Institutes in Other Countries and Regions(R-Y)¶
List of Included Institutes 64, Number of templates: 91
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology¶
- Name: Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Chinese name: 北陆先端科学技术大学院大学
- Original name: 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学, JAIST
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | linwest/ JAISTthesisLaTeX | JAIST Thesis LaTeX template |
University of Tokyo¶
- Name: University of Tokyo
- Chinese name: 东京大学
- Original name: 東京大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | utlis/ llls_depp-thesis_template | The official thesis template files for the following courses in the University of Tokyo: Division of Lifelong Learning Infrastructure Management, Graduate School of Education/Division of Educational Practices and Policies, Faculty of Education |
Kyushu Institute of Technology¶
- Name: Kyushu Institute of Technology
- Chinese name: 九州工业大学
- Original name: 九州工業大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ravijo/ kyutech-thesis-template | A LaTeX template (unofficial) for doctoral dissertation or master's thesis of Kyutech |
Nagoya University¶
- Name: Nagoya University
- Chinese name: 名古屋大学
- Original name: 名古屋大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | akira-okumura/ MasterThesisTemplate | 修士論文 LaTeX テンプレート|名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所の理学系修士学生用 |
Keio University¶
- Name: Keio University
- Chinese name: 庆应义塾大学
- Original name: 慶應義塾
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ymrl/ thesis-template | SFCの修士論文に(たぶん)準拠したLaTeXテンプレート |
Chalmers University of Technology¶
- Name: Chalmers University of Technology
- Chinese name: 查尔姆斯理工大学
- Original name: Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Micket/ chalmers | Styles for LaTeX, beamer for Chalmers University of Technology | ||
1 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | E2-PhD-Council/ ThesisTemplate | Thesis template(s) for Chalmers E2 PhD students |
Karolinska Institute, KI¶
- Name: Karolinska Institute, KI
- Chinese name: 卡罗林斯卡学院
- Original name: Karolinska Institutet
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | bcschiffler/ phdthesis_ki | Unofficial bookdown template for a doctoral thesis at Karolinska Institutet (KI) |
University of Basel¶
- Name: University of Basel
- Chinese name: 巴塞尔大学
- Original name: Universität Basel
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | ivangiangreco/ basilea-beamer | Latex Beamer Template for Presentations (University of Basel, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) |
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland¶
- Name: University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
- Chinese name: 瑞士西北应用科学与艺术大学
- Original name: Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, FHNW
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | maechler/ latex-thesis-template | A LaTeX template to kick-start your thesis. |
University of Zurich¶
- Name: University of Zurich
- Chinese name: 苏黎世大学
- Original name: Universität Zürich, UZH
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | maehr/ uzh-ma-thesis | University of Zurich Master Thesis Template (Universität Zürich Masterarbeit Vorlage) in RMarkdown and Latex | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | florian-wagner/ thesis-tex-template | LaTeX template of my PhD thesis. |
ETH Zurich¶
- Name: ETH Zurich
- Chinese name: 苏黎世联邦理工学院
- Original name: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | tuxu/ ethz-thesis | LaTeX template for a PhD thesis at ETH Zurich |
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)¶
- Name: Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
- Chinese name: 苏黎世应用科技大学
- Original name: ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | matteodelucchi/ ZHAW_thesis-template | LaTeX thesis template for ZHAW, Zurich University of Applied Sciences. |
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland¶
- Name: University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland
- Chinese name: 西部应用科学与艺术大学
- Original name: Haute École spécialisée de Suisse occidentale, HES-SO
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mdemierre/ hesso-latextemplate-thesis | HES-SO//Master MSE thesis template |
Istanbul Technical University¶
- Name: Istanbul Technical University
- Chinese name: 伊斯坦布尔科技大学
- Original name: istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, ITU
