Institutes in China(mainland)(J-N)¶
List of Included Institutes 25, Number of templates: 106
Jilin University¶
- Name: Jilin University
- Chinese name: 吉林大学
- Number of templates: 15
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jiafeng5513/ JLU_Dissertation | 吉林大学学位论文Latex模板 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | maxuewei2/ JLUThesis2020 | 吉林大学硕博学位论文 LaTeX 模板——jluthesis2020 | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | x86vk/ JLU-CCST-Thesis | 吉林大学 计算机科学与技术学院 本科毕业论文 Latex模板 | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Sakura-shem/ JLUThesis | 吉林大学 通信工程学院 本科毕业论文 Latex模板 2023 | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | geekifan/ jluthesis | |||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | quanfan-zi/ Latex-Paper-Templates | 根据2024年毕业论文(设计)格式要求设计过的Latex论文模板 | ||
6 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | dartall/ jluthesis | Automatically exported from | ||
7 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | OceanPresentChao/ JLU-SE-Thesis-Template | 吉林大学 软件学院 本科毕业论文 Latex模板 | ||
8 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Herbert-Gao/ JLU_Graduation_Model_Bachelor | 吉林大学毕业论文模板 | ||
9 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Katzen-D/ JLUThesis_D | 吉林大学本科生毕业论文模板(理工科) | ||
10 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | JLUqiankun/ JLU_Graduate_Thesis_Template | |||
11 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jhyutian/ jlu-thesis | Automatically exported from | ||
12 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | lyjslay/ JLU-EE-template | 吉林大学电子科学与工程学院毕业论文(设计)模板 | ||
13 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | GohUnTsuan/ JLU-Beamer-Theme | A LaTeX beamer theme template for Jilin University students. 吉林大学beamer模板. | ||
14 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Guanyu-Li/ Defense-Reporting-ppt | 答辩ppt模板(吉林大学数学学院)Defence ppt Template |
Jinan University¶
- Name: Jinan University
- Chinese name: 暨南大学
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ytZhou/ JNUMasterThesis | 暨南大学硕士学位论文LaTex模板 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Latiyas/ JNUThesis | 暨南大学硕博士学位论文Overleaf模板 |
Jiangnan University¶
- Name: Jiangnan University
- Chinese name: 江南大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | xen0n/ JNUthesis | 江南大学学位论文 XⱻLᴬTᴇX 宏包 |
Jiangsu University¶
- Name: Jiangsu University
- Chinese name: 江苏大学
- Number of templates: 5
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | xtc-chen/ UJS_Masterthesis | 江苏大学硕士学位论文Latex模板 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | xtc-chen/ UJS_Phdthesis | 江苏大学博士学位论文Latex模板 | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | TYZQ/ ujsthesis | 江苏大学本科生毕业论文LaTeX模板 | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | NTrabbit5/ UJS-thesis | 江苏大学学位论文 | ||
4 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Luhuanz/ beamer- | 江苏大学beamer非官方 |
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology¶
- Name: Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
- Chinese name: 江苏科技大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | sheeplib/ JustThesis | 江苏科技大学硕士学位论文 latex档 |
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics¶
- Name: Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
- Chinese name: 江西财经大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zipzou/ jufe-thesis-tex | 江西财经大学本科毕业设计latex模板 |
Lanzhou University¶
- Name: Lanzhou University
- Chinese name: 兰州大学
- Number of templates: 11
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | yuhldr/ LZUThesis2020 | 兰州大学2024毕业论文LaTex模板:本科生、研究生两个模板 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mosesnow/ LZUthesis | 兰州大学学位论文LyX模板及LaTeX模板 | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | JChrysanthemum/ LZUThesis2020-PgD-PhD | 兰大研究生(硕博)毕业论文 Latex 模板 | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | suchot/ LZUThesis2017 | 兰州大学本科生(学士学位)LaTeX模板 | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | szsdk/ LZUthesis | |||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zmx0142857/ lzuthesis | 兰州大学本科生毕业论文模板 | ||
6 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | CosmosLiang/ LZUthesis | 兰州大学本科生毕业论文LaTeX模板 | ||
7 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | latexstudio/ LZUthesis | 兰州大学学位论文LyX模板及LaTeX模板 | ||
8 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | fengyongkang/ PgD-PHD-Thesis-Latex-template-for-Lanzhou-University | 兰州大学2021界硕士毕业论文Latex模板 | ||
9 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | yuhldr/ SimpleBeamerLZU | ppt模板,latex,适合毕业答辩等 | ||
10 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | yuhldr/ LZUBeamer | 自己做的LaTex版的beamer模板 |
Lanzhou Jiaotong University¶
- Name: Lanzhou Jiaotong University
- Chinese name: 兰州交通大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Neaples-redemption/ LZJTU-Beamer-Template | About A LaTeX beamer (ppt) template of Lanzhou Jiao Tong University. 兰州交通大学 Latex beamer 模板 |
Lanzhou University of Technology¶
- Name: Lanzhou University of Technology
- Chinese name: 兰州理工大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | estivalinp/ LuThesis | 兰州理工大学毕业论文LaTeX模板 LaTeX Thesis Template for Lanzhou University of Technology |
