Institutes in Other Countries and Regions(A-D)¶
List of Included Institutes 37, Number of templates: 50
Torcuato di Tella University¶
- Name: Torcuato di Tella University
- Chinese name: 托尔夸托迪特利亚大学
- Original name: Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | federicoduca/ latex-templates | Todo sobre LaTeX: templates personales para CV, trabajos prácticos, bibliografía, etc. |
Queensland University of Technology¶
- Name: Queensland University of Technology
- Chinese name: 昆士兰科技大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | hbristow/ quthesis | A LaTeX thesis template for PhD students at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) |
Monash University¶
- Name: Monash University
- Chinese name: 莫纳什大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | robjhyndman/ MonashThesis | Monash PhD thesis template |
Swinburne University of Technology¶
- Name: Swinburne University of Technology
- Chinese name: 斯威本科技大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | coljac/ swinburne-phd-typst | A Typst template for Swinburne University PhD theses. |
University of Sydney¶
- Name: University of Sydney
- Chinese name: 悉尼大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | danhey/ thesis | Latex thesis template for the University of Sydney honours/masters/PhD |
University of New South Wales¶
- Name: University of New South Wales
- Chinese name: 新南威尔士大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | andrewletten/ LettenPhDThesis2015 | PhD thesis 2015 (includes all LaTeX source files) |
James Cook University¶
- Name: James Cook University
- Chinese name: 詹姆斯·库克大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | davidjb/ JCU-Thesis-LyX-Layout | LyX layout, class, and imagery for your James Cook University thesis/theses |
Graz University of Technology¶
- Name: Graz University of Technology
- Chinese name: 格拉茨技术大学
- Original name: Technische Universität Graz, TU Graz
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | MarkusPic/ master_thesis_template | Master thesis template for Latex and Lyx / Vorlage für die Masterarbeit am Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft an der TU Graz |
University of Vienna¶
- Name: University of Vienna
- Chinese name: 维也纳大学
- Original name: Universität Wien
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ppatrzyk/ UniWien-LaTeX-Thesis | LaTeX template for a Master's Thesis at the University of Vienna |
Johannes Kepler University Linz, JKU¶
- Name: Johannes Kepler University Linz, JKU
- Chinese name: 约翰内斯·开普勒大学
- Original name: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | michaelroland/ jku-templates-report-latex | LaTeX Thesis and Technical Report Template for Johannes Kepler University Linz |
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, BSUIR¶
- Name: Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, BSUIR
- Chinese name: 国立信息和无线电电子大学
- Original name: Беларускі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт інфарматыкі і радыёэлектронікі
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | nadevko/ bsuir-TeX-1 | LaTeX implementation of BSUIR CoS |
University of Antwerp¶
- Name: University of Antwerp
- Chinese name: 安特卫普大学
- Original name: Universiteit Antwerpen
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | nschloe/ ua-beamer | A LaTeX beamer theme for the University of Antwerp |
National University of Engineering¶
- Name: National University of Engineering
- Chinese name: 国立工程大学
- Original name: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, UNI
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ErickChacon/ uni-thesis | UniThesis class in LaTeX as a template for undergraduate thesis at Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería |
Wrocław University of Science and Technology¶
- Name: Wrocław University of Science and Technology
- Chinese name: 弗罗茨瓦夫理工大学
- Original name: Politechnika Wrocławska
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | rkubosz/ dyplompwr | Szablon LaTeX pracy dyplomowej PWR |
Warsaw University of Technology¶
- Name: Warsaw University of Technology
- Chinese name: 华沙工业大学
- Original name: Politechnika Warszawska
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ArturB/ WUT-Thesis | LaTeX template for engineer and master thesis for Warsaw University of Technology. | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SP5LMA/ EE-dyplom | Szablon prac dyplomowych na Wydziale Elektrycznym Politechniki Warszawskiej, zgodny z Zarządzeniami JM Rektora PW: 57/2016, 42/2020, 109/2021, 3/2022 oraz 4/2022. |
Łódź University of Technology¶
- Name: Łódź University of Technology