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ondes/ Template-Latex-ITU-Thesis | LaTeX Template of Istanbul Technical University thesis projects | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | ituast/ itutezLyX | Istanbul Technical University M.S. and Ph.D. Thesis in LyX (UNOFFICIAL) |
Technical University of Madrid¶
- Name: Technical University of Madrid
- Chinese name: 马德里理工大学
- Original name: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | eduayme/ UPM-thesis-template-latex | UPM thesis template in latex | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ricardolopezgr/ TFG-TFM-template | Plantilla LaTeX para el Trabajo de Fin de Grado/Máster de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Navales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. |
University of Malaga¶
- Name: University of Malaga
- Chinese name: 马拉加大学
- Original name: Universidad de Málaga, UMA
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | benhid/ TFG-UMA | Plantilla en LaTeX para la elaboración del Trabajo de Fin de Grado (Universidad de Málaga) |
University of Patras¶
- Name: University of Patras
- Chinese name: 帕特雷大学
- Original name: Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | tsikup/ ece-upatras-thesis-template | A LaTeX thesis template for ECE Dep., University of Patras. |
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, NKUA¶
- Name: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, NKUA
- Chinese name: 雅典大学
- Original name: Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | errikos/ dithesis | Thesis class for undergraduate theses at the University of Athens | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | cnasikas/ di-thesis-template | Template for MSc Thesis, CS, University of Athens |
National Technical University of Athens, NTUA¶
- Name: National Technical University of Athens, NTUA
- Chinese name: 雅典国家技术大学
- Original name: Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | estamos/ NTUA-ECE-Thesis-Template | 📑 LaTeX Thesis Template for School of Electrical and Computer Engineering \| National Technical University of Athens |
National University of Singapore (NUS)¶
- Name: National University of Singapore (NUS)
- Chinese name: 新加坡国立大学
- Number of templates: 4
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | streamjoin/ nusthesis | A LaTeX template for thesis of the National University of Singapore (NUS) | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | saurabhg17/ SPhdThesis | A Latex template for writing PhD Thesis | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ramananbalakrishnan/ nus-thesis-latex-template | A LaTeX template for NUS Masters/PhD theses | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | Junyi-99/ nus-thesis-template-typst | NUS thesis typst template |
Nanyang Technological University (NTU)¶
- Name: Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
- Chinese name: 新加坡南洋理工大学
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | wang-chen/ thesis_template_ntu | Thesis Latex Template for Nanyang Technological University (NTU) | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | doem97/ NTU-EEE-MSc-Dissertation-Template | EEE Latex Dissertation Template, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), re-defined in 2021 |
Eötvös Loránd University¶
- Name: Eötvös Loránd University
- Chinese name: 罗兰大学
- Original name: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, ELTE
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mcserep/ elteikthesis | ELTE FI bachelor and master thesis template. | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mcserep/ elteiktdk | TDK-thesis template for ELTE FI. |
University of Technology, AUT¶
- Name: University of Technology, AUT
- Chinese name: 阿米尔·卡比尔理工大学
- Original name: دانشگاه صنعتی امیرکبیر
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | aminrashidbeigi/ BS-thesis | Design and implementation goods information system of stores and warehouses |
University of Tehran¶
- Name: University of Tehran
- Chinese name: 德黑兰大学
- Original name: دانشگاه تهران , UT
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | sinamomken/ tehran-thesis | LaTeX template for BSc/MSc/PhD theses of University of Tehran - قالب لاتک پایاننامه دانشگاه تهران |
Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology¶
- Name: Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology
- Chinese name: 哈杰·纳西尔丁·图西理工大学
- Original name: دانشگاه صنعتی خواجه نصيرالدين طوسی
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | msinamsina/ kntu-thesis | A Latex template for writing the thesis in K. N. Toosi university of technology |
