序号 | 模板类型 | GitHub仓库 | 已归档 | GitHub统计 | 说明 |
0 | 学位论文 LaTeX | AndreyAkinshin/ Russian-Phd-LaTeX-Dissertation-Template | LaTeX-template for russian Phd thesis | ||
1 | 学位论文 LaTeX | ElegantLaTeX/ ElegantPaper | Elegant LaTeX Template for Working Papers | ||
2 | 学位论文 LaTeX | Pseudomanifold/ latex-mimosis | A minimal & modern LaTeX template for your (bachelor's \| master's \| doctoral) thesis | ||
3 | 学位论文 LaTeX | derric/ cleanthesis | Clean Thesis is a clean, simple, and elegant LaTeX style (or template) for thesis documents. | ||
4 | 学位论文 LaTeX | joaomlourenco/ novathesis | A LaTeX template for academic monographs (e.g., dissertations and thesis). This template serves both beginners and proficient LaTeX users. | ||
5 | 学位论文 LaTeX | suchow/ Dissertate | Beautiful LaTeX dissertation templates. | ||
6 | 学位论文 LaTeX | latextemplates/ scientific-thesis-template | LaTeX template for Master, Bachelor, Diploma, and Student Theses | ||
7 | 学位论文 LaTeX | pmichaillat/ latex-paper | Minimalist LaTeX template for academic papers | ||
8 | 学位论文 LaTeX | Larry955/ Latex-Paper-Templates | Latex-format paper templates, including Elsevier, arXiv and IEEE Access. | ||
9 | 学位论文 LaTeX | Digital-Media/ HagenbergThesis | Hagenberg LaTeX Thesis Template | ||
10 | 学位论文 LaTeX | sppmg/ TW_Thesis_Template | The LaTeX Template for TW Thesis 台灣碩博士 LaTeX 論文樣板 | ||
11 | 学位论文 LaTeX | zarrabi/ thesis-template | A LaTeX template for typesetting theses in Persian | ||
12 | 学位论文 LaTeX | mirea-ninja/ Latex-Template-for-Report-Diploma-Thesis | LaTeX шаблоны для написания отчетов/дипломов/курсовых работ | ||
13 | 学位论文 LaTeX | severinlandolt/ latex-thesis-template | A LaTeX template for humans. | ||
14 | 学位论文 LaTeX | wk910930/ paper-template | Collection of paper latex template for several computer vision related conference. | ||
15 | 学位论文 LaTeX | emersonmello/ modelos-latex | Modelos de documentos em LaTeX para docentes e discentes. Modelo de prova, lista de exercício, apresentação, nota de aula, relatórios e TCC. | ||
16 | 学位论文 LaTeX | oist/ LaTeX-templates | Graduate School LaTeX templates for Lab rotation proposal + report, OIST beamer and Thesis + thesis proposal | ||
17 | 学位论文 LaTeX | XuehaiPan/ LaTeX-Templates | A collection of LaTeX templates in English/Chinese, with VS Code settings for LaTeX Workshop. | ||
18 | 学位论文 LaTeX | rmathsphys/ latex-templates | A handmade collection of latex templates, classes and style files | ||
19 | 学位论文 LaTeX | being24/ latex-template-ja | できるだけ簡単にLaTeX環境を構築できるようにするテンプレート | ||
20 | 学位论文 LaTeX | egraff/ uit-thesis | LaTeX document class for writing theses | ||
21 | 学位论文 LaTeX | PKief/ latex-thesis-template | LaTeX - Template for a bachelor/master thesis | ||
22 | 学位论文 LaTeX | Pinzauti/ LaTeX-thesis-template | Clean LaTeX template for a thesis or a large writeup. | ||
23 | 学位论文 LaTeX | davidptclark/ phd-thesis-template | 🧑🏻🎓📖 PhD Thesis template in LaTeX | ||
24 | 学位论文 LaTeX | pddg/ latex-template-ja | 日本語論文を書くための自動ビルド・校正機能付きテンプレートリポジトリ | ||
25 | 学位论文 LaTeX | viafanasyev/ bachelor-thesis-template | Easily configurable LaTeX template for bachelor theses | ||
26 | 学位论文 LaTeX | phretor/ cs-phd-dissertation-latex-template | Latex template based on the typographic memoir class for formatting PhD dissertations. Suitable for any areas but devised for computer science researchers. | ||
