学学位论文(本科/硕士/博士),毕业论文LaTeX模板 | ||||
Xidian University 西安电子科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | note286/ xdupgthesis | [停止维护 请使用note286/xduts]西安电子科技大学研究生学位论文XeLaTeX模板 | ||||
Guangzhou University 广州大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | swq123459/ GZHU-Report-Latex-Version | 我自己制作的广州大学Latex报告模板,有毕业设计,课程设计,毕业论文,等等🎈 | ||||
Tongji University 同济大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | marquistj13/ TongjiThesis | 同济大学硕博士论文LaTeX模板 | ||||
South China University of Technology 华南理工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mengchaoheng/ SCUT_thesis | 华南理工大学硕博士学位论文模板(LaTeX)。 Latex templates for the thesis of South China University of Technology | ||||
Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | YangLaTeX/ hitszthesis | A dissertation template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen (HITSZ), including bachelor, master and doctor dissertations. | ||||
National Taiwan University (NTU) 台湾大学(國立臺灣大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | tzhuan/ ntu-thesis | NTU thesis template for XeLaTeX | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | pmichaillat/ latex-paper | Minimalist LaTeX template for academic papers | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Larry955/ Latex-Paper-Templates | Latex-format paper templates, including Elsevier, arXiv and IEEE Access. | ||||
Xi'an Jiaotong University 西安交通大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | obster-y/ XJTU-thesis | 西安交通大学学位论文模板(LaTeX)(适用硕士、博士学位)An official LaTeX template for Xi'an Jiaotong University degree thesis (Chinese and English) | ||||
Southern University of Science and Technology 南方科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | iydon/ sustechthesis | 南方科技大学本科生毕业论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||||
Guangdong University of Technology 广东工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | sikouhjw/ gdutthesis | 广东工业大学 LaTeX 论文模板 | ||||
South China Normal University 华南师范大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | scnu/ scnuthesis | 符合华南师范大学硕士/博士学位论文格式要求的LaTeX模板。 | ||||
Warsaw University of Technology (波兰)华沙工业大学 (Politechnika Warszawska) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ArturB/ WUT-Thesis | LaTeX template for engineer and master thesis for Warsaw University of Technology. | ||||
Xi'an Jiaotong University 西安交通大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Aetf/ xjtuthesis | 使用 LaTeX 排版学位论文!适用于西安交通大学学生 | ||||
University of Cambridge (英国)剑桥大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | cambridge/ thesis | A LaTeX document class that conforms to the Computer Laboratory's PhD thesis formatting guidelines. | ||||
Southern University of Science and Technology 南方科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SUSTech-CRA/ sustech-master-thesis | 南方科技大学研究生学位论文LaTeX模板 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Digital-Media/ HagenbergThesis | Hagenberg LaTeX Thesis Template | ||||
Tongji University 同济大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | TJ-CSCCG/ tongji-undergrad-thesis | 同济大学本科生毕业设计论文模板 | Tongji University Undergraduate Thesis Template | Overleaf / Mac / Linux / Windows / Workshop / Docker | ||||
University of Oxford (英国)牛津大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mcmanigle/ OxThesis | LaTeX template for an Oxford University thesis | ||||
FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management (德国)FOM经济与管理应用科学大学 (FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | andygrunwald/ FOM-LaTeX-Template | A LaTeX template for term paper, bachelor or master thesis for "FOM University of Applied Sciences" | ||||
Southern University of Science and Technology 南方科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SUSTC/ latex-template | 南方科技大学 LaTeX 模板目录 SUSTech LaTeX templates | ||||
Aalborg University (丹麦)奥尔堡大学 (Aalborg Universitet, AAU) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jkjaer/ aauLatexTemplates | A collection of Aalborg University LaTeX-templates | ||||
University College London (UCL) (英国)伦敦大学学院 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | UCL/ ucl-latex-thesis-templates | UCL LaTeX thesis templates. | ||||
Technical University of Munich (德国)慕尼黑工业大学 (Technische Universität München) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | TUM-Dev/ tum-thesis-latex | A LaTeX template for TUM Bachelor/Master theses. | ||||
Xiamen University 厦门大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zoam/ xmu-thesis-grd | 厦门大学研究生学位论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||||
Southeast University 东南大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | TouchFishPioneer/ SEU-master-thesis | 东南大学硕士研究生学位论文LaTeX模板 | ||||
Central South University 中南大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | CSUcse/ CSUthesis | 中南大学研究生学位论文LaTex模版(博士和硕士) | ||||
Southeast University 东南大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Reanon/ SEUThesisLatexTemplate | 东南大学 硕士毕业论文 Latex 模版 网络空间安全学院 | ||||
University of Tehran (伊朗)德黑兰大学 (دانشگاه تهران , UT) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | sinamomken/ tehran-thesis | LaTeX template for BSc/MSc/PhD theses of University of Tehran - قالب لاتک پایاننامه دانشگاه تهران | ||||
Shanghai University 上海大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | shuosc/ SHU-Bachelor-Thesis-OSC | 上海大学本科生毕业论文latex模板-开源社区版本。 | ||||
Huazhong University of Science 华中科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | XinzeZhang/ HUST-PhD-Thesis-Latex | 华中科技大学博士毕业论文Latex模板 | ||||
HeFei University of Technology 合肥工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | HFUTTUG/ HFUT_Thesis | LaTeX Thesis Template for Hefei University of Technology | ||||
Nanjing University 南京大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | nju-lug/ modern-nju-thesis | 南京大学学位论文 Typst 模板 modern-nju-thesis | ||||
Nankai University 南开大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | NewFuture/ NKThesis | 南开大学硕士毕业论文/博士论文模板 (Latex Template for Nankai University) | ||||
Lanzhou University 兰州大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | yuhldr/ LZUThesis2020 | 兰州大学2024毕业论文LaTex模板:本科生、研究生两个模板 | ||||
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (美国)加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | uclathes/ uclathes | UCLA Thesis LaTeX style | ||||
Southeast University 东南大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | wen-fei/ seu-thesis-latex-template | 东南大学毕业论文latex模板 | ||||
National Taiwan University (NTU) 台湾大学(國立臺灣大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mediaic/ NTU_MS_Thesis | National Taiwan University Master's Thesis Template (Latex + Word) | ||||
Tianjin University 天津大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | twtstudio/ TJUThesisLatexTemplate | LaTeX templates for TJU graduate thesis. Originally forked from | ||||
Nagoya University (日本)名古屋大学 (名古屋大学) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | akira-okumura/ MasterThesisTemplate | 修士論文 LaTeX テンプレート|名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所の理学系修士学生用 | ||||
University of British Columbia (加拿大)不列颠哥伦比亚大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | briandealwis/ ubcdiss | A LaTeX template for dissertations at the University of British Columbia | ||||
University of Aveiro (葡萄牙)阿威罗大学 (Universidade de Aveiro) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | detiuaveiro/ ua-thesis-template | 📖 A thesis LaTeX template that complies with the University of Aveiro's guidelines and provides a simple CLI workflow around make and compatibility with Overleaf. | ||||
National Taiwan University (NTU) 台湾大学(國立臺灣大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Hsins/ NTU-Thesis-LaTeX-Template | 🎓 Unofficial LaTeX templates for your graduate thesis (both master's theses and doctoral dissertations) at National Taiwan University . 國立臺灣大學碩博士學位論文 LaTeX 模板 | ||||
Delft University of Technology (荷兰)代尔夫特理工大学 (Technische Universiteit Delft, TU Delft) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Inventitech/ phd-thesis-template | A LaTeX template for creating beautiful PhD theses, originally created by TU Delft. | ||||
National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 台湾成功大学(國立成功大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | wengan-li/ ncku-thesis-template-latex | NCKU Thesis/Dissertation Template in Latex | 台灣國立成功大學碩博士用畢業論文LaTex模板 | ||||
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (挪威)挪威科技大学 (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, NTNU) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | COPCSE-NTNU/ thesis-NTNU | An NTNU thesis LaTeX document class for bachelor, master, and PhD theses | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zarrabi/ thesis-template | A LaTeX template for typesetting theses in Persian | ||||
Sevastopol National Technical University (俄罗斯)塞瓦斯托波尔国立技术大学 (Севастопольський національний технічний університет) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Amet13/ master-thesis | Выпускная квалификационная работа (ВКР) магистра в LaTeX, оформленная в соответствии с нормоконтролем СевГУ в 2017 г. | ||||
Sichuan University 四川大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | fanmcgrady/ SCU-Thesis-LaTeX-Template | 四川大学本科、硕士、博士论文LaTeX模版 | ||||
Nankai University 南开大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Tr0py/ NKU-thesis-template-2020 | 南开大学毕业论文模板 Nankai University Thesis Template | ||||
ShanghaiTech University 上海科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | lirundong/ shtthesis | An unofficial LaTeX thesis template for ShanghaiTech University. | ||||
Southeast University 东南大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SuikaXhq/ seu-bachelor-thesis-2022 | 东南大学本科毕业设计(论文)模版 | ||||
National Technical University of Athens, NTUA (希腊)雅典国家技术大学 (Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | estamos/ NTUA-ECE-Thesis-Template | 📑 LaTeX Thesis Template for School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | National Technical University of Athens | ||||
Dalian Minzu University 大连民族大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | neumason/ DLNU | 大连民族大学研究生学位论文参考Latex和word模版,依据2023学校规范开发的相应Latex和word模板。 | ||||
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) 台湾阳明交通大学(國立陽明交通大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | borting/ nctu-thesis | NCTU Thesis Template in XeLaTeX | ||||
University of California, Irvine (UCI) (美国)加利福尼亚大学欧文分校 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | lotten/ uci-thesis-latex | LaTeX template for thesis and dissertation documents at UC Irvine | ||||
Ocean University of China 中国海洋大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | summitgao/ OUC-LaTex-bachelor | 中国海洋大学本科生毕业论文LaTeX模板(Overleaf版) | ||||
South China University of Technology 华南理工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ShevonKuan/ SCUT-thesis | (更新于2024年) 华南理工大学 LaTeX 论文模板项目,star一下嘛~(☆▽☆),应该是最完善也是最容易使用的华工本科生论文模板了 | ||||