Tel Aviv University¶
- Name: Tel Aviv University
- Chinese name: 特拉维夫大学
- Original name: אוניברסיטת תל־אביב
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | kourgeorge/ tau-thesis-latex | A LaTeX template for Masters (M.Sc.) and Doctorate (Ph.D) theses in the Tel-Aviv University. | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | alexlib/ tau_thesis_lyx_template | LyX template for M.Sc. or Ph.D. thesis at Tel Aviv University תבנית לכתיבת תיזה באוניברסיטת תל אביב באמצעות "לטקס" או "ליקס" |
University of Bergamo¶
- Name: University of Bergamo
- Chinese name: 贝加莫大学
- Original name: Università degli studi di Bergamo
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | micheleberetta98/ unibg-thesis-template | A LaTeX starter project with UniBG thesis guidelines and first page |
University of Bologna¶
- Name: University of Bologna
- Chinese name: 博洛尼亚大学
- Original name: Università di Bologna
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | andreadecorte/ unibo-thesis-lyx | A template for writing a University of Bologna thesis with Lyx |
Polytechnic University of Milan¶
- Name: Polytechnic University of Milan
- Chinese name: 米兰理工大学
- Original name: Politecnico di Milano, PoliMi
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | pcafrica/ beamerthemepolimi | Beamer port of the official PoliMi presentation theme. |
Catholic University of Sacred Heart¶
- Name: Catholic University of Sacred Heart
- Chinese name: 米兰圣心天主教大学
- Original name: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | NiccoloSalvini/ cattolicadown | Template for writing and Catholic University of Sacred Heart thesis in R Markdown; uses the OxThesis LaTeX template and was inspired by thesisdown. |
University of Naples Federico II¶
- Name: University of Naples Federico II
- Chinese name: 那不勒斯腓特烈二世大学
- Original name: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | luistar/ unina-thesis-template | A fancy LaTeX template for theses at the University of Naples "Federico II" (UniNA). |
University of Padua¶
- Name: University of Padua
- Chinese name: 帕多瓦大学
- Original name: Università degli Studi di Padova, UNIPD
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mamio1994/ template-latex-unipd | Template latex per la redazione di una tesi di Laurea. | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mychele/ unipd-latex-template | Modern LaTeX template for UNIPD Thesis. Download it here: |
University of Salerno¶
- Name: University of Salerno
- Chinese name: 萨莱诺大学
- Original name: Università degli Studi di Salerno
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | CiccioTecchio/ Unisa-LaTeX | Unoffical template for Unisa thesis |
University of Trento¶
- Name: University of Trento
- Chinese name: 特伦托大学
- Original name: Università degli Studi di Trento
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | unitn-drive/ thesis | Thesis Template |
Delhi Technological University, DTU¶
- Name: Delhi Technological University, DTU
- Chinese name: 德里理工大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | gandalfsaxe/ laursens-xelatex-thesis-template | This is a LaTeX thesis template (BSc, MSc and PhD) often used by DTU Compute students, officially recommended by DTU. Original repository: |
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, NIT Trichy¶
- Name: National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, NIT Trichy
- Chinese name: 蒂鲁吉拉伯利国立理工学院
- Original name: தேசிய தொழில்நுட்பக் கழகம், திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | niki864/ ThesisTemplate | A template made in LaTex as per the 2017 B.Tech Thesis guidelines for NIT-Trichy students |
Homi Bhabha National Institute, HBNI¶
- Name: Homi Bhabha National Institute, HBNI
- Chinese name: 霍米巴巴国家研究所
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | rajeshrinet/ lyx-hbniThesis | A LyX template for HBNI PhD thesis. |
National Institute of Technology Calicut, NITC¶
- Name: National Institute of Technology Calicut, NITC
- Chinese name: 科泽科德国立理工学院
- Original name: राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान कालीकट
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | k4rtik/ latex-project-report-template | LaTeX based template for college project reports |
Manipal Institute of Technology¶
- Name: Manipal Institute of Technology
- Chinese name: 马尼帕尔理工学院
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | avnishsachar/ manipal_thesis_template | Thesis template for Manipal Institute of Technology (final year project/ bachelor's thesis) |
University of Gadjah Mada¶
