Institutes in China(mainland)(Y-Z)¶
List of Included Institutes 27, Number of templates: 135
Yunnan University¶
- Name: Yunnan University
- Chinese name: 云南大学
- Number of templates: 4
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Astro-Lee/ YNU-thesis-bachelor | 云南大学本科学生毕业论文 (设计) LaTeX 模板 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ZhenfengLei/ Yunnan-University-Thesis-Latex | This is a thesis template for Yunnan University, which is suitable for master students! 这里是一个云南大学硕士毕业论文模板latex。该模板是根据其云南大学毕业模板要求撰写,分享供大家使用! | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Astro-Lee/ YNUthesis | LaTeX thesis template for Yunnan University | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | cherrot/ ynuthesislyx | 云南大学学位论文模板,基于 thuthesislyx 和 thuthesis 两个项目稍作修改而得。 |
NingboTech University¶
- Name: NingboTech University
- Chinese name: 浙大宁波理工学院
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Republic1024/ NTUBeamer | 浙大宁波理工学院Beamer案例 |
Zhejiang University Of Finance & Economics¶
- Name: Zhejiang University Of Finance & Economics
- Chinese name: 浙江财经大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | sqsssq/ ZUFE-Thesis | 浙江财经大学本科生毕业论文(设计)模板,LaTeX / Word |
Zhejiang University¶
- Name: Zhejiang University
- Chinese name: 浙江大学
- Number of templates: 21
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | TheNetAdmin/ zjuthesis | Zhejiang University Graduation Thesis LaTeX Template | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zhanghai/ zju-csse-undergraduate-design-latex-template | 浙江大学计算机科学与技术、软件工程专业本科毕业设计 LaTeX 模板 | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ZJU-Awesome/ write_with_LaTeX | |||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | shuwei1204/ ZJUthesis | Latex Thesis template of Zhejiang University (zju) | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | DelightRun/ ZJUThesis-MPhil | 浙江大学计算机学院硕士论文LaTeX模板 | ||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | eclipselu/ zjuthesis-mphil | Template for master thesis of ZJU CSers | ||
6 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | denil1111/ ZJU-Thesis-Template-for-Mac | ZJU Thesis Template for Mac | ||
7 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Wangqsooooo/ Latex_template | 浙江大学电气工程学院毕业论文文献综述与开题报告Latex模板 | ||
8 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Yirui-Wang/ ZJU-CSE-Latex | 浙江大学控制学院本科生毕业论文Latex模板。 | ||
9 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | 5kg/ zju-bachelor-thesis | LaTeX templates for ZJU bachlor thesis | ||
10 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | huoyao/ ZJUThesis | Master thesis template of college of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, can easily be extended to the doctoral thesis and engineering papers | ||
11 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | corenel/ zju-thesis | LaTeX template for ZJU graduate student. | ||
12 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jzhugithub/ zju_thesis_latex | propose and thesis latex templet for zhejiang university | ||
13 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | junpeiz/ ZJU-CS-Undergrad-Thesis-Latex-Template | Zhejiang University CS Department Undergraduate Thesis Latex Template | ||
14 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Zhejiang-University-GKC/ cs-zju-thesis | ZJU thesis templates for Latex | ||
15 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ankwinters/ ZJUthesis_template | ZJU thesis template for macOS | ||
16 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | qychen2001/ ZJU-Beamer-Template | 一个更好看的浙江大学beamer模板 | ||
17 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Jone-Wong/ ZJU_Beamer | 这里提供16比9和4比3两种比例的浙江大学Beamer模板。 | ||
18 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | pan2013e/ ZJU-beamer-template | 浙江大学Beamer模板 | ||
19 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | megrxu/ zjureport | 浙江大学实验报告模板 | ||
20 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | corenel/ ZJUProposal | ZJU LaTeX Proposal Template for Undergraduate. |