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) 台湾阳明交通大学(國立陽明交通大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | hungys/ nctu-thesis-latex | A LaTeX template for writing thesis in NCTU. | ||||
Shandong University 山东大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Liam0205/ sduthesis | 山东大学学位论文模板 (LaTeX thesis template for Shandong University) | ||||
University of Malta (马耳他)马耳他大学 (L-Università ta' Malta) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jp-um/ university_of_malta_LaTeX_dissertation_template | A modern, highly configurable assignment/project/fyp/dissertation/thesis template. | ||||
University of California, San Diego (UCSD) (美国)加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ucsd-thesis/ ucsd-thesis | |||||
University of Washington (UW) (美国)华盛顿大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | UWIT-IAM/ UWThesis | Class file for University of Washington thesis formatting with LaTeX. | ||||
University of Toronto (加拿大)多伦多大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jessexknight/ ut-thesis | University of Toronto thesis class for LaTeX | ||||
China University of Geosciences 中国地质大学(武汉) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Timozer/ CUGThesis | 中国地质大学(武汉)研究生学位论文 TeX 模板。 目前仍然在开发和完善中,如果有下载并且使用的同学,请时常记得来这里更新模板。 | ||||
Ocean University of China 中国海洋大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | summitgao/ OUC-LaTex-master | 中国海洋大学硕士博士学位论文 LaTeX 模板(Overleaf版) | ||||
University of Hong Kong (UHK) 香港大学(香港大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | monaen/ HKU-Thesis-Template | HKU Thesis Template | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | emersonmello/ modelos-latex | Modelos de documentos em LaTeX para docentes e discentes. Modelo de prova, lista de exercício, apresentação, nota de aula, relatórios e TCC. | ||||
Hunan University 湖南大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | hnuthesis/ hnuthesis | 湖南大学硕士学位论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||||
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) 台湾阳明交通大学(國立陽明交通大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | chiehmin/ nctu-thesis | NCTU thesis | ||||
Southeast University 东南大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | DansYU/ SeuThesiY | 用于排版东南大学硕博学位论文的LaTeX模板 | ||||
Fuzhou University 福州大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | siaimes/ ThesisFZU | 福州大学学位论文模板 全校全年段通用 | ||||
University of Massachusetts (UMass) (美国)马萨诸塞大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | umasscs/ umassthesis | Unofficial UMass thesis style files for use with LaTeX | ||||
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (美国)麻省理工学院 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | kljensen/ mit-phd-thesis | MIT Ph.D. Thesis in LaTeX | ||||
Hong Kong University Of Science And Technology (HUST) 香港科技大学(香港科技大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | fcyu/ HKUST_PhD_MPhil_thesis_Latex | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology PhD/MPhil thesis latex template based on the latest official sample ( | ||||
Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | 1FCENdoge/ SYSUThesis | 中山大学研究生学位论文LaTeX模板(试用) | ||||
East China Normal University 华东师范大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Koyamin/ ECNUThesis-Undergraduate | 华东师范大学 (East China Normal University, ECNU) 本科生学士学位论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||||
Vietnam National University, Hanoi (越南)河内国家大学 (Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | leduyquang753/ uet-graduation-latex | A document class for VNU-UET graduation documents using LaTeX. | ||||
Eötvös Loránd University (匈牙利)罗兰大学 (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, ELTE) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mcserep/ elteikthesis | ELTE FI bachelor and master thesis template. | ||||
Northeastern University 东北大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | sci-m-wang/ NEU-Thesis | 东北大学学位论文LaTex版,可直接导入Overleaf。 LaTex version of Northeastern University's thesis, which can be imported directly into Overleaf. | ||||
Shanghai University 上海大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | BlueFisher/ shuthesis | 上海大学硕博学位论文 LaTeX 模板 Thesis Template for Shanghai University | ||||
Delft University of Technology (荷兰)代尔夫特理工大学 (Technische Universiteit Delft, TU Delft) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | dzwaneveld/ tudelft-report-thesis-template | A LaTeX report/thesis template that aims to simplify and improve the (Xe)LaTeX template provided by the TU Delft. Ready-to-go with its rewritten class file and redesigned cover page. | ||||
Tongji University 同济大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | wyqy/ TongjiThesis_Proto | 同济大学硕博士论文 LaTeX 模板 Tongji-Thesis - 2024 修订 | ||||
Huazhong University of Science 华中科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zfengg/ HUSTtex | A series of TeX templates for undergraduate thesis at HUST. | ||||
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) 台湾阳明交通大学(國立陽明交通大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Po-haoHuang/ nctu-thesis | NCTU thesis template for XeLaTeX | ||||
University of Wisconsin-Madison (美国)威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | willb/ wi-thesis-template | LaTeX dissertation template for the University of Wisconsin--Madison | ||||
Jilin University 吉林大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | maxuewei2/ JLUThesis2020 | 吉林大学硕博学位论文 LaTeX 模板——jluthesis2020 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | rmathsphys/ latex-templates | A handmade collection of latex templates, classes and style files | ||||
Stanford University (美国)斯坦福大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | dcroote/ stanford-thesis-example | Stanford LaTeX thesis template | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | being24/ latex-template-ja | できるだけ簡単にLaTeX環境を構築できるようにするテンプレート | ||||
Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology 桂林电子科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | YanMing-lxb/ GUET_Thesis_LaTeX | 桂林电子科技大学硕博学位论文LATEX模板 | ||||
Wuhan University of Technology 武汉理工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | huangyxi/ WHUT-Bachelor | 武汉理工大学本科生毕业设计(论文) LaTeX 模板 LaTeX Template for Bachelor's Degree Thesis at Wuhan University of Technology (WHUT) | ||||
Chongqing University 重庆大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | neardws/ My-Doctoral-Dissertation | 重庆大学博士学位论文LaTex模版,支持2023年格式要求 | ||||
Colorado State University (美国)科罗拉多州立大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | idfah/ csuthesis | Colorado State University LaTeX Thesis/Dissertation Template | ||||
South China University of Technology 华南理工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | OChicken/ SCUT-Bachelor-Thesis-Template | Latex template for the bachelor graduation thesis of South China University of Technology (SCUT) 华南理工大学 本科毕业论文LaTeX模板 | ||||
Southeast University 东南大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Teddy-van-Jerry/ seuthesis2024b | LaTeX Template of Southeast University Thesis for Class of 2024 Bachelors (东南大学 2024 届本科毕设 LaTeX 模板) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | egraff/ uit-thesis | LaTeX document class for writing theses | ||||
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 北京邮电大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Jimmy-L4/ BUPTGraduateThesis | BUPTGraduateThesis提供北京邮电大学研究生学位论文LaTeX文档类,其符合北邮研究生院2014年11月发布的《关于研究生学位论文格式的统一要求》,目前已根据2017年标准修正格式、添加英文扉页,已根据2023年标准修正格式、添加答辩小组名单页,已根据2024年标准修正格式 | ||||
Beijing University of Chemical Technology 北京化工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | the-ccsn/ BUCTthesis | 📝A LaTeX writting template for BUCT thesis. | ||||
Seoul National University, SNU (韩国)首尔大学 (서울대학교) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Zeta611/ snu-ece-bsc-thesis | 서울대학교 전기정보공학부 학사학위논문 양식 LaTeX 클래스 | ||||
Johns Hopkins University (美国)约翰斯·霍普金斯大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | weitzner/ jhu-thesis-template | JHU Thesis Template | ||||
Shanghai University 上海大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ahhylau/ shuthesis | LaTeX Thesis Template for Shanghai University | ||||
IU International University of Applied Sciences (德国)IU国际应用科学大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | markushaug/ iu-latex-template | LaTex Template for academic papers at the IU International University (2024) | ||||
Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology 杭州电子科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | xiamyphys/ hduthesis | 杭州电子科技大学学位论文 LaTeX 模板 / LaTeX class for bachelor and MPhil theses in Hangzhou Dianzi University. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | PKief/ latex-thesis-template | LaTeX - Template for a bachelor/master thesis | ||||
Soochow University 苏州大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | shadowofgost/ sudathesis-soochow-university-latex-template | Naive LaTex Template For Soochow University Thesis 苏州大学Latex 模板,适用于本科生、硕士生和博士生毕业论文以及日常论文写作 | ||||
Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) 澳门科技大学(澳門科技大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | iihciyekub/ MUST-Thesis | latex-template: 澳门科技大学,硕士or博士毕业论文模版 | ||||
University of Alberta (加拿大)阿尔伯塔大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | draldric/ uAlberta-Thesis-LaTeX-Template | A LaTeX template for the University of Alberta. Compliant with the FGSR Standards. | ||||
Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology 上海工程技术大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | MobtgZhang/ sues-thesis | 上海工程技术大学硕士学位论文模板 | ||||
Fudan University 复旦大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | FHDWPB/ latex-thesis-template | LaTex template for Bachelor and Master Theses at FHDW Padeborn | ||||
Northwestern Polytechnical University 西北工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | lihanshu/ NWPU-Thesis-Template | Northwestern Polytechnical University 2024 Undergraduate Graduation Design Thesis LaTeX Template | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Pinzauti/ LaTeX-thesis-template | Clean LaTeX template for a thesis or a large writeup. | ||||
Nanchang University 南昌大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Jin-bao/ NCU-thesis | 南昌大学学位(毕业)论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||||
Hohai University 河海大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | davyxx3/ hhu-thesis-bachelor | 河海大学本科毕业论文LaTeX模板(理工科)【2024年更新】 | ||||
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) (瑞士)苏黎世应用科技大学 (ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | matteodelucchi/ ZHAW_thesis-template | LaTeX thesis template for ZHAW, Zurich University of Applied Sciences. | ||||
Michigan State University (美国)密歇根州立大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | amunn/ msu-thesis | Thesis Class for Michigan State University | ||||