27 | 学位论文 LaTeX | Cinofix/ latex-scientific-templates | Collection of latex templates used for my master's thesis, presentations and assignment reports. | ||
28 | 学位论文 LaTeX | jankapunkt/ master-thesis | LaTex master thesis templates that allow quick publishing as well as custom design. | ||
29 | 学位论文 LaTeX | thesis-toolbox/ template | A template for writing your Bachelor, Master or PhD thesis. | ||
30 | 学位论文 LaTeX | tdehaeze/ clean-latex-template | A nice looking LaTeX templace for University reports and thesis | ||
31 | 学位论文 LaTeX | v97ug/ Aizu-Graduation-Thesis-Template | 某大学生のための、Texのテンプレートです | ||
32 | 学位论文 LaTeX | jorgepiloto/ escriba | Efficiently manage and automate LaTeX based academical works | ||
33 | 学位论文 LaTeX | farshadrasuli/ parsa | A XeLaTeX package for theses and dissertations at Iranian Universities as fast and as efficiently as possible. | ||
34 | 学位论文 LaTeX | openHPI/ modernthesis | Bootstrapped classicthesis template | ||
35 | 学位论文 LaTeX | ccauet/ thesis-template | 📋 Modern (in 2015 😉) LaTeX thesis template | ||
36 | 学位论文 LaTeX | Aloft-Lab/ CTEX-Templates | LaTeX templates | ||
37 | 学位论文 LaTeX | danielvartan/ abnt | 📓 Quarto format for ABNT theses and dissertations | ||
38 | 学位论文 LaTeX | goorkamateusz/ praca-dyplomowa-szablon | Szablon pracy dyplomowej w LaTeX'u / Thesis template in LaTeX | ||
39 | 学位论文 LaTeX | WetenSchaap/ latex-imitatie | Latex class for Dutch PhD-thesis | ||
40 | 学位论文 LaTeX | CRAG666/ tectonic-latex-template | This repository contains a collection of ready-to-use templates for LaTeX projects, specifically designed and optimized for the Tectonic compiler. Whether you're working on an academic paper, a presentation, a resume, or any other document, you'll find templates here to help you get started quickly and easily. | ||
41 | 学位论文 LaTeX | dimkirt/ latex-thesis-template | Latex template for thesis documents | ||
42 | 学位论文 Typst | jinhao-huang/ SimplePaper | 一个简单的 Typst 中文模板 | ||
43 | 学位论文 Typst | zagoli/ simple-typst-thesis | A template to use for a simple thesis written in Typst. | ||
44 | 学位论文 Typst | SergeyGorchakov/ russian-phd-thesis-template-typst | Шаблон русской кандидатской диссертации на языке разметки typst. | ||
45 | 学位论文 Markdown | tompollard/ phd_thesis_markdown | Template for writing a PhD thesis in Markdown | ||
46 | 学位论文 Markdown | ismayc/ thesisdown | An updated R Markdown thesis template using the bookdown package | ||
47 | 学位论文 Markdown | cagix/ pandoc-thesis | Pandoc Thesis Template: A Template for Thesis Documents written in Markdown | ||
48 | 学位论文 Markdown | KuhlTime/ hsd-markdown-thesis | 🧙♂️ Easily write a pretty thesis | ||
49 | 学位论文 Markdown | dfolio/ pandoc-df-thesis-template | This repository provides the D. Folio template for writing a thesis dissertation using Pandoc. | ||
50 | 学位论文 Markdown | COPPE-UFRJ/ coppedown | An updated R Markdown thesis template using the bookdown package | ||
51 | 学位论文 其他 | dangom/ org-thesis | Writing a Ph.D. thesis with Org Mode | ||
52 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | matze/ mtheme | A modern LaTeX Beamer theme | ||
53 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | josephwright/ beamer | A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides | ||
54 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | martinbjeldbak/ ultimate-beamer-theme-list | A collection of Beamer themes from the community | ||