Nanchang University¶
- Name: Nanchang University
- Chinese name: 南昌大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Jin-bao/ NCU-thesis | 南昌大学学位(毕业)论文 LaTeX 模板 |
Nanchang Aviation University¶
- Name: Nanchang Aviation University
- Chinese name: 南昌航空大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | NCHUSC/ NCHU_Bachelor_Thesis_Template | 南昌航空大学(非官方)本科生毕业论文模板 \| A LaTeX template for bachelor thesis in Nanchang Hangkong University (NCHU) |
Southern University of Science and Technology¶
- Name: Southern University of Science and Technology
- Chinese name: 南方科技大学
- Number of templates: 10
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | iydon/ sustechthesis | 南方科技大学本科生毕业论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SUSTech-CRA/ sustech-master-thesis | 南方科技大学研究生学位论文LaTeX模板 | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SUSTC/ latex-template | 南方科技大学 LaTeX 模板目录 SUSTech LaTeX templates | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Peng-YM/ SUSTech-Thesis | 南方科技大学毕业论文LaTeX模板 | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Spacebody/ sustcthesis | graduation thesis latex template for sustcer | ||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SUSTC/ sustcthesis | graduation thesis latex template for sustcer | ||
6 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | whzecomjm/ sustcthesis | graduation thesis latex template for sustcer | ||
7 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SeaHI-Robot/ SUSTechThesis2024MEE | 南方科技大学本科生毕业论文 LaTeX 模板 - 2024非官方机械系模板 | ||
8 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | fecet/ sustechthesis-markdown | 南方科技大学毕业论文markdown模板 | ||
9 | Thesis/Dissertation Microsoft Word | jerrylususu/ sustech-thesis-word | 南方科技大学毕业论文 Word 模板 |
Nanjing University¶
- Name: Nanjing University
- Chinese name: 南京大学
- Number of templates: 15
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | nju-lug/ NJUThesis | 南京大学学位论文模板 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Haixing-Hu/ nju-thesis | 南京大学学位论文XeLaTeX模板 | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | njuhan/ njuthesis-nju-thesis-template | 南京大学学位论文(本科/硕士/博士),毕业论文LaTeX模板 | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | nju-lug/ modern-nju-thesis | 南京大学学位论文 Typst 模板 modern-nju-thesis | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jiangyy/ njuthesis | 南京大学山寨毕业论文模版 | ||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | FengChendian/ NJUThesis2021 | A LATEX template of NJU Thesis 2021 Version 南京大学本科生毕业论文LaTex模板 2021版 | ||
6 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ZLCao/ NJUBachelor | 南京大学本科毕业论文Latex模板 | ||
7 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | AnyiRao/ NJUThesis2018 | A LATEX template of NJU Thesis 2018 Version 南京大学本科生毕业论文LaTex模板 2018版 | ||
8 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | GFrankenstein/ NJU-Thesis-LaTeX-Template | A LaTeX template for Nanjing University | ||
9 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | solrex/ njuthesis | 南京大学学位论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||
10 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zhangchuheng123/ NJUThesis | 南京大学本科毕业论文模板 | ||
11 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | EdwardSaidZhou/ NJU-thesis-esz | 南京大学研究生学位论文模板(自己修改) | ||
12 | Thesis/Dissertation Microsoft Word | idealclover/ NJU-Thesis-Word | 南京大学本科毕业论文 Word 模板 | ||
13 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | EagleBear2002/ NJUSE-Beamer-Template | 南京大学软件学院 Beamer 模板 | ||
14 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | zlc2017/ NJUBeamer | 南京大学答辩汇报Beamer LaTeX 模板。 |
Nanjing University of Technology¶
- Name: Nanjing University of Technology
- Chinese name: 南京工业大学
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | faimerth/ NJUT-Thesis-Template | 南京工业大学本科生毕业论文模版(lualatex) | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | AstralHope/ NJTECHMasterThesis | 南京工业大学硕士论文 |
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics¶
- Name: Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Chinese name: 南京航空航天大学
- Number of templates: 4
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | nuaatug/ nuaathesis | LaTeX document class for NUAA, supporting bachelor/master/PH.D thesis in Chinese/English/Japanese. 南航本科、硕士、博士学位论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ForeverDavid/ nuaa-thesis | nuaa-thesis is a LaTeX style package providing nuaa thesis format. (in progress) | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | nmykhan/ NUAA-Thesis-Template-NASR | PhD thesis latex template: NUAA – Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | wfxyjx/ nuaathesis | Latex template for bachelor's thesis of students in NUAA |
Nanjing University of Science and Technology¶
- Name: Nanjing University of Science and Technology
- Chinese name: 南京理工大学
- Number of templates: 4
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jiec827/ njustThesis | LaTeX thesis template for Nanjing University of Sci & Tech(南京理工大学学位论文LaTeX模版) | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | packyan/ NJUST_Master_Thesis_Latex_Template | 南京理工大学 硕士 学位论文 LATEX 模版 | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Hobr/ njust_thesis_latex_template | 南京理工大学论文LATEX模板 | ||