Shanghai University of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 上海对外经贸大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Yangruipis/ SUIBEthesis | 上海对外经贸大学(SUIBE)毕业论文Latex模板 | ||||
Communication University of China 中国传媒大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | YunYouJun/ cucthesis | CUC 硕士毕业论文 LaTeX 模版 | ||||
Jilin University 吉林大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Sakura-shem/ JLUThesis | 吉林大学 通信工程学院 本科毕业论文 Latex模板 2023 | ||||
Central China Normal University 华中师范大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | xkwxdyy/ CCNUthesis | (非官方)华中师范大学毕业论文(设计)模版 | ||||
Beijing University of Technology 北京工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | bjut-swift/ BJUTLATEX | 北京工业大学硕士研究生学位 LATEX 论文模版(学术型硕士) | ||||
Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology (伊朗)哈杰·纳西尔丁·图西理工大学 (دانشگاه صنعتی خواجه نصيرالدين طوسی) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | msinamsina/ kntu-thesis | A Latex template for writing the thesis in K. N. Toosi university of technology | ||||
Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | irenier/ sysuthesis | 中山大学本科生毕业论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||||
BRAC University, BracU (孟加拉国)布拉克大学 (ব্র্যাক ইউনিভার্সিটি) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | kastnerp/ ElegantThesisLaTeX | Extensive LaTeX template that can be used for Master's and PhD thesis. | ||||
Fudan University 复旦大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | eurekayuan/ fduthesis2022 | LaTeX thesis template for CS undergraduates, Fudan University, 2022 | ||||
Shenzhen University of Technology 深圳技术大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SZTU-ACM/ SZTU-Thesis-Latex-Template | 深圳技术大学本科毕业论文Latex模板 | ||||
Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Sophie10001b/ swjtuThesisV3.0 | V3.0 LaTeX Template for PhD/MA Thesis of Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) / 西南交通大学研究生学位论文LaTeX模板(V3.0) | ||||
Shanghai Normal University 上海师范大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | andy123t/ shnuthesis | 上海师范大学研究生毕业论文 LaTeX 模板 LaTeX Thesis Template for SHNU | ||||
Johannes Kepler University Linz, JKU (奥地利)约翰内斯·开普勒大学 (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | michaelroland/ jku-templates-report-latex | LaTeX Thesis and Technical Report Template for Johannes Kepler University Linz | ||||
Jinan University 暨南大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Latiyas/ JNUThesis | 暨南大学硕博士学位论文Overleaf模板 | ||||
Korea University (韩国)高丽大学 (고려대학교) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | shlee-lab/ KUThesis2022 | This repository is for Korea University Thesis / Dissertation LaTex Template | ||||
Hunan University 湖南大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Jeffrey28/ HNU_DoctoralThesis_Latex | 湖南大学研究生毕业论文Latex模版 | ||||
Industrial University of Darmstadt (德国)达姆施塔特工业大学 (Technische Universität Darmstadt, TU Darmstadt) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | JeyRunner/ tuda-typst-templates | Typst Template for the Corporate Design of TU Darmstadt | ||||
Yunnan University 云南大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Astro-Lee/ YNU-thesis-bachelor | 云南大学本科学生毕业论文 (设计) LaTeX 模板 | ||||
Beijing University of Technology 北京工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | fisherxt/ bjutthesis | LaTeX-based Template for Doctoral Thesis of Beijing University of Technology(BJUT) | ||||
Northwestern Polytechnical University 西北工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jialinlvcn/ LaTeX-NewTemplate-For-NPU-undergraduate-Thesis | 西北工业大学本科毕业设计新版本模板,根据 进行了调整 | ||||
University of Chicago (美国)芝加哥大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | k4rtik/ uchicago-dissertation | University of Chicago electronic dissertation LaTeX class and template | ||||
National Taiwan University (NTU) 台湾大学(國立臺灣大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | NTU-NCS-lab/ NTU-Thesis-Writing-Template | Unofficial LaTex templates for thesis and IEEE conference at National Taiwan University . 國立臺灣大學電機資訊學院碩博士論文及 IEEE conference 模板 | ||||
National Chung Cheng University (CCU) 台湾中正大学(國立中正大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | anlit75/ CCU-Thesis-LaTeX-Template | Unofficial LaTeX templates for both master's thesis and doctoral dissertations at National Chung Cheng University . 國立中正大學碩博士論文LaTex模板 | ||||
Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | DapengFeng/ sysuthesis | LaTeX and Lyx Thesis Template for Sun Yat-sen University | ||||
Shanghai University 上海大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SHU-CES-1008/ SHU-Thesis | 上海大学硕士学位论文LaTeX模板 | ||||
Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology 桂林电子科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | wrm244/ GUEThesis | 桂林电子科技大学本科毕业论文(毕业设计)LaTex模板 | ||||
Mainz University of Applied Sciences (德国)美因茨应用科技大学 (Hochschule Mainz) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | JonasBingel/ HSMZ-Thesis-Template | LaTeX-Vorlage für Exposé und Arbeiten an der Hochschule Mainz | ||||
National Taipei University of Technology 台湾台北科技大学(國立臺北科技大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ntut-xuan/ NTUT-Thesis-Template | A XeLaTeX thesis template for National Taipei University of Technology. | ||||
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications 南京邮电大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | li199-code/ njupt_master_thesis_latex_template | 南京邮电大学硕士研究生毕业论文latex模板 | ||||
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics 西南财经大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | OopsYao/ swufethesis | LaTeX Thesis Template for Southwestern University of Finance and Economics | ||||
Wuhan University 武汉大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | iamywang/ whu-thesis-latex-template | 武汉大学博士/硕士学位论文latex模板(包含插图索引、表格索引、中英文缩略语对照、主要符号表等,字体格式以及排版修正) | ||||
Zhengzhou University 郑州大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | fylimas/ zzuthesis | 【不再维护】本仓库最初目的是为了减轻组内学生书写负担,特别是对于郑大电信学院,轻大李老师重头建立了新一版模版。 这太好了,我就不需要花精力维护了,感谢机器人实验室/刘老师李老师,谢谢大家支持! | ||||
Jiangsu University 江苏大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | xtc-chen/ UJS_Masterthesis | 江苏大学硕士学位论文Latex模板 | ||||
Jiangsu University 江苏大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | xtc-chen/ UJS_Phdthesis | 江苏大学博士学位论文Latex模板 | ||||
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology (NKFUST) 台湾高雄科技大学(國立高雄科技大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | yuhao-kuo/ NKUST-thesis-template | 國立高雄科技大學 研究所論文 LaTeX 版型 | ||||
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (德国)波恩-莱茵-锡格应用技术大学 (Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | MartinX3-EducationOrganization/ hbrs-latex-vorlage-arbeit | Dieses Projekt soll dazu dienen, eine Vorlage für Seminar-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeiten, die an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg verfasst werden, gemeinschaftlich zu erarbeiten und zu verbessern. | ||||
Southwest Jiaotong University 西南交通大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | cshaowang/ swjtuThesisV2.0 | A LaTeX Template for PhD/MA Thesis of Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) / 西南交通大学研究生学位论文LaTeX模板 | ||||
Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology 杭州电子科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | wennboo/ HDU-latex-template-for-master | 旨在帮助杭州电子科技大学硕博生使用 Latex完成学位论文撰写,非官方模板,如若使用,后果自负! | ||||
Shandong University 山东大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Sing-How/ sduthesis | 山东大学毕业论文(设计)Latex模板 | ||||
Yunnan University 云南大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Astro-Lee/ YNUthesis | LaTeX thesis template for Yunnan University | ||||
University of Bergamo (意大利)贝加莫大学 (Università degli studi di Bergamo) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | micheleberetta98/ unibg-thesis-template | A LaTeX starter project with UniBG thesis guidelines and first page | ||||
Eötvös Loránd University (匈牙利)罗兰大学 (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, ELTE) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mcserep/ elteiktdk | TDK-thesis template for ELTE FI. | ||||
Northeastern University 东北大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | neuljh/ NEU-undergraduate-thesis-LaTeX-template | 这是基于东北大学本科毕业设计论文的LATEX版本 | ||||
University of Trento (意大利)特伦托大学 (Università degli Studi di Trento) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | unitn-drive/ thesis | Thesis Template | ||||
University of Edinburgh (英国)爱丁堡大学 (Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | H0R5E/ edengths | LaTeX PhD Thesis Template | ||||
Newcastle University (英国)纽卡斯尔大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | philipdarke/ simple-thesis | LaTeX class for PhD theses | ||||
Chongqing University 重庆大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | yinguoweiOvO/ CQU_Thesis2024 | 重庆大学毕业论文Latex模板(修改版) | ||||
Shenzhen University 深圳大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Jev0987/ SZUThesis-2024 | 2024深圳大学毕业论文latex模版 | ||||
Central University of Finance and Economics 中央财经大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Nanqiang01/ CUFE_Graduate_Thesis_Template | 非官方中央财经大学本科毕业论文模板 | ||||
National Defense University of Science and Technology 国防科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | kelvin0207/ NUDT-Template | 国防科大论文通用模板 | ||||
Beijing Jiaotong University 北京交通大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | GhostCai/ bjtu-thesis-dlc | BJTU论文latex模板的补充包,包含了2024年的诚信声明以及外文翻译模板 | ||||
Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering 仲恺农业工程学院 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Jin-Cheng-Ming/ ZHKU_Thesis | 仲恺农业工程学院学位论文 Latex 模板 | ||||
Communication University of China 中国传媒大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | TheoCUC/ CUC-LaTeX-Templates | 中国传媒大学非官方的各种LaTeX模板合集 | ||||
Fuzhou University 福州大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | chenzl23/ FZUThesis | 福州大学博士研究生毕业论文Latex模板 | ||||
Shaanxi Normal University 陕西师范大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | yykphy/ yk-snnu-thesis | Shaanxi Normal University PhD/Master's Thesis LaTeX Template | ||||
Shandong University 山东大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Luosid0/ 2024sdu-latex-undergraduate | 2024山东大学本科毕设Latex模板 | ||||
Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology 杭州电子科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | xmlu/ hduthesis | 杭州电子科技大学硕士学位论文LaTeX模版 | ||||
Tianjin University 天津大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | haimingz/ tjuthesis | LaTeX template for Tianjin University Master's and Doctoral Theses . 天津大学硕博学位论文 LaTeX 模板。 | ||||
Wuhan University 武汉大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | liuyijiang1994/ WHU-PhD-Latex | 武汉大学武大博士生毕业论文latex模板 | ||||