55 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | pcafrica/ focus-beamertheme | Focus: a minimalist presentation theme for LaTeX Beamer. | ||
56 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | Urinx/ LaTeX-PPT-Template | Seven awesome latex ppt templates for researchers or students. | ||
57 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | rafaelbailo/ betterposter-latex-template | LaTeX Template for Mike Morrison's #betterposter | ||
58 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | XiangyunHuang/ awesome-beamers | beamer template collection | ||
59 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | SunYanCN/ Latex-Beamer-Template | 中文学术LaTeX Beamer模板 | ||
60 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | piazzai/ arguelles | Simple, typographic beamer theme | ||
61 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | pmichaillat/ latex-presentation | Minimalist LaTeX template for academic presentations | ||
62 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | PM25/ SimplePlus-BeamerTheme | 🍃 SimplePlus - A simple & clear latex beamer theme. | ||
63 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | gshstexsociety/ gshs-format | LaTeX 양식 : R&E, 졸업논문, beamer 등등 - 컴파일된 결과 pdf파일 미포함 | ||
64 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | PM25/ SimpleDarkBlue-BeamerTheme | 🫐 SimpleDarkBlue - A simple latex beamer theme. | ||
65 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | makokal/ beamer-themes | Latex beamer themes for presentations | ||
66 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | klingtnet/ beamer-template | A Template for university presentations using LaTeX-Beamer class | ||
67 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | jasonbian97/ Academic-Report-Beamer-Template | 学术答辩Beamer PPT模板(含有大纲导航、页码、学校logo等,以简洁清晰为主) | ||
68 | 演示文稿 LaTeX | WQT1123/ University-Presentation-Beamer | 大学Latex答辩模版,当前包含川大、哈工大、中科大。 | ||
69 | 演示文稿 Markdown | mkearney/ uslides | Rmarkdown template for pretty university-themed beamer presentations. | ||
70 | 演示文稿 Microsoft PowerPoint | hornhuang/ ppt_themes | 超过1000+精品PPT模板 🍔 个人多年私藏宝藏分享 ☀️ 持续更新中 🐂 你的star是我更新的最大动力 🚀 | ||
71 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | kourgeorge/ arxiv-style | A Latex style and template for paper preprints (based on NIPS style) | ||
72 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | apoorvkh/ cvpr-latex-template | Extended LaTeX template for CVPR/ICCV papers | ||
73 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | jpeisenbarth/ SRS-Tex | A Latex template for a Software Requirements Specification that respects the IEEE standards. | ||
74 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | latextemplates/ IEEE | Quick start for modern LaTeXing for an IEEE conference | ||
75 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | ruohoruotsi/ latex-template-arxiv-preprint | A simple LaTeX template for Technical Reports, arXiv preprints & 2-column Conference papers | ||
76 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | cdc08x/ letter-2-reviewers-LaTeX-template | A LaTeX template to write response letters for journal revisions | ||
77 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | stoufa/ ISI-LaTeX-Template | [EN] ISI LaTeX template for writing internship reports \| [FR] Template LaTeX pour les rapports de stage de l'ISI | ||