Zhejiang Gongshang University¶
- Name: Zhejiang Gongshang University
- Chinese name: 浙江工商大学
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zewei-Zhang/ zjgsuthesis | 用于浙江工商大学本科生毕业论文的Latex模板。 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | jujimeizuo/ ZJSU-typst-template | 浙江工商大学(本科)毕业论文typst模版 |
Zhejiang University of Technology¶
- Name: Zhejiang University of Technology
- Chinese name: 浙江工业大学
- Number of templates: 4
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zjutjh/ zjutthesis | ZJUT XeLaTeX template of graduation project | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | yyz98799/ zjutthesis | ZJUT XeLaTeX template of graduation project | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | AsukaEva2/ ZJUTbachelor | 浙江工业大学理学院本科论文LaTeX模板 | ||
3 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | sichengchen/ ZJUT-Beamer-Template | LaTeX Beamer template for Zhejiang University of Technology 浙江工业大学LaTeX Beamer模板 |
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University¶
- Name: Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
- Chinese name: 浙江理工大学
- Number of templates: 3
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Casta-mere/ LaTeX-GraduationTemplate | 浙江理工大学计算机科学与技术学院毕设模板 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | YvonZhou/ ZSTUThesis | 浙江理工大学 XeLaTeX 学位论文及课程论文模板 | ||
2 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | spartajet/ zstu-beamer | 浙江理工大学Beamer模板 |
Zhejiang A&F University¶
- Name: Zhejiang A&F University
- Chinese name: 浙江农林大学
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Stolorzs/ ZafuTemplatePublic | 浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院本科生毕业设计说明书(或毕业论文)的LateX模板 | ||
1 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | favefan/ ZAFUBeamer-Latex | 浙江农林大学 (非官方) Beamer Latex 模板 / Zhejiang A & F University (Unofficial) Beamer Latex Template |
Zhejiang Normal University¶
- Name: Zhejiang Normal University
- Chinese name: 浙江师范大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | minqimao/ zjnu_thesis | zjnuthesis/浙江师范大学毕业论文LaTeX模板/tmp |
Zhengzhou University¶
- Name: Zhengzhou University
- Chinese name: 郑州大学
- Number of templates: 5
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | tuxify/ zzuthesis | 郑州大学本科毕业设计(论文)和研究生学位论文(含 硕士和博士) LaTex 模版。--Imported from | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | RonTs/ zzuthesis | 郑州大学本科毕业设计(论文)和研究生学位论文(含 硕士和博士) LaTeX 模版。 | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | fylimas/ zzuthesis | 【不再维护】本仓库最初目的是为了减轻组内学生书写负担,特别是对于郑大电信学院,轻大李老师重头建立了新一版模版。这太好了,我就不需要花精力维护了,感谢机器人实验室/刘老师李老师,谢谢大家支持! | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | lusongno1/ -latex- | 根据郑州大学毕业论文要求做的一个毕业论文latex模板 | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ZZUTUG/ ZZU_Thesis |
Communication University of China¶
- Name: Communication University of China
- Chinese name: 中国传媒大学
- Number of templates: 6
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | YunYouJun/ cucthesis | CUC 硕士毕业论文 LaTeX 模版 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | cucJ2014/ CUC_Template-of-thesis_Latex | 中国传媒大学论文模板Latex | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | TheoCUC/ CUC-LaTeX-Templates | 中国传媒大学非官方的各种LaTeX模板合集 | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | AmnesiaBeing/ CUC-Thesis-Template | 中国传媒大学工科研究生毕业论文Latex模板 | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | felicia-tung/ My-CUC-Thesis | CUC 毕业论文 | ||
5 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | TheoCUC/ Beamer_CUC | 中国传媒大学非官方Beamer模板 |
China University of Geosciences¶
- Name: China University of Geosciences
- Chinese name: 中国地质大学(武汉)
- Number of templates: 4
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Timozer/ CUGThesis | 中国地质大学(武汉)研究生学位论文 TeX 模板。目前仍然在开发和完善中,如果有下载并且使用的同学,请时常记得来这里更新模板。 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zguoch/ cugthesis | 中国地质大学(武汉)学位论文Latex模板 | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | benmyb/ CUGThesis | 中国地质大学(武汉)本科毕设论文latex,基于Timozer/CUGThesis | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | xujinlai/ CUGThesis | The Latex Template for the Master Degree Graduate Thesis writting in China University of Geosciences. |