University of Wisconsin-Madison (美国)威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Lodour/ wisc-thesis-template | A Minimum Working Example of the Dissertation Template for UW-Madison. | ||||
Guangzhou University 广州大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | WeiViming/ gzhu-thesis | 广州大学研究生学位论文非官方模板 | ||||
East China University of Science and Technology 华东理工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | lavandejoey/ ECUSTThesisLatex | 华东理工大学本科生毕业论文Latex模板(xelatex/lualatex) | ||||
University of Iowa (美国)爱荷华大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | uiowa-mgb/ uiowa-thesis | Latex class to render a thesis to UIowa's specifications | ||||
College of William and Mary (美国)威廉与玛丽学院 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | yishanhe/ WM-AS-thesis-latex-template | [CONTRIBUTORS NEEDED] A LaTeX template keeps up with the College of William & Mary - Art & Science Physical Standards for Theses & Dissertations. | ||||
Qingdao University 青岛大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | chardoncs/ qdubachelor-tex | LaTeX template for Bachelor graduation thesis at Qingdao University (Simplified Chinese) | ||||
University of Tokyo (日本)东京大学 (東京大学) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | utlis/ llls_depp-thesis_template | The official thesis template files for the following courses in the University of Tokyo: Division of Lifelong Learning Infrastructure Management, Graduate School of Education/Division of Educational Practices and Policies, Faculty of Education | ||||
Xi'an Jiaotong University 西安交通大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Radiance-nt/ XJTU_BachelorThesis_DagRank | 西安交通大学, xjtu, 计算机科学与技术, cs, 本科毕业设计模板, latex | ||||
Jilin University 吉林大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | quanfan-zi/ Latex-Paper-Templates | 根据2024年毕业论文(设计)格式要求设计过的Latex论文模板 | ||||
The College of Wooster (美国)伍斯特学院 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jbreitenbucher/ exampleis | LaTeX files for Independent Study at The College of Wooster | ||||
Northwestern Polytechnical University 西北工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | lrtfm/ nputhesis | 西北工业大学硕士/博士学位论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||||
Renmin University of China 中国人民大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | liuqi6777/ ructhesis | 中国人民大学本科毕业论文(设计)LaTeX模板 | ||||
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | LeoJhonSong/ UCAS-Dissertation | 国科大硕士/博士学位论文LeTeX模板, 以《中国科学院大学研究生学位论文撰写规范指导意见》(校发学位字[2022]40号, 附件1) 作为撰写要求 | ||||
Changsha University of Technology 长沙理工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | kangxiatao/ CSUSTthesis | 长沙理工大学硕博学位论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||||
Donghua University 东华大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | 3000ye/ dhuBachelor | 东华大学学士毕业论文latex模板 | ||||
Shanghai Second University of Technology 上海第二工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | JouderMin/ SSPUThesis | 上海第二工业大学毕业设计 LaTeX 模板 | ||||
Pukyong National University, PKNU (韩国)国立釜庆大学 (국립부경대학교) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Luminebear/ PKNU-thesis-template | Thesis template for Pukyong National University in LaTeX format | ||||
Heriot-Watt University (英国)赫瑞瓦特大学 (Oilthigh Heriot-Watt) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jackred/ Heriot_Watt_Thesis_Template | A LaTeX template for writing a thesis according to Heriot-Watt University guidelines | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | danielvartan/ abnt | 📓 Quarto format for ABNT theses and dissertations | ||||
University of Naples Federico II (意大利)那不勒斯腓特烈二世大学 (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | luistar/ unina-thesis-template | A fancy LaTeX template for theses at the University of Naples "Federico II" (UniNA). | ||||
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University 浙江理工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Casta-mere/ LaTeX-GraduationTemplate | 浙江理工大学计算机科学与技术学院毕设模板 | ||||
Seoul National University, SNU (韩国)首尔大学 (서울대학교) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Zeta611/ snu-cse-bsc-thesis | 서울대학교 컴퓨터공학부 학사학위논문 양식 LaTeX 클래스 | ||||
Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology 上海工程技术大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | MobtgZhang/ sues-mm | 上海工程技术大学校级数学建模竞赛论文模板 | ||||
Southern University of Science and Technology 南方科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SeaHI-Robot/ SUSTechThesis2024MEE | 南方科技大学本科生毕业论文 LaTeX 模板 - 2024非官方机械系模板 | ||||
East China University of Science and Technology 华东理工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | blanche07/ ecust-master-thesis-latex | 华东理工大学硕士学位论文Latex模板 | ||||
Chongqing University 重庆大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | yinguoweiOvO/ CQUThesis_20242024 | 重庆大学毕业论文Latex模板(修改版) | ||||
Nanjing Agricultural University 南京农业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Qsion/ NJAU_Thesis | NJAU Thesis LaTeX Template for Undergraduate Students(南京农业大学本科生毕业论文 LaTeX 模板 理工科版) | ||||
Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST) 台湾南台科技大学(南臺科技大學) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | yingchaotw/ STUST-thesis-template | 南臺科技大學 LaTeX 論文模板 | ||||
Dalian University of Technology 大连理工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | 01xz/ dlut-thesis | 2024大连理工大学硕士学位论文LaTeX模版 | ||||
Tongji University 同济大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Hl-W/ TongjiThesis_modified | 同济大学硕博士论文 LaTeX 模板的修改版,根据2024年格式要求修改 | ||||
University of International Business and Economics 对外经济贸易大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | caibengbu/ uibethesis | This is a template for undergrad graduation thesis of University of International Business and Economics, Beijing. Sticking strictly to the layout requirements by | ||||
Guangxi University 广西大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | KingwithQueen/ GXU-Masters-and-PhD-Thesis-Templates | 生成符合广西大学硕士或博士研究生毕业论文格式要求的论文模板 | ||||
Jilin University 吉林大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | OceanPresentChao/ JLU-SE-Thesis-Template | 吉林大学 软件学院 本科毕业论文 Latex模板 | ||||
Shanghai Normal University 上海师范大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | andy123t/ shnubachelor | 上海师范大学本科毕业论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||||
Nankai University 南开大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | hhhhhscott/ NKU_Bachelor_Thesis_EO_College_LaTeX_Template | 南开大学电光学院本科毕设LaTeX模板 | ||||
Beijing Film Academy 北京电影学院 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | juneleung/ BFA_Master_Thesis_Template | BFA研究生毕业论文模版 | ||||
Beijing Film Academy 北京电影学院 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | juneleung/ BFA_Undergraduate_Thesis_Template | BFA本科生毕业论文模版 | ||||
HeFei University of Technology 合肥工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | shinyypig/ HFUT-Thesis | 合肥工业大学本科毕业设计论文模版 | ||||
Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology 上海工程技术大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | MobtgZhang/ sues-thesis-bachelor | 上海工程技术大学学士学位论文模板 | ||||
Sichuan University 四川大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | MrGodfrey/ SCU-Thesis-LaTeX-Template | 四川大学博士论文模板 | ||||
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (罗马尼亚)雅西“亚历山德鲁·杨·库扎”大学 („Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, UAIC) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | blankdots/ LatexThesisTemplate | LaTeX thesis template for B.Sc. M.Sc. or PhD. | ||||
East China Normal University 华东师范大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | rachlegend/ ECNU-Template | 华东师范大学硕士研究生毕业论文模版 | ||||
Ningxia University 宁夏大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | baoxianyuan/ NXUThesis | LaTeX Thesis Template for Ningxia University | ||||
Guizhou University 贵州大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | francisol/ GZUthesis-template | 贵州大学研究生学位论文模板 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | CRAG666/ tectonic-latex-template | This repository contains a collection of ready-to-use templates for LaTeX projects, specifically designed and optimized for the Tectonic compiler. Whether you're working on an academic paper, a presentation, a resume, or any other document, you'll find templates here to help you get started quickly and easily. | ||||
Torcuato di Tella University (阿根廷)托尔夸托迪特利亚大学 (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | federicoduca/ latex-templates | Todo sobre LaTeX: templates personales para CV, trabajos prácticos, bibliografía, etc. | ||||
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, BSUIR (白俄罗斯)国立信息和无线电电子大学 (Беларускі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт інфарматыкі і радыёэлектронікі) | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | nadevko/ bsuir-TeX-1 | LaTeX implementation of BSUIR CoS | ||||
Nanjing University of Science and Technology 南京理工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Hobr/ njust_thesis_latex_template | 南京理工大学论文LATEX模板 | ||||
Shandong University 山东大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | OpenMandrivaAssociation/ texlive-sduthesis | Thesis Template of Shandong University | ||||
ShanghaiTech University 上海科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | OpenMandrivaAssociation/ texlive-shtthesis | An unofficial LaTeX thesis template for ShanghaiTech University | ||||
Xidian University 西安电子科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | OpenMandrivaAssociation/ texlive-xduthesis | XeLaTeX template for writing Xidian University Thesis | ||||
Communication University of China 中国传媒大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | felicia-tung/ My-CUC-Thesis | CUC 毕业论文 |
Institute | Genre | GitHub Repo | Stars | Forks | UpdatedTime | License | Description |
Common Templates 通用模板 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | matze/ mtheme | A modern LaTeX Beamer theme | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | josephwright/ beamer | A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | martinbjeldbak/ ultimate-beamer-theme-list | A collection of Beamer themes from the community | ||||
Shanghai Jiaotong University 上海交通大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | sjtug/ SJTUBeamer | 上海交通大学 Beamer 模版 | Beamer template for Shanghai Jiao Tong University | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | pcafrica/ focus-beamertheme | Focus: a minimalist presentation theme for LaTeX Beamer. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Urinx/ LaTeX-PPT-Template | Seven awesome latex ppt templates for researchers or students. | ||||
Tsinghua University 清华大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | tuna/ THU-Beamer-Theme | A LaTeX beamer theme template for Tsinghua students. | ||||