- Name: University of Gadjah Mada
- Chinese name: 加查马达大学
- Original name: Universitas Gadjah Mada, UGM
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | canggihpw/ thesisdtetiugm | Latex Template for Thesis Writing at DTETI UGM |
University of Indonesia¶
- Name: University of Indonesia
- Chinese name: 印度尼西亚大学
- Original name: Universitas Indonesia
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | rkkautsar/ ui-thesis-template | LaTeX configuration for report/thesis/dissertation according to Universitas Indonesia standard originally made by Andreas Febrian. Forked from | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | yohanesgultom/ ui_style | LaTeX configuration for report/thesis/dissertation according to University Indonesia standard originally made by Andreas Febrian |
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, IIT-BHU¶
- Name: Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, IIT-BHU
- Chinese name: 印度理工学院(贝拿勒斯印度教大学)瓦拉纳西分校
- Original name: भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान (का.हि.वि.) वाराणसी
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | sdasrc/ thesis-template-iitbhu | LaTex IDD/Masters/PHD Thesis Template for Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi |
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad¶
- Name: Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
- Chinese name: 印度理工学院海得拉巴分校
- Original name: ఇండియన్ ఇన్స్టిట్యూట్ ఆఫ్ టెక్నాలజీ, హైదరాబాద్
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | utpalbora/ IITHThesis | Thesis template for IIT Hyderabad. |
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, IIT Kharagpur¶
- Name: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, IIT Kharagpur
- Chinese name: 印度理工学院克勒格布尔分校
- Original name: ਆਈ.ਆਈ.ਟੀ. ਖੜਗਪੁਰ
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | c-i-p-h-e-r/ PhinisheD | This is an unofficial PhD Thesis Template for IIT Kharagpur folks. KGP ka tempo high hain!!! |
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, IIT Madras¶
- Name: Indian Institute of Technology Madras, IIT Madras
- Chinese name: 印度理工学院马德拉斯分校
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | j-jith/ iitm-thesis | A LaTeX class for preparing PhD, MS, M.Tech and B.Tech thesis according to the IIT Madras guidelines | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | amitanilkulkarni/ iitm-thesis-template | I have ported the thesis template for IIT Madras from LaTeX to LyX for those who prefer WYSIWYG editors. (Idk, I personally use LaTeX - it's not that tough). |
University of Exeter¶
- Name: University of Exeter
- Chinese name: 埃克塞特大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | georgedeath/ University_of_Exeter_Thesis_Template | University of Exeter PhD in Computer Science thesis template |
University of Edinburgh¶
- Name: University of Edinburgh
- Chinese name: 爱丁堡大学
- Original name: Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | james-d-h/ quarto-phd-thesis | Quarto Template PhD Thesis - The University of Edinburgh | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | H0R5E/ edengths | LaTeX PhD Thesis Template |
University of Bristol¶
- Name: University of Bristol
- Chinese name: 布里斯托大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | dawbarton/ UoB-beamer-theme | A LaTeX Beamer theme for the University of Bristol |
Imperial College London (IC)¶
- Name: Imperial College London (IC)
- Chinese name: 帝国理工学院
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | blaahhrrgg/ icldiss | A LaTeX dissertation template for Imperial College London. |
University of Glasgow¶
- Name: University of Glasgow
- Chinese name: 格拉斯哥大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | sdstrowes/ Glasgow-Thesis-Template | A Glasgow University LaTeX thesis template. |
Heriot-Watt University¶
- Name: Heriot-Watt University
- Chinese name: 赫瑞瓦特大学
- Original name: Oilthigh Heriot-Watt
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jackred/ Heriot_Watt_Thesis_Template | A LaTeX template for writing a thesis according to Heriot-Watt University guidelines |
University of Cambridge¶
- Name: University of Cambridge
- Chinese name: 剑桥大学
- Number of templates: 5
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | kks32/ phd-thesis-template | A LaTeX / XeLaTeX / LuaLaTeX PhD thesis template for Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED) | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | cambridge/ thesis | A LaTeX document class that conforms to the Computer Laboratory's PhD thesis formatting guidelines. | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | kks32/ PhDThesisLyX | A LyX PhD thesis template for Cambridge University Engineering Department | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | jeffa5/ typst-cambridge | Typst templates for the University of Cambridge | ||