- Chinese name: 罗兹理工大学
- Original name: Politechnika Łódzka
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jlokiec/ FTIMS-thesis-template | LaTeX thesis template for FTIMS faculty, TUL. |
Aalborg University¶
- Name: Aalborg University
- Chinese name: 奥尔堡大学
- Original name: Aalborg Universitet, AAU
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jkjaer/ aauLatexTemplates | A collection of Aalborg University LaTeX-templates |
University of Copenhagen¶
- Name: University of Copenhagen
- Chinese name: 哥本哈根大学
- Original name: Københavns Universitet
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | cbourjau/ frederiksberg_beamer | LaTex beamer theme for the University of Copenhagen |
FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management¶
- Name: FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management
- Chinese name: FOM经济与管理应用科学大学
- Original name: FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | andygrunwald/ FOM-LaTeX-Template | A LaTeX template for term paper, bachelor or master thesis for "FOM University of Applied Sciences" |
IU International University of Applied Sciences¶
- Name: IU International University of Applied Sciences
- Chinese name: IU国际应用科学大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | markushaug/ iu-latex-template | LaTex Template for academic papers at the IU International University (2024) |
Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University¶
- Name: Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University
- Chinese name: 巴登-符腾堡州合作州立大学
- Original name: Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, DHBW
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | faltfe/ iodhbwm | LaTeX - Vorlage für Bachelor-, Studien- und Projektarbeiten an der DHBW |
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences¶
- Name: Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences
- Chinese name: 波恩-莱茵-锡格应用技术大学
- Original name: Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | MartinX3-EducationOrganization/ hbrs-latex-vorlage-arbeit | Dieses Projekt soll dazu dienen, eine Vorlage für Seminar-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeiten, die an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg verfasst werden, gemeinschaftlich zu erarbeiten und zu verbessern. |
Ruhr-University Bochum¶
- Name: Ruhr-University Bochum
- Chinese name: 波鸿鲁尔大学
- Original name: Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | sjewo/ rub-beamer | LaTeX Beamer Template for Ruhr-University Bochum |
Technical University of Berlin¶
- Name: Technical University of Berlin
- Chinese name: 柏林工业大学
- Original name: Technische Universität Berlin
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | holgern/ TUB_PhDThesisTemplate | An unofficial PhD Thesis template for pdflatex, lualatex and xelatex for the Technical University of Berlin. The pdf-files are following the PDF/A-1b standard. |
Humboldt University of Berlin¶
- Name: Humboldt University of Berlin
- Chinese name: 柏林洪堡大学
- Original name: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, HU Berlin
- Number of templates: 3
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | benmaier/ LyXTufteThesis | A LyX template for PhD theses at HU Berlin | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | phinguyen44/ huwiwidown | RMarkdown template for theses written at HU Berlin WiWi | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | napiontek/ huphydown | An updated R Markdown thesis template for physics students at Humboldt-University of Berlin using the bookdown package |
Industrial University of Darmstadt¶
- Name: Industrial University of Darmstadt
- Chinese name: 达姆施塔特工业大学
- Original name: Technische Universität Darmstadt, TU Darmstadt
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zemirco/ tu-darmstadt-latex-thesis | LaTeX template for any thesis at the TU Darmstadt | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | JeyRunner/ tuda-typst-templates | Typst Template for the Corporate Design of TU Darmstadt |
Deggendorf Institute of Technology¶
- Name: Deggendorf Institute of Technology
- Chinese name: 德根多夫理工学院
- Original name: Technische Hochschule Deggendorf
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | playduck/ thd-thesis | Inofficial LaTeX Bachelor/Master thesis template for THD (Deggendorf Institute of Technology / Technische Hochschule Deggendorf) |
University of Freiburg¶
- Name: University of Freiburg
- Chinese name: 弗赖堡大学
- Original name: Universität Freiburg
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | d-mironov/ typst-slides-uni-freiburg | Typst Presentation template to use in the University of Freiburg. |