Southeast University 东南大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | TouchFishPioneer/ SEU-Beamer-Slide | 东南大学幻灯片模板(豪华版) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | rafaelbailo/ betterposter-latex-template | LaTeX Template for Mike Morrison's #betterposter | ||||
University of Science and Technology of China 中国科学技术大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | ustctug/ ustcbeamer | USTC Beamer 模板(基于学校公用 PPT 模板) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | XiangyunHuang/ awesome-beamers | beamer template collection | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | SunYanCN/ Latex-Beamer-Template | 中文学术LaTeX Beamer模板 | ||||
RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (德国)莱茵曼应用技术大学 (Hochschule RheinMain) | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | benjamin-weiss/ hsrmbeamertheme | Beamer theme that complies with the corporate design of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | piazzai/ arguelles | Simple, typographic beamer theme | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | pmichaillat/ latex-presentation | Minimalist LaTeX template for academic presentations | ||||
Stanford University (美国)斯坦福大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | RylanSchaeffer/ Stanford-LaTeX-Poster-Template | Stanford LaTeX poster template | ||||
Sichuan University 四川大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | FvNCCR228/ SCU-Beamer-Theme | 四川大学非官方Beamer模板 | Unofficial Beamer Template for Sichuan University | ||||
University of Antwerp (比利时)安特卫普大学 (Universiteit Antwerpen) | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | nschloe/ ua-beamer | A LaTeX beamer theme for the University of Antwerp | ||||
Dalian University of Technology 大连理工大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | fuujiro/ DLUT-Beamer-Slide-V2 | ✨新版大连理工Beamer主题 ✨一份简约现代的beamer模板 / PPT杀手 / 学术范入门 | ||||
Tsinghua University 清华大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | YangLaTeX/ thubeamer | A Beamer Theme for Tsinghua University (THU). | ||||
University of Oxford (英国)牛津大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | gbaydin/ oxford-poster | LaTeX beamer poster template themed for the University of Oxford | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | gshstexsociety/ gshs-format | LaTeX 양식 : R&E, 졸업논문, beamer 등등 - 컴파일된 결과 pdf파일 미포함 | ||||
Stanford University (美国)斯坦福大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | sanhacheong/ stanford-beamer-presentation | This is an unofficial LaTeX Beamer presentation template for Stanford University. | ||||
Shanghai Jiaotong University 上海交通大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | LogCreative/ SJTUBeamermin | 上海交通大学 LaTeX Beamer 幻灯片模板 - VI 最小工作集 | ||||
Wuhan University 武汉大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | hrtan99/ WHU-Beamer | 武汉大学 Beamer 幻灯片模板。武大师生可用于各种报告、展示、答辩等场景。 | ||||
Dalian University of Technology 大连理工大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | fuujiro/ DLUT-Beamer-Slide-V1 | 一份简约现代的beamer模板/PPT杀手/学术范入门/大连理工大学beamer(已出新版,请移步 | ||||
Chalmers University of Technology (瑞典)查尔姆斯理工大学 (Chalmers tekniska högskola) | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Micket/ chalmers | Styles for LaTeX, beamer for Chalmers University of Technology | ||||
Polytechnic University of Milan (意大利)米兰理工大学 (Politecnico di Milano, PoliMi) | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | pcafrica/ beamerthemepolimi | Beamer port of the official PoliMi presentation theme. | ||||
New York University (美国)纽约大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | js8544/ nyu-latex-templates | Beamer presentation and poster template for New York University / NYU Abu Dhabi / NYU Shanghai | ||||
University of Cambridge (英国)剑桥大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | rjw57/ cambridge-beamer | University of Cambridge house style for LaTeX Beamer | ||||
University of Bergen (挪威)卑尔根大学 (Universitetet i Bergen) | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | martinhelso/ UiB | Beamer theme for the University of Bergen | ||||
University of Connecticut (美国)康涅狄格大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | corybrunson/ beamerthemeuconn | LaTeX Beamer themes for the University of Connecticut | ||||
Zhejiang University 浙江大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | qychen2001/ ZJU-Beamer-Template | 一个更好看的浙江大学beamer模板 | ||||
University of Basel (瑞士)巴塞尔大学 (Universität Basel) | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | ivangiangreco/ basilea-beamer | Latex Beamer Template for Presentations (University of Basel, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) | ||||
Ruhr-University Bochum (德国)波鸿鲁尔大学 (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | sjewo/ rub-beamer | LaTeX Beamer Template for Ruhr-University Bochum | ||||
University of Bristol (英国)布里斯托大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | dawbarton/ UoB-beamer-theme | A LaTeX Beamer theme for the University of Bristol | ||||
Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) 香港中文大学(香港中文大學) | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | fletcherjiang/ Polyulatex | Polyu Pre LaTex Template | ||||
Lanzhou University 兰州大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | yuhldr/ LZUBeamer | 自己做的LaTex版的beamer模板 | ||||
Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, BUAA) 北京航空航天大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Thysrael/ GreenParkBeamerTheme | 北京航空航天大学 BUAA LaTeX Beamer 非官方主题 | ||||
National Defense University of Science and Technology 国防科技大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | yangjingla/ nudtbeamer | nudt 开题/毕业 答辩模版 | ||||
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | peng-yq/ UCAS-Beamer-Theme | A Beamer Theme of UCAS for academic report, thesis and talk. | ||||
University of Wisconsin-Madison (美国)威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | travitch/ uw-beamer-template | This is a LaTeX Beamer template for the University of Wisconsin | ||||
University of Chicago (美国)芝加哥大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | jacksonllee/ uchicago-beamer | LaTeX beamer theme for University of Chicago-themed presentation slides | ||||
Jilin University 吉林大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Guanyu-Li/ Defense-Reporting-ppt | 答辩ppt模板(吉林大学数学学院)Defence ppt Template | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | WQT1123/ University-Presentation-Beamer | 大学Latex答辩模版,当前包含川大、哈工大、中科大。 | ||||
Zhejiang A&F University 浙江农林大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Stolorzs/ ZafuTemplatePublic | 浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院本科生毕业设计说明书(或毕业论文)的LateX模板 | ||||
Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology 桂林电子科技大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | wrm244/ GUETBeamer | 桂林电子科技大学PPT模板(Beamer) | ||||
Shanghai University 上海大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | LaneGong/ SHU-Beamer-Theme | 上海大学Beamer主题PPT模版 | ||||
University of South Florida (美国)南佛罗里达大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | STOM-Group/ USF-Beamer-Template | LaTeX/Beamer presentation template for the University of South Florida | ||||
Wuhan University of Science and Technology 武汉科技大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Aegis1863/ wust_beamer | 武汉科技大学 latex beamer模板 | ||||
Nanjing Forestry University 南京林业大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | jiangtengkexin/ NJFU-Beamer-Theme | 这是为南京林业大学学生设计的 LaTeX Beamer 主题,支持中文编译。 | ||||
Nanjing University 南京大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | EagleBear2002/ NJUSE-Beamer-Template | 南京大学软件学院 Beamer 模板 | ||||
Tongji University 同济大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Andeviking/ PPT_Template | 同济大学PPT Beamer代码模版 | ||||
Shanghai Maritime University 上海海事大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | a645162/ SHMTU-Beamer-Theme | 一个供上海海事大学(SHMTU)同学使用的非官方的 LaTeX Beamer 主题模板。 | ||||
Beijing University of Technology 北京工业大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | bycore/ bjut-beamer | 北京工业大学beamer模板 | ||||
Guangdong University of Technology 广东工业大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | MaxW322/ GDUT-Beamer-Template | A LaTeX beamer (ppt) template of Guangdong University of Technology . 广东工业大学 Latex beamer 模板 | ||||
NingboTech University 浙大宁波理工学院 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Republic1024/ NTUBeamer | 浙大宁波理工学院Beamer案例 | ||||
North China Electric Power University 华北电力大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | liuzhaoze/ NCEPU-beamer-template | 华北电力大学Beamer/LaTeX汇报模板 | ||||
Zhejiang A&F University 浙江农林大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | favefan/ ZAFUBeamer-Latex | 浙江农林大学 (非官方) Beamer Latex 模板 / Zhejiang A & F University (Unofficial) Beamer Latex Template | ||||
Shanghai University of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 上海对外经贸大学 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | jason51108/ SUIBEthesis | 上海对外经贸大学毕业论文以及Beamer模板 |
Institute | Genre | GitHub Repo | Stars | Forks | UpdatedTime | License | Description |
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | posquit0/ Awesome-CV | Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | salomonelli/ best-resume-ever | Build fast and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | lukas-blecher/ LaTeX-OCR | pix2tex: Using a ViT to convert images of equations into LaTeX code. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | billryan/ resume | An elegant LaTeX résumé template . 大陆镜像 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | google-research/ arxiv-latex-cleaner | arXiv LaTeX Cleaner: Easily clean the LaTeX code of your paper to submit to arXiv | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | sb2nov/ resume | Software developer resume in Latex | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | deedy/ Deedy-Resume | A one page , two asymmetric column resume template in XeTeX that caters to an undergraduate Computer Science student | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | synercys/ annotated_latex_equations | Examples of how to create colorful, annotated equations in Latex using Tikz. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | personqianduixue/ Math_Model | 数学建模、美赛、美国大学生数学建模竞赛、全国大学生数学建模竞赛、华为杯研究生数学建模、国赛LaTeX模板、美赛LaTeX模板、mathorcup、电工杯、华中赛、APMCM、深圳杯、中青杯、华东杯、数维杯、东三省数学建模、认证杯、数学建模书籍、常用matlab算法、国赛评阅要点、软件模型算法汇总、智能算法、优化算法、现代的算法 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | jankapunkt/ latexcv | A collection of cv and resume templates written in LaTeX. Leave an issue if your language is not supported! | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | dnl-blkv/ mcdowell-cv | A Nice-looking CV template made into LaTeX | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Books LaTeX | ElegantLaTeX/ ElegantBook | Elegant LaTeX Template for Books | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | hijiangtao/ resume | 个人中文简历 Latex 源码 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | Tufte-LaTeX/ tufte-latex | A Tufte-inspired LaTeX class for producing handouts, papers, and books | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | mszep/ pandoc_resume | The Markdown Resume | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | MartinThoma/ LaTeX-examples | Examples for the usage of LaTeX | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | xiaohanyu/ awesome-tikz | A curated list of awesome TikZ documentations, libraries and resources | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | jakegut/ resume | LaTeX template for my personal resume | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | rpgtex/ DND-5e-LaTeX-Template | LaTeX package to typeset material for the fifth edition of the "world's greatest roleplaying game". | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | egeerardyn/ awesome-LaTeX | Curated list of LaTeX awesomeness | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | xinychen/ awesome-latex-drawing | Drawing Bayesian networks, graphical models, tensors, technical frameworks, and illustrations in LaTeX. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | kourgeorge/ arxiv-style | A Latex style and template for paper preprints (based on NIPS style) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | MLNLP-World/ Paper-Picture-Writing-Code | MLNLP: Paper Picture Writing Code | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | anishathalye/ gemini | Gemini is a modern LaTex beamerposter theme 🖼 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | ElegantLaTeX/ ElegantNote | Elegant LaTeX Template for Notes | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | darwiin/ yaac-another-awesome-cv | YAAC: Another Awesome CV is a template using Font Awesome and Adobe Source Font. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Books LaTeX | fmarotta/ kaobook | A LaTeX class for books, reports or theses based on and | ||||
National Natural Science Foundation of China 国家自然科学基金 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | Ruzim/ NSFC-application-template-latex | 国家自然科学基金申请书正文(面上项目)LaTeX 模板(非官方) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | writing-resources/ awesome-scientific-writing | A curated list of awesome tools, demos and resources to go beyond LaTeX | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | dustinvtran/ latex-templates | A collection of LaTeX templates used for research, courses, and miscellanea. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | arasgungore/ arasgungore-CV | My curriculum vitae (CV) written using LaTeX. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | opieters/ business-card | A business card in LaTeX. | ||||
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | mohuangrui/ ucasproposal | LaTeX Proposal Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | liweitianux/ resume | My resume in LaTeX (template suited for new graduates; 应届生简历模板) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | sc932/ resume | My CV/resume in LaTeX. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | zachscrivena/ simple-resume-cv | Template for a simple resume or curriculum vitae (CV), in XeLaTeX. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | apoorvkh/ cvpr-latex-template | Extended LaTeX template for CVPR/ICCV papers | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | huajh/ awesome-latex-cv | Latex CV template built with Font Awesome. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | dyweb/ Deedy-Resume-for-Chinese | 适合应届毕业生的 LaTeX 简历模板 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | deedy/ Latex-Templates | A concise set of Latex templates that serves a small set of needs - CV, Essays, Articles and Problem Sets | ||||
National Natural Science Foundation of China 国家自然科学基金 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | YimianDai/ iNSFC | An awesome LaTeX template for NSFC proposal. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | bamos/ cv | |||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | thehale/ expressive-resume | A beautiful resume/cover letter LaTeX template pair that are extraordinarily easy to use. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | geekplux/ cv_resume | A latex cv/resume template. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | gboeing/ cv | Geoff Boeing's academic CV in LaTeX | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | fky2015/ resume-ng | A LaTeX resume template designed for optimal information density and aesthetic appeal. | ||||
National Natural Science Foundation of China 国家自然科学基金 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | huangwb8/ ChineseResearchLaTeX | 中国科研常用LaTeX模板集 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | leouieda/ cv | A LaTeX template for academic CVs | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | nasa/ nasa-latex-docs | An easy and convenient package to create technical LaTeX documents. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | kylebutts/ latex-templates | latex templates | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | milaan9/ LaTeX4Everyone | Learn LaTeX from scratch in an easy-to-follow but highly effective way. Get up to the level of professional document writeup, presentation creation and even generating graphics and figures in LaTeX. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | alexpovel/ latex-cookbook | A comprehensive LaTeX template with examples for theses, books and more, employing the 'latest and greatest' (UTF8, glossaries, fonts, ...). The PDF artifact is built using CI/CD, with a Python testing framework. | ||||
National Natural Science Foundation of China 国家自然科学基金 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | fylimas/ nsfc | nsfc - 国家自然科学基金项目LaTeX模版(面青地) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | subidit/ rover-resume | ATS friendly LaTeX resume template. Create a unique looking CV from scratch. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | themagicalmammal/ Resume | RussellGroupCV is a resume template made by following the guidelines followed by the Russell Group in the UK. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | fernandoans/ publicacoes | Minhas publicações no LaTex | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | nmfs-opensci/ quarto_titlepages | A Quarto extension for making title and cover pages for PDF output. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | sleepymalc/ LaTeX-Template | 📜 LaTeX Templates for Notes, Reports, CV/Resumes, and Beamers | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Books LaTeX | chianjin/ zhvt-classic | 中文线装书排版 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Books LaTeX | BeautyLaTeX/ Beautybook | A very Beautiful LaTeX Book Template, Happy LaTeXing! | ||||
Zhejiang University 浙江大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | megrxu/ zjureport | 浙江大学实验报告模板 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | quantum-journal/ quantum-journal | LaTeX template class for Quantum - the open journal for quantum science | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | nrennie/ PrettyPDF | Quarto extension to generate a PDF with (pretty) LaTeX styling. | ||||
Xidian University 西安电子科技大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | note286/ xdupgtp | 西安电子科技大学研究生学位论文开题报告表XeLaTeX模板 | ||||
National Defense University of Science and Technology 国防科技大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | TomHeaven/ nudtproposal | NUDT硕士博士研究生开题报告latex模板 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | mps9506/ quarto-cv | A CV template for quarto | ||||
Shanghai Jiaotong University 上海交通大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | NemoYuan2008/ SJTU-Thesis-Proposal | 上海交通大学开题报告LaTeX模板(非官方) Shanghai Jiao Tong University LaTeX Template for thesis proposal (unofficial) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | ungdev/ ScribUTT | Template LaTeX de rapports de projets / TDs et stages (ST05,ST09,ST10,ST30) pour l'Université de Technologie de Troyes aka UTT (école d'ingénieur). | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | avinal/ resume | Compact and Minimal LaTeX Resume Template | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | seisman/ cv | My academic CV powered by LaTeX | ||||
Tongji University 同济大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | TJ-CSCCG/ tongji-recommendation-template | 同济大学推荐信模版,欢迎大家在目标院校未提供模版的情况下取用,支持 Overleaf / Windows / Linux / Workshop。 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Books LaTeX | Steve-Cheung-emct/ upLaTeX-SZ.CLS | A Template of Chinese/Japanese vertical book style. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | mattyHerzig/ mattys_resume | Jake's Resume alternative for students | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | Pseudomanifold/ latex-cv | A simple and modern template for your [academic] CV | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | MIDL-Conference/ MIDLLatexTemplate | Latex template for the MIDL Conference | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Books LaTeX | academic-templates/ tex-book-template | A template for writing a nice book with LaTeX | ||||
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (美国)麻省理工学院 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | mit-eecs-gsa/ mit-eecs-thesis-proposal-template | MIT EECS Thesis Proposal Template | ||||
Wuhan University of Technology 武汉理工大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | huangyxi/ whutmod | 武汉理工大学数学建模培训 LaTeX 模板 A LaTeX Template for Mathematical Modeling Training at Wuhan University of Technology (WHUT) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | catppuccin/ latex | ✨ Soothing pastel theme for LaTeX | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | klb2/ review-response-template | LaTeX template for the response to reviewer comments (scientific journal publications) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | Anindya-Prithvi/ IIITD-ResumeLatexTemplate | A fully-customizable resume template in IIIT Delhi format made with LaTeX | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | xu-cheng/ cv | My CV | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | saikat-roy/ cv-clean | A Clean Latex CV Template for Grads | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | Roald87/ xelatex-cv-roald | XeLaTeX CV template | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | Korogodin/ NSLReport | NavSysLab LaTeX report project for GOST 7.0.11, 7.32, 2.105 documents | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | gi-ev/ LNI | A LaTeX class for submissions to the “Lecture Notes in Informatics” (LNI) published by the German “Gesellschaft für Informatik” (GI) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | dpmj/ alcazar | A free and Open-Source LaTeX template for academic works: theses, reports, etc. | ||||
Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | huanyushi/ SYSU-SPA-Labreport-Template | 中山大学-物理与天文学院-本科实验报告LaTeX模板 | ||||
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 电子科技大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | 404-NOTFOUND-Coder/ UESTC--report--template | 适用于UESTC各种实验报告latex模板 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | AdaCoding123/ Resume | 🌝软件工程师-latex简历模板,制作一份简洁优雅的程序员简历。star或fork后拿走~ | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | mimicji/ Bilingual-Resume-Template | Bilingual Resume Template in Latex. 中英双语Latex简历模板 | ||||
Hunan University 湖南大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | zcyeee/ HNU_LaTeX_Template | 湖南大学课程论文LaTeX模板 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Books LaTeX | andy123t/ zhbook | zhbook 中文书籍 LaTeX 模板 | ||||
Northeast Normal University 东北师范大学 | Others LaTeX | leungll/ NENU-Letter-Template | Made with LaTex. NENU's recommendation letter template. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | CSW33/ NPU-CV | 一个西工大latex简历模板,设计基于某个祖传word模板改的,大量注释。 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | leungll/ ByteDance-Letter-Template | Made with LaTex. ByteDance's recommendation letter template. In addition, you can adapt it into a recommendation letter template for other companies, such as Tencent, Alibaba, Pinduoduo, Meituan, etc. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | sabirdvd/ LaTeX-template-for-UPC-thesis- | LaTeX UPC Phd Template. Oxford/Cambridge based LaTeX Phd template with ACL/CVPR conf template inspired modification. | ||||
Wuhan University 武汉大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | flyQQQHddd/ temp-of-report | WHURS实习报告LaTex模板 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) LaTeX | M0rtzz/ zzu-resume-template | ZZU LaTeX Resume Template (Overleaf Template is Under Review) | ||||
Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, BUAA) 北京航空航天大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | GFCYqw/ Fengrubei_LaTeX_Template | 北京航空航天大学“冯如杯”竞赛 LaTeX 模板。 This is a template for Fengru cup contest(Fengrubei), written in Latex. | ||||
Beijing Film Academy 北京电影学院 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | juneleung/ BFA_MasterCourse_Paper_Template | BFA研究生课程论文模版 | ||||
Shandong University 山东大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | Smera1d0/ SDU-LaTeX-Template | 山东大学实验报告模板,使用LaTeX编写 | ||||
Shenzhen University 深圳大学 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | jinqKing/ SZU-Physics-Experiment-Report-LaTeX-Module | 深大大物实验报告LaTeX模版 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others LaTeX | thesfinox/ latex-commons | Common custom commands and classes in LaTeX |
Popular & New Non-LaTeX Templates¶
Institute | Genre | GitHub Repo | Stars | Forks | UpdatedTime | License | Description |
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | tompollard/ phd_thesis_markdown | Template for writing a PhD thesis in Markdown | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | ismayc/ thesisdown | An updated R Markdown thesis template using the bookdown package | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation Others | dangom/ org-thesis | Writing a Ph.D. thesis with Org Mode | ||||
University of Oxford (英国)牛津大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | ulyngs/ oxforddown | Template for writing an Oxford University thesis in R Markdown; uses the OxThesis LaTeX template and was inspired by thesisdown. | ||||
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 北京邮电大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Microsoft Word | sigmarising/ BUPTMasterThesisWord | The Microsoft Office Word template of BUPT Thesis for Master Degree. | ||||
Tsinghua University 清华大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Microsoft Word | fatalerror-i/ ThuWordThesis | 清华大学学位论文Word模板。 A Word thesis template for Tsinghua University. | ||||
University of Washington (UW) (美国)华盛顿大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | benmarwick/ huskydown | An R Markdown template using the bookdown package for preparing a PhD thesis at the University of Washington | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | jinhao-huang/ SimplePaper | 一个简单的 Typst 中文模板 | ||||
Peking University 北京大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Microsoft Word | xelmirage/ pku_thesis_docx | docx版本的北京大学毕业论文模板 | ||||
Peking University 北京大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | pku-typst/ pkuthss-typst | Typst template for dissertations in Peking University (PKU). | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | cagix/ pandoc-thesis | Pandoc Thesis Template: A Template for Thesis Documents written in Markdown | ||||
Technical University of Munich (德国)慕尼黑工业大学 (Technische Universität München) | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | ls1intum/ thesis-template-typst | TUM ASE thesis typst template | ||||
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 北京邮电大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | QQKdeGit/ bupt-typst | 北京邮电大学本科生毕设论文 Typst 模板。 Typst template for dissertations in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). | ||||
Monash University (澳大利亚)莫纳什大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | robjhyndman/ MonashThesis | Monash PhD thesis template | ||||
Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, BUAA) 北京航空航天大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Microsoft Word | ixzhao/ BUAA_Dissertation_Template | 北航硕博研究生毕业设计论文模板(Word) | ||||
Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | howardlau1999/ sysu-thesis-typst | 中山大学学位论文 Typst 模板 | ||||
Shanghai University 上海大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | shuosc/ SHU-Bachelor-Thesis-Typst | 上海大学本科生毕业论文Typst模板 | ||||
University of Cambridge (英国)剑桥大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | kks32/ PhDThesisLyX | A LyX PhD thesis template for Cambridge University Engineering Department | ||||
University of Minnesota (美国)明尼苏达大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | agude/ UMN-PhD-Thesis-Template | The LaTeX thesis template provided by the University of Minnesota, with various improvements. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | zagoli/ simple-typst-thesis | A template to use for a simple thesis written in Typst. | ||||
University of Science and Technology of China 中国科学技术大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | ustctug/ ustclyx | LyX template for USTC thesis | ||||
Shanghai Jiaotong University 上海交通大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | dyweb/ SJTUThesis-Markdown | (实验性项目)上海交通大学学位论文 R Markdown (bookdown) 模板 | ||||
University of Oxford (英国)牛津大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | telegraphic/ Oxford-LyX-Thesis-Template | University of Oxford LyX Thesis Template | ||||
Technical University of Munich (德国)慕尼黑工业大学 (Technische Universität München) | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | lkndl/ typst-bioinfo-thesis | Typst thesis template for bioinformatics @ TUM+LMU | ||||
King's College London (英国)伦敦国王学院 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | danilofreire/ kcl-thesis-template-markdown | King's College London - Thesis Template in Markdown | ||||
Southeast University 东南大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | csimide/ SEU-Typst-Template | Typst 东南大学论文模板 | UNOFFICIAL Typst Thesis Templates for Southeast University | a.k.a ’cheda-seu-thesis’ | ||||
National Taiwan University (NTU) 台湾大学(國立臺灣大學) | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | liao961120/ ntuthesis | 台大碩博士論文模板 (R Package) | ||||
Humboldt University of Berlin (德国)柏林洪堡大学 (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, HU Berlin) | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | phinguyen44/ huwiwidown | RMarkdown template for theses written at HU Berlin WiWi | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | SergeyGorchakov/ russian-phd-thesis-template-typst | Шаблон русской кандидатской диссертации на языке разметки typst. | ||||
University of Waterloo (加拿大)滑铁卢大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | yangwenbo99/ typst-uwthesis | Typst template for thesis submitted to University of Waterloo | ||||
Tel Aviv University (以色列)特拉维夫大学 (אוניברסיטת תל־אביב) | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | kourgeorge/ tau-thesis-latex | A LaTeX template for Masters (M.Sc.) and Doctorate (Ph.D) theses in the Tel-Aviv University. | ||||
University of Kansas (美国)堪萨斯大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | wjakethompson/ jayhawkdown | R Markdown template for theses and dissertations at the University of Kansas | ||||
University College London (UCL) (英国)伦敦大学学院 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | 089/ phd_thesis_markdown | Markdown (Pandoc) Template für Abschlussarbeiten | ||||
National Taiwan University (NTU) 台湾大学(國立臺灣大學) | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | liao961120/ thesis | Pandoc HTML/LaTeX thesis template for National Taiwan University | ||||
China Agricultural University 中国农业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | JWangL5/ CAU-ThesisTemplate-Typst | 中国农业大学毕业论文的Typst模板 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | KuhlTime/ hsd-markdown-thesis | 🧙♂️ Easily write a pretty thesis | ||||
Northwestern Polytechnical University 西北工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Microsoft Word | Sirius0v0/ word-template-for-NPU-thesis | 西北工业大学本科毕业设计论文模板(word 版本 | Microsoft Office Word) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | dfolio/ pandoc-df-thesis-template | This repository provides the D. Folio template for writing a thesis dissertation using Pandoc. | ||||
Xidian University 西安电子科技大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | CoderJackZhu/ XDUthesis-Typst | 西安电子科技大学毕业论文Typst模板 | ||||
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) 台湾阳明交通大学(國立陽明交通大學) | Thesis/Dissertation Microsoft Word | bananaappletw/ nctu-thesis | nctu thesis template for Microsoft Word | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | COPPE-UFRJ/ coppedown | An updated R Markdown thesis template using the bookdown package | ||||
Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | chosertech/ HIT-Thesis-Typst | 哈尔滨工业大学 Typst 论文模板 | 本仓库是 universal-hit-thesis 的镜像,为维护模板早期版本在 Typst Universe 上的链接而设置,请移步至 HITSZ OSA 的仓库 | ||||
Dalian University of Technology 大连理工大学 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | dutLQG/ DUT-LyX | 大连理工大学博士硕士学位论文LyX/LaTeX模板 | ||||
Vilnius University (立陶宛)维尔纽斯大学 (Vilniaus universitetas) | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | ramojus/ typst-template-VU-thesis | typst template for Vilnius University thesis | ||||
Pennsylvania State University (美国)宾夕法尼亚州立大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | cafeclimber/ typst-psu | Typst template for Penn State University theses / dissertations | ||||