78 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | zshufan/ UESTC_Lab_Report_LaTeX_Template | A LaTeX Template for UESTC Lab Report | ||
79 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | Korogodin/ NSLReport | NavSysLab LaTeX report project for GOST 7.0.11, 7.32, 2.105 documents | ||
80 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | dpmj/ alcazar | A free and Open-Source LaTeX template for academic works: theses, reports, etc. | ||
81 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | chrrel/ latex-report-template | A LaTeX template for reports and theses. | ||
82 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | sabirdvd/ LaTeX-template-for-UPC-thesis- | LaTeX UPC Phd Template. Oxford/Cambridge based LaTeX Phd template with ACL/CVPR conf template inspired modification. | ||
83 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | geraked/ template-report | A Persian LaTeX Template for Student Reports | ||
84 | 报告(项目申请) LaTeX | bernardparent/ TEXCLASS | LaTeX class and style files for AIAA Journal articles, theses in my lab, tables for my courses, slides for my seminars, etc | ||
85 | 简历 LaTeX | posquit0/ Awesome-CV | :page_facing_up: Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application | ||
86 | 简历 LaTeX | salomonelli/ best-resume-ever | :necktie: :briefcase: Build fast :rocket: and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS. | ||
87 | 简历 LaTeX | billryan/ resume | An elegant LaTeX résumé template. 大陆镜像 https://gods.coding.net/p/resume/git | ||
88 | 简历 LaTeX | sb2nov/ resume | Software developer resume in Latex | ||
89 | 简历 LaTeX | deedy/ Deedy-Resume | A one page , two asymmetric column resume template in XeTeX that caters to an undergraduate Computer Science student | ||
90 | 简历 LaTeX | jankapunkt/ latexcv | :necktie: A collection of cv and resume templates written in LaTeX. Leave an issue if your language is not supported! | ||
91 | 简历 LaTeX | dnl-blkv/ mcdowell-cv | A Nice-looking CV template made into LaTeX | ||
92 | 简历 LaTeX | hijiangtao/ resume | 个人中文简历 Latex 源码 https://hijiangtao.github.io/ | ||
93 | 简历 LaTeX | mszep/ pandoc_resume | The Markdown Resume | ||
94 | 简历 LaTeX | jakegut/ resume | LaTeX template for my personal resume | ||
95 | 简历 LaTeX | anishathalye/ gemini | Gemini is a modern LaTex beamerposter theme 🖼 | ||
96 | 简历 LaTeX | darwiin/ yaac-another-awesome-cv | YAAC: Another Awesome CV is a template using Font Awesome and Adobe Source Font. | ||
97 | 简历 LaTeX | arasgungore/ arasgungore-CV | My curriculum vitae (CV) written using LaTeX. | ||
98 | 简历 LaTeX | liweitianux/ resume | My resume in LaTeX (template suited for new graduates; 应届生简历模板) | ||
99 | 简历 LaTeX | sc932/ resume | My CV/resume in LaTeX. | ||
100 | 简历 LaTeX | zachscrivena/ simple-resume-cv | Template for a simple resume or curriculum vitae (CV), in XeLaTeX. | ||
101 | 简历 LaTeX | huajh/ awesome-latex-cv | Latex CV template built with Font Awesome. | ||
102 | 简历 LaTeX | dyweb/ Deedy-Resume-for-Chinese | 适合应届毕业生的 LaTeX 简历模板 | ||
103 | 简历 LaTeX | opieters/ limecv | A LaTeX CV Document Class | ||
104 | 简历 LaTeX | bamos/ cv | |||
105 | 简历 LaTeX | cies/ resume | My resume as a PDF including the well commented LaTeX source and build instructions. | ||