Ocean University of China¶
- Name: Ocean University of China
- Chinese name: 中国海洋大学
- Number of templates: 6
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | summitgao/ OUC-LaTex-bachelor | 中国海洋大学本科生毕业论文LaTeX模板(Overleaf版) | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | summitgao/ OUC-LaTex-master | 中国海洋大学硕士博士学位论文 LaTeX 模板(Overleaf版) | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | OSOUC/ UndergraduateThesisLaTeXTemplate | 中国海洋大学本科毕业论文LaTeX模版 OUC Undergraduate Thesis LaTeX Template | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ouc-ocean-group/ oucthesis | 中国海洋大学硕士博士学位论文 LaTeX 模板 Latex template for OUC graduate thesis. | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SunYufei/ oucthesis | 中国海洋大学硕博学位论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Duola-li/ OUC-Latex-Thesis-master | 中国海洋大学研究生毕业论文模版(硕博通用) |
University of Science and Technology of China¶
- Name: University of Science and Technology of China
- Chinese name: 中国科学技术大学
- Number of templates: 8
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ustctug/ ustcthesis | LaTeX template for USTC thesis | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ywgATustcbbs/ ustcthesis | Moved to USTCTUG on Github中国科学技术大学学位论文通用LaTeX模板. LaTeX templates for UNDERGRADUATE and GRADUATE STUDENTS of USTC. Backup mirror at GitLab (sponsored by LUG@USTC) : | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | acgotaku/ USTC-SSE-THESIS | 适用于中科大软件学院工程硕士的Latex模板 | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | GaZ3ll3/ ustcthesis | template for USTC thesis | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jiaopjie/ ustcthesis | USTC thesis LaTeX template | ||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | DingyunZhang/ ustc_thesis_bachelor | template for undergraduate thesis | ||
6 | Thesis/Dissertation LyX | ustctug/ ustclyx | LyX template for USTC thesis | ||
7 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | ustctug/ ustcbeamer | USTC Beamer 模板(基于学校公用 PPT 模板) |
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences¶
- Name: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Chinese name: 中国科学院大学
- Number of templates: 13
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | mohuangrui/ ucasthesis | LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | xiaoyao9933/ UCASthesis | **国科大新版标准** 中国科学院大学学位论文模板,目前遵守2018国科大指导标准。 a LaTeX template for UCAS. | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | iphyer/ UCASThesisTemplete | LaTeX template of PhD/graduate Thesis of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | wuzhouhui/ ucas_ict_thesis | 中国科学院大学计算技术研究所博士硕士学位论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | UCASthesis/ The-LaTeX-thesis-template-of-UCAS | 中国科学院大学学位论文LaTeX模板 | ||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | guoxiaowhu/ UCAS_Thesis | The newest template of thesis for UCAS | ||
6 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | yulijia/ LaTeX_UCASthesis | LaTeX template of graduate Thesis [University of Chinese Academy of Sciences] | ||
7 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | LeoJhonSong/ UCAS-Dissertation | 国科大硕士/博士学位论文LeTeX模板, 以《中国科学院大学研究生学位论文撰写规范指导意见》(校发学位字[2022]40号, 附件1) 作为撰写要求 | ||
8 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | FirstPotato/ IUE-Thesis | 国科大学位论文 LaTeX 模板的中国科学院城市环境研究所适配版 | ||
9 | Thesis/Dissertation Microsoft Word | xmicroshell/ UCAS-Thesis | 中国科学院大学学位论文 Word模板 | ||
10 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | peng-yq/ UCAS-Beamer-Theme | A Beamer Theme of UCAS for academic report, thesis and talk. | ||
11 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | mohuangrui/ ucasproposal | LaTeX Proposal Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences | ||