3 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Andrew5c/ NJUST-beamer-LaTeX | 南京理工大学 非官方PPT模板,个人根据【中国科学院大学】beamer模板定制。 |
Nanjing Forestry University¶
- Name: Nanjing Forestry University
- Chinese name: 南京林业大学
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | iamty/ thesis-NJFU | LaTeX template for NJFU bachelor thesis. 南京林业大学本科生毕业论文LaTeX模板 | ||
1 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | jiangtengkexin/ NJFU-Beamer-Theme | 这是为南京林业大学学生设计的 LaTeX Beamer 主题,支持中文编译。 |
Nanjing Agricultural University¶
- Name: Nanjing Agricultural University
- Chinese name: 南京农业大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Qsion/ NJAU_Thesis | NJAU Thesis LaTeX Template for Undergraduate Students(南京农业大学本科生毕业论文 LaTeX 模板 理工科版) |
Nanjing University of Audit¶
- Name: Nanjing University of Audit
- Chinese name: 南京审计大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SuperposedWave/ NauThesis | 南京审计大学研究生毕业论文LaTeX模板 |
Nanjing Normal University¶
- Name: Nanjing Normal University
- Chinese name: 南京师范大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jordanzhouda/ nnuthesis | A LaTeX solution for typesetting bachelor thesis of Nanjing Normal University |
Nanjing University of Information Engineering¶
- Name: Nanjing University of Information Engineering
- Chinese name: 南京信息工程大学
- Number of templates: 6
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | sakronos/ NUIST_Bachelor_Thesis_LaTeX_Template | 南京信息工程大学本科生毕业论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | hy5468/ NUIST-LaTeX | 南京信息工程大学硕士毕业论文LaTeX模板,由单滢滢、耿祥编写,由耿祥整理发布,请大家给该项目打星。 | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | LirenW/ NUIST_thesis_template_V2.0 | |||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jtzhpf/ NUIST-Bachelor-Thesis-LaTeX-Template-v2022.4 | 南京信息工程大学(NUIST)本科生毕业论文2022年4月修订版,兼容Windows,MacOS和Overleaf | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Alrash/ NUIST_Master_Thesis | 南京信息工程大学硕士学位论文Latex模板 | ||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | liyuwang2016/ NUIST_Latex | 南京信息工程大学硕士研究生毕业论文latex模板 |
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications¶
- Name: Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- Chinese name: 南京邮电大学
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | imguozr/ NJUPThesis-Bachelor | LaTeX template for NJUPT Undergraduate Thesis. 南京邮电大学本科毕业论文LaTeX模版。 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | li199-code/ njupt_master_thesis_latex_template | 南京邮电大学硕士研究生毕业论文latex模板 |
Nankai University¶
- Name: Nankai University
- Chinese name: 南开大学
- Number of templates: 16
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | NewFuture/ NKThesis | 南开大学硕士毕业论文/博士论文模板 (Latex Template for Nankai University) | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Tr0py/ NKU-thesis-template-2020 | 南开大学毕业论文模板 Nankai University Thesis Template | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | kongxiao0532/ NKU_Bachelor_Thesis_Template | 南开大学本科生毕业论文模板 LaTeX template for bachelor thesis in Nankai University (NKU) | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | MaZhengg/ NKUthesis | 南开大学毕业论文LaTeX模板 | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | bianbian1234/ NKU_latex_template | 南开大学硕博论文LATEX模板/答辩用beamer模板 | ||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | vicky66/ nkuthesis-master-mac | 南开大学硕博毕业论文latex mac版 | ||
6 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | hhhhhscott/ NKU_Bachelor_Thesis_EO_College_LaTeX_Template | 南开大学电光学院本科毕设LaTeX模板 | ||
7 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | JerryMouseZ/ NKUOverleafTemplate2021 | 南开大学2021毕业论文overleaf模板,来自赵子懿和潘宇学长 | ||
8 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | JH-Wei/ NKUThesis | Nankai thesis LaTeX template | ||
9 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | benhaotang/ NKThesis | 南开大学本科硕博毕业论文模板LaTeX | ||
10 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | tensor-matrix/ NKUThesis | 南开大学本科毕业论文模板 | ||
11 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | guangpintao/ nku_thesis | 南开大学本科毕设论文latex基础模板,直接xelatex编译即可,简单易用 | ||
12 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zihaodong/ NKU_thesis | Latex Template for thesis of Nankai University | ||
13 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | zshicode/ LaTeX-Beamer-Nankai | LaTeX beamer template of Nankai University | ||
14 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Hughshine/ nku-beamer | 一个南开大学beamer模板 | ||
15 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | latexstudio/ Beamer-Style-of-NKU | 南开大学LaTeX-beamer幻灯片模板 |
Inner Mongolia University¶
- Name: Inner Mongolia University
- Chinese name: 内蒙古大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | lhxone/ IMU_thesis | 内蒙古大学本科毕业论文LaTeX模版 |
Ningxia University¶
- Name: Ningxia University
- Chinese name: 宁夏大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | baoxianyuan/ NXUThesis | LaTeX Thesis Template for Ningxia University |