University of Göttingen¶
- Name: University of Göttingen
- Chinese name: 哥廷根大学
- Original name: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mhellmeier/ LaTeX-Thesis-Template | A LaTeX Thesis Template, originally made for Seminar, Bachelor and Master Paper at the University of Göttingen (unofficial) |
Konstanz University of Applied Sciences¶
- Name: Konstanz University of Applied Sciences
- Chinese name: 康斯坦茨应用科技大学
- Original name: Hochschule Konstanz HTWG
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | AihamAbusaleh/ thesis-template-latex | Thesis Latex Template Hochschule Konstanz HTWG |
RheinMain University of Applied Sciences¶
- Name: RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
- Chinese name: 莱茵曼应用技术大学
- Original name: Hochschule RheinMain
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | benjamin-weiss/ hsrmbeamertheme | Beamer theme that complies with the corporate design of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. |
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg¶
- Name: Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
- Chinese name: 马格德堡大学
- Original name: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, OvGU
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | v411e/ ovgu-typst-thesis-template | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg typst thesis template |
Mainz University of Applied Sciences¶
- Name: Mainz University of Applied Sciences
- Chinese name: 美因茨应用科技大学
- Original name: Hochschule Mainz
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | JonasBingel/ HSMZ-Thesis-Template | LaTeX-Vorlage für Exposé und Arbeiten an der Hochschule Mainz |
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, LMU¶
- Name: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, LMU
- Chinese name: 慕尼黑大学
- Original name: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | changkun/ lmu-thesis-latex | 📔 A LaTeX template for LMU Master/Bachelor theses (paper+slides). |
Technical University of Munich¶
- Name: Technical University of Munich
- Chinese name: 慕尼黑工业大学
- Original name: Technische Universität München
- Number of templates: 10
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | fwalch/ tum-thesis-latex | :notebook_with_decorative_cover: A LaTeX template for TUM Bachelor/Master theses. | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | TUM-Dev/ tum-thesis-latex | :notebook_with_decorative_cover: A LaTeX template for TUM Bachelor/Master theses. | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | TUM-LIS/ tum-dissertation-latex | Latex template for a TUM dissertation/PhD thesis | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | waltsims/ TUM_Thesis_Template_CSE | A Latex template for the TUM graduate program Computational Science and Engineering (CSE). | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | MichaelGrupp/ TTT | TUM Thesis Template - LaTeX template in the new corporate design of TU München (inofficial) | ||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | garrettj403/ ThesisPlots | Format Matplotlib for a scientific thesis (depracated! use garrettj403/SciencePlots!) | ||
6 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | nnedkov/ tum-thesis-latex | |||
7 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | labenbmic1/ git-BachelorThesis | :notebook_with_decorative_cover: TUM (BSc) LaTeX Thesis Template (inofficial): The template I started with for my Bachelor Thesis. Have fun and if there are mistakes please do not hesitate to contact me. (It's not perfect of course, but should be a good starting point.) | ||
8 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | ls1intum/ thesis-template-typst | TUM ASE thesis typst template | ||
9 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | lkndl/ typst-bioinfo-thesis | Typst thesis template for bioinformatics @ TUM+LMU |
Munich University of Applied Sciences¶
- Name: Munich University of Applied Sciences
- Chinese name: 慕尼黑应用科技大学
- Original name: Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SimonHirner/ Hochschule-Muenchen-LaTeX-Template | Mein persönliches LaTeX Template für die Erstellung von Seminar-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeiten an der Hochschule München. |
University of Stuttgart¶
- Name: University of Stuttgart
- Chinese name: 斯图加特大学
- Original name: Universität Stuttgart
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | valentjn/ uni-stuttgart-beamer-template | Unofficial LaTeX template for Beamer presentations at the University of Stuttgart, Germany |