12 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | jweihe/ UCAS_Latex_Template | 中国科学院大学通用课程大作业模板-Latex Template for UCAS Report |
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences¶
- Name: Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Chinese name: 中国科学院自动化研究所
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | phoenix1917/ CASIA-Thesis | 自动化所硕博论文模板 |
China University of Mining and Technology¶
- Name: China University of Mining and Technology
- Chinese name: 中国矿业大学
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | jiandong4388/ CUMTB-Latex | CUMTB-Latex | ||
1 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | lgy0404/ CUMT-Beamer-Template | 中国矿业大学Beamer模板 |
China Agricultural University¶
- Name: China Agricultural University
- Chinese name: 中国农业大学
- Number of templates: 2
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Cdmium/ CAUTemplate | China Agricultural University Course Thesis LaTeX Template | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | JWangL5/ CAU-ThesisTemplate-Typst | 中国农业大学毕业论文的Typst模板 |
Renmin University of China¶
- Name: Renmin University of China
- Chinese name: 中国人民大学
- Number of templates: 9
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ZebinWang/ ructhesis | 中国人民大学LaTeX论文模板 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | HughYau/ RUCthesis-for-Bachelor | 中国人民大学本科生毕业论文(2021年修订版)latex模板 | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | MelodyRen1998/ ruc-thesis-template-via-bookdown | Thesis template for Renmin University of China | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | liuqi6777/ ructhesis | 中国人民大学本科毕业论文(设计)LaTeX模板 | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | abuccts/ ructhesis | LaTeX Thesis Template for Renmin University of China | ||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | tnoa77/ RUC_Thesis_2019 | |||
6 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | GohUnTsuan/ RUC-Beamer-Theme | A LaTeX beamer theme template for Renmin University of China students. 中国人民大学beamer模板. | ||
7 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | andelf/ ruc-beamer-template | Latex beamer template for RUC | ||
8 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | gux99/ RUCStatBeamer | 一个基于LaTeX的中国人民大学统计学院的Beamer模板 |
China University of Petroleum (Beijing)¶
- Name: China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
- Chinese name: 中国石油大学(北京)
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | linyuantiaohe/ cupb-phd-thesis | 中国石油大学(北京)博士毕业论文Latex模板 |
China University of Petroleum (East China)¶
- Name: China University of Petroleum (East China)
- Chinese name: 中国石油大学(华东)
- Number of templates: 3
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | walkman-z/ upc-thesis-2020 | 中国石油大学(华东)本科毕业论文LaTex模板 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | DotWang/ UPCThesis_advanced | 中国石油大学(华东)本科毕业设计论文LaTeX模板----基于UPCLaTeX/UPCThesis进行改进 | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | cr0wchen/ upc-thesis-2020 | 中国石油大学(华东)本科毕业论文LaTex模板 |
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law¶
- Name: Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
- Chinese name: 中南财经政法大学
- Number of templates: 3
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ToryDeng/ ZUEL-Thesis | The LaTeX template for the bachelor thesis of ZUEL | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | YihanCao123/ zuel_thesis | 中南财经政法大学本科课程论文模板(非官方) | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | donk3yzz/ zuel_zh | 中南财经政法大学本科生毕业论文模版 |
Central South University¶
- Name: Central South University
- Chinese name: 中南大学
- Number of templates: 13
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | disc0ver-csu/ csu-thesis | 中南大学学术论文LaTex模板。Central South University Thesis LaTeX Template. | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | CSUcse/ CSUthesis | 中南大学研究生学位论文LaTex模版(博士和硕士) | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | CSGrandeur/ CSU-Thesis-LaTeX-Template | 中南大学学位论文LaTeX模板 | ||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | BlurryLight/ CSU-Thesis-LaTeX-Template | 中南大学本科学位论文LaTeX模板 | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | heyzbw/ CSU_Thesis_Template | 中南大学本科生毕业设计论文模板 | ||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zhongjingjogy/ thesisthemeCSU | A template for the thesis of CSU (Central South University). | ||