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (德国)马格德堡大学 (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, OvGU) | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | v411e/ ovgu-typst-thesis-template | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg typst thesis template | ||||
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (孟加拉国)库尔纳工程技术大学 (খুলনা প্রকৌশল ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়) | Thesis/Dissertation Microsoft Word | Riaz-404/ KUET-Thesis-Format_MS-Word | KUET Undergraduate and Postgraduate Thesis Format in Microsoft Word | ||||
University of Minnesota (美国)明尼苏达大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | neyhartj/ umn_thesis | A bookdown template for compiling a thesis in R Markdown for the University of Minnesota | ||||
Riga Technical University (拉脱维亚)里加工业大学 (Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāte, RTU) | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | Ri0ee/ typst-rtu | Typst template for RTU (Riga Technical University) reports | ||||
University of Cambridge (英国)剑桥大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | jeffa5/ typst-cambridge | Typst templates for the University of Cambridge | ||||
Boise State University (美国)博伊西州立大学 | Thesis/Dissertation Microsoft Word | lorrainegaudio/ BSU_Graduate_Thesis | This repository contains all writing documents used in the creation of my thesis for a Master of Arts in Anthropology at Boise State University. I will be using Microsoft Word. |
Institute | Genre | GitHub Repo | Stars | Forks | UpdatedTime | License | Description |
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | sparanoid/ chinese-copywriting-guidelines | Chinese copywriting guidelines for better written communication/中文文案排版指北 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | ruanyf/ document-style-guide | 中文技术文档的写作规范 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | James-Yu/ LaTeX-Workshop | Boost LaTeX typesetting efficiency with preview, compile, autocomplete, colorize, and more. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | garrettj403/ SciencePlots | Matplotlib styles for scientific plotting | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Markdown | Wandmalfarbe/ pandoc-latex-template | A pandoc LaTeX template to convert markdown files to PDF or LaTeX. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | zotero-chinese/ styles | 中文 CSL 样式 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Others | dyweb/ awesome-resume-for-chinese | 适合中文的简历模板收集(LaTeX,HTML/JS and so on)由 @hoochanlon 维护 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | mzlogin/ chinese-copywriting-guidelines | Chinese Copywriting Guidelines:中文文案排版指北(简体中文版) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Others | HugoBlox/ theme-academic-cv | 🎓 无需编写任何代码即可轻松创建漂亮的学术网站 Easily create a beautiful academic résumé or educational website using Hugo and GitHub. No code. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Markdown | rstudio/ bookdown | Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | Wookai/ paper-tips-and-tricks | Best practice and tips & tricks to write scientific papers in LaTeX, with figures generated in Python or Matlab. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | MLNLP-World/ Paper-Writing-Tips | MLNLP社区用来帮助大家避免论文投稿小错误的整理仓库。 Paper Writing Tips | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Markdown | CyC2018/ Markdown-Resume | ⭐️ Markdown 简历模版 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | CTeX-org/ lshort-zh-cn | A Chinese edition of the Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2ε | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Markdown | BingyanStudio/ LapisCV | 📃 开箱即用的 Markdown 简历,支持 VSCode / Obsidian / Typora | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | secdr/ research-method | 论文写作与资料分享 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Typst | qjcg/ awesome-typst | Awesome Typst Links | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | wklchris/ Note-by-LaTeX | 《简单粗暴 LaTeX》出版图书开源仓库 | The opensource repo for my published LaTeX book. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Markdown | mundimark/ awesome-markdown | A collection of awesome markdown goodies (libraries, services, editors, tools, cheatsheets, etc.) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | xinychen/ latex-cookbook | LaTeX论文写作教程 (清华大学出版社) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Markdown | mundimark/ awesome-markdown-editors | A collection of awesome markdown editors & (pre)viewers for Linux, Apple OS X, Microsoft Windows, the World Wide Web & more | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | zepinglee/ gbt7714-bibtex-style | GB/T 7714-2015 BibTeX Style | ||||
Tsinghua University 清华大学 | Presentation/Slides Microsoft PowerPoint | atomiechen/ THU-PPT-Theme | 清华主题PPT模板 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | RQLuo/ MixTeX-Latex-OCR | MixTeX multimodal LaTeX, ZhEn, and, Table OCR. It performs efficient CPU-based inference in a local offline on Windows. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Markdown | BubuAnabelas/ awesome-markdown | Delightful Markdown stuff. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | hushidong/ biblatex-gb7714-2015 | A biblatex implementation of the GB/T7714-2015 bibliography style || GB/T 7714-2015 参考文献著录和标注的biblatex样式包 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | yikeke/ zh-style-guide | An open-source style guide for writing Chinese technical documents: | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | Haixing-Hu/ typesetting-standard | 中文排版所需遵循的标准和规范 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | skyzh/ chicv | A minimal and fully-customizable CV template for Typst. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | huangxg/ lnotes | LaTeX Notes | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | mintyfrankie/ brilliant-CV | 💼 another CV template for your job application, yet powered by Typst and more | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Others | ManiMozaffar/ awesome-resumes | Create resumes and CV with awesome-resumes. Practical tips, guidelines, guide, examples and documentation for all IT fields | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Markdown | aaronwolen/ pandoc-letter | Pandoc template for writing letters in markdown | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | oetiker/ lshort | The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | jskherman/ imprecv | A no-frills curriculum vitae (CV) template using Typst and YAML to version control CV data. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | Haixing-Hu/ GBT7714-2005-BibTeX-Style | A GB/T 7714-2005 national standard compliant BibTeX style. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Others | IvanIsCoding/ ResuLLMe | Enhance your résumé with Large Language Models | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | OrangeX4/ Chinese-Resume-in-Typst | 使用 Typst 编写的中文简历, 语法简洁, 样式美观, 开箱即用, 可选是否显示照片 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | hantang/ latex-templates | A collection of awesome LaTeX Thesis/Dissertation templates and beyond! (LaTeX / Word / Typst / Markdown 格式的学位论文、演示文稿、报告、项目申请书、简历、书籍等模板收藏) | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Typst | typst/ templates | Templates that are directly maintained by the Typst team. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Markdown | maehr/ academic-pandoc-template | Write beautifully typeset academic texts with distraction-free Markdown and Pandoc. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | FudanSELab/ academic-writing-guide | 一些关于写论文的教程,防止犯一些低级错误 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | NicklasVraa/ LiX | Compose papers, dissertations, textbooks, novels, newspapers etc. quicker using abstractions to the standard LaTeX document classes - or create your own classes easily. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | doersino/ markdeep-thesis | Write your (under)graduate thesis with Markdeep and typeset it right in your browser. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | wusyong/ resume.typ | Resume template for Typst. Mirror to | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | bamboovir/ typst-resume-template | typst-resume-template | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | academic-templates/ tex-course-index-template | A template for writing a condensed course index leveraging LaTeX indexing | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Markdown | universvm/ obsidian-pandoc-templates | A repository for pandoc templates. Geared for Obsidian. | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | elegaanz/ vercanard | A colorful resume template for Typst | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | caffeinatedgaze/ bare-bones-cv | A minimalistic CV comprising essentials only | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | tzx/ NNJR | NNJR: NNJR is Not Jake's Resume. However, it is similar and is written in Typst! | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | giovanniberti/ moderncv.typst | A typst template inspired by LaTeX moderncv | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | peterpf/ modern-typst-resume | A modern typst resume template | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | rockyzhz/ latexdoc-chinese-translation | LaTeX 文档中文翻译项目 | ||||
Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学 | Presentation/Slides Microsoft PowerPoint | sysuexam/ SYSU-PPT | 中山大学PPT模板 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | UntimelyCreation/ typst-neat-cv | A set of templates to produce modern, minimal and elegant CVs and cover letters using Typst. | ||||
Tongji University 同济大学 | Presentation/Slides Typst | TJ-CSCCG/ tongji-undergrad-thesis-typst | 📄 同济大学本科生毕业设计论文模板 | Tongji University Undergraduate Thesis Template | Typst | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | tomowang/ typst-twentysecondcv | Twenty Seconds CV/Resume in Typst | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | jxpeng98/ Typst-CV-Resume | A CV template inspired by Deedy-Resume | ||||
Sichuan University 四川大学 | Presentation/Slides Microsoft PowerPoint | NING0121/ SCU_PPT_template | 为四川大学学生提供的一些PPT模板 | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | daxartio/ cv | Programmatic generation of high-quality CVs | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | vaibhavjhawar/ typst-cv-template1 | A Typst Resume/CV template, inspired by Alessandro Plasmati's Graduate CV LaTex template | ||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Others Others | the-ccsn/ china-university-thesis-index | |||||
Common Templates 通用模板 | Resume (CV) Typst | DawnEver/ typst-academic-cv | Typst Template for Academic CV |