4 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | rjw57/ cambridge-beamer | University of Cambridge house style for LaTeX Beamer |
Coventry University¶
- Name: Coventry University
- Chinese name: 考文垂大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | GR8DAN/ coventry-thesis | A LaTeX template for a Coventry University Thesis, based on a Cambridge University Engineering Department template. |
University Of Liverpool¶
- Name: University Of Liverpool
- Chinese name: 利物浦大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | GiacomoPope/ thesis-template | The Latex files used to create my PhD Thesis |
University College London (UCL)¶
- Name: University College London (UCL)
- Chinese name: 伦敦大学学院
- Number of templates: 3
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | UCL/ ucl-latex-thesis-templates | UCL LaTeX thesis templates. | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | wittawatj/ ucl-lyx-thesis | PhD thesis template in Lyx for UCL students | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | 089/ phd_thesis_markdown | Markdown (Pandoc) Template für Abschlussarbeiten |
King's College London¶
- Name: King's College London
- Chinese name: 伦敦国王学院
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | danilofreire/ kcl-thesis-template-markdown | King's College London - Thesis Template in Markdown |
University of the Arts London, UAL¶
- Name: University of the Arts London, UAL
- Chinese name: 伦敦艺术大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | natuk/ ual-thesis-template | A LyX (LaTeX) template which conforms to the University of the Arts London standard for writing a PhD thesis. |
University of Manchester¶
- Name: University of Manchester
- Chinese name: 曼彻斯特大学
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | Adorno-Lab/ phd-thesis-lyx-template | This repository contains the LyX template for the University of Manchester/EEE PhD thesis. | ||
1 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | mundya/ unofficial-university-of-manchester-beamer | Unofficial University of Manchester Beamer Theme |
University of Southampton¶
- Name: University of Southampton
- Chinese name: 南安普顿大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | hlwhl/ ECS_Thesis_Template_LaTex | University of Southampton ECS project dissertation template |
University of Oxford¶
- Name: University of Oxford
- Chinese name: 牛津大学
- Number of templates: 5
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mcmanigle/ OxThesis | LaTeX template for an Oxford University thesis | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | telegraphic/ Oxford-LyX-Thesis-Template | University of Oxford LyX Thesis Template | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | ulyngs/ oxforddown | Template for writing an Oxford University thesis in R Markdown; uses the OxThesis LaTeX template and was inspired by thesisdown. | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | aesadde/ ox-thesis | A set of templates to render a thesis in the Oxford University format using pandoc markdown | ||
4 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | gbaydin/ oxford-poster | LaTeX beamer poster template themed for the University of Oxford |
Newcastle University¶
- Name: Newcastle University
- Chinese name: 纽卡斯尔大学
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | AndreGuerra123/ NUTT | NUTT - Newcastle University Thesis Template written in LATEX. | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | philipdarke/ simple-thesis | LaTeX class for PhD theses |
University of Strathclyde¶
- Name: University of Strathclyde
- Chinese name: 思克莱德大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | nitrogl/ strathbeamer | Strathclyde University LaTeX beamer template |
Vietnam National University, Hanoi¶
- Name: Vietnam National University, Hanoi
- Chinese name: 河内国家大学
- Original name: Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | leduyquang753/ uet-graduation-latex | A document class for VNU-UET graduation documents using LaTeX. |
Can Tho University¶
- Name: Can Tho University
- Chinese name: 芹苴大学
- Original name: Trường Đại học Cần Thơ
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | duongludien/ thesis-template | Mẫu luận văn tốt nghiệp trường Đại học Cần Thơ soạn thảo bằng LaTeX |