6 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | hezhujun/ CSU-Thesis-LaTeX | 中南大学硕士论文LaTex模板。 | ||
7 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ChaoYan/ CSUThesis | 中南大学 XeLaTeX 学位论文及课程论文模板 Central South University XeLaTeX Thesis Template | ||
8 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | BingBLL/ CSUThesis | 中南大学大学 XeLaTeX 学位论文及课程论文模板 Central South University XeLaTeX Thesis Template | ||
9 | Thesis/Dissertation Markdown | csu-tclab/ CSUthesisMD | 使用 Markdown 编写中南大学硕士毕业论文 | ||
10 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | Hsinyuann/ CSUBeamer | 中南大学毕业设计Beamer模板 | ||
11 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | natsumi-kitazato/ XiangyaBeamer | A Beamer Theme of Xiangya School of Medicine of Central South University. 中南大学湘雅医学院 Beamer 主题。 | ||
12 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | zhong-yy/ CSU_Thesis_Proposal | 中南大学研究生学位论文开题报告LaTeX模板 |
Sun Yat-sen University¶
- Name: Sun Yat-sen University
- Chinese name: 中山大学
- Number of templates: 17
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | SYSU-SCC/ sysu-thesis | 中山大学 LaTeX 论文项目模板 | ||
1 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | 1FCENdoge/ SYSUThesis | 中山大学研究生学位论文LaTeX模板(试用) | ||
2 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | guanyingc/ SYSU-LaTex-Thesis | |||
3 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | zhibo/ sysuthesis | sysuthesis based on pkuthss. | ||
4 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | chungkwong/ sysu_thesis | 中山大学本科毕业论文非官方模版 | ||
5 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | irenier/ sysuthesis | 中山大学本科生毕业论文 LaTeX 模板 | ||
6 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | DapengFeng/ sysuthesis | LaTeX and Lyx Thesis Template for Sun Yat-sen University | ||
7 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | ShevaXu/ LatexThesis4SYSU | [OUTDATED] Latex thesis template for Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU) students | ||
8 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | guoyl6/ thesis-dev | 论文模版,来自 | ||
9 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Lovely-XPP/ SYSU-thesis | 中山大学 LaTeX 论文项目模板 | ||
10 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | kuiqx/ biyelunwen | 中山大学毕业论文latex模板 | ||
11 | Thesis/Dissertation Typst | howardlau1999/ sysu-thesis-typst | 中山大学学位论文 Typst 模板 | ||
12 | Thesis/Dissertation Microsoft Word | HareInWeed/ SYSU-thesis | SYSU-thesis: 中山大学本科生毕业论文(设计) Word 模板 (非官方) | ||
13 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | yxnchen/ sysu-beamer-template | A LaTeX beamer template for SYSU. 中山大学LaTeX演示模板 | ||
14 | Presentation/Slides LaTeX | yanghw8/ sysubeamer-unofficial | 本 beamer 模版旨在为中大学子提供一个 presentation 的样式 | ||
15 | Presentation/Slides Microsoft PowerPoint | sysuexam/ SYSU-PPT | 中山大学PPT模板 | ||
16 | Report/Proposal LaTeX | huanyushi/ SYSU-SPA-Labreport-Template | 中山大学-物理与天文学院-本科实验报告LaTeX模板 |
Central University of Finance and Economics¶
- Name: Central University of Finance and Economics
- Chinese name: 中央财经大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Nanqiang01/ CUFE_Graduate_Thesis_Template | 非官方中央财经大学本科毕业论文模板 |
Minzu University of China¶
- Name: Minzu University of China
- Chinese name: 中央民族大学
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | MUCVIP/ mucthesis | 中央民族大学学位论文Latex模板 |
Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering¶
- Name: Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering
- Chinese name: 仲恺农业工程学院
- Number of templates: 1
Index | Genre | GitHub Repo | Archived | GitHub Stats | Description |
0 | Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX | Jin-Cheng-Ming/ ZHKU_Thesis | 仲恺农业工程学院学位论文 Latex 模板 |