106 | 简历 LaTeX | matchy233/ chi-cv-template | 🤩 Rip-off of skyzh's CV | ||
107 | 简历 LaTeX | thehale/ expressive-resume | A beautiful resume/cover letter LaTeX template pair that are extraordinarily easy to use. | ||
108 | 简历 LaTeX | geekplux/ cv_resume | A latex cv/resume template. | ||
109 | 简历 LaTeX | gboeing/ cv | Geoff Boeing's academic CV in LaTeX | ||
110 | 简历 LaTeX | fky2015/ resume-ng | A LaTeX resume template designed for optimal information density and aesthetic appeal. | ||
111 | 简历 LaTeX | leouieda/ cv | A LaTeX template for academic CVs | ||
112 | 简历 LaTeX | changh95/ latex_resume_template_kor | [이력서/경력기술서] Beautiful CV/resume template for Koreans, in LaTeX | ||
113 | 简历 LaTeX | dyinnz/ uniquecv | A simple resume template written in LaTeX | ||
114 | 简历 LaTeX | subidit/ rover-resume | ATS friendly LaTeX resume template. Create a unique looking CV from scratch. | ||
115 | 简历 LaTeX | themagicalmammal/ Resume | RussellGroupCV is a resume template made by following the guidelines followed by the Russell Group in the UK. | ||
116 | 简历 LaTeX | harshibar/ resume | 📝 A one-page, one-column column resume template by Harshibar | ||
117 | 简历 LaTeX | Htallone/ myCV | XeLaTeX中文简历 | ||
118 | 简历 LaTeX | mps9506/ quarto-cv | A CV template for quarto | ||
119 | 简历 LaTeX | avinal/ resume | Compact and Minimal LaTeX Resume Template | ||
120 | 简历 LaTeX | seisman/ cv | My academic CV powered by LaTeX | ||
121 | 简历 LaTeX | abrandenberger/ academic-resume | A special academic or professional LaTeX resume template | ||
122 | 简历 LaTeX | chrisby/ prometheusCV | The non-template for academic CVs in latex | ||
123 | 简历 LaTeX | mattyHerzig/ mattys_resume | Jake's Resume alternative for students | ||
124 | 简历 LaTeX | Pseudomanifold/ latex-cv | A simple and modern template for your [academic] CV | ||
125 | 简历 LaTeX | fanzeyi/ cv | A modern LaTeX CV template | ||
126 | 简历 LaTeX | JesperDramsch/ latex-cv-boosted | Two-column CV and Coverletter. Versatile and pleasing. Powered with the magic of LaTeX. | ||
127 | 简历 LaTeX | Anindya-Prithvi/ IIITD-ResumeLatexTemplate | A fully-customizable resume template in IIIT Delhi format made with LaTeX | ||
128 | 简历 LaTeX | xu-cheng/ cv | :page_facing_up: My CV | ||
129 | 简历 LaTeX | MuhammedBuyukkinaci/ Data-Scientist-LaTeX-Resume-with-Photo | 20 Seconds CV for data scientists written in LaTeX. It includes a photo in its sidebar. | ||
130 | 简历 LaTeX | saikat-roy/ cv-clean | A Clean Latex CV Template for Grads | ||
131 | 简历 LaTeX | Roald87/ xelatex-cv-roald | XeLaTeX CV template | ||
132 | 简历 LaTeX | AdaCoding123/ Resume | 🌝软件工程师-latex简历模板,制作一份简洁优雅的程序员简历。star或fork后拿走~ | ||
133 | 简历 LaTeX | mimicji/ Bilingual-Resume-Template | Bilingual Resume Template in Latex. 中英双语Latex简历模板 | ||
134 | 简历 LaTeX | CSW33/ NPU-CV | 一个西工大latex简历模板,设计基于某个祖传word模板改的,大量注释。 | ||
135 | 简历 LaTeX | M0rtzz/ zzu-resume-template | ZZU LaTeX Resume Template (Overleaf Template is Under Review) | ||
136 | 简历 Typst | skyzh/ chicv | A minimal and fully-customizable CV template for Typst. | ||
137 | 简历 Typst | mintyfrankie/ brilliant-CV | 💼 another CV template for your job application, yet powered by Typst and more | ||
138 | 简历 Typst | jskherman/ imprecv | A no-frills curriculum vitae (CV) template using Typst and YAML to version control CV data. | ||
139 | 简历 Typst | OrangeX4/ Chinese-Resume-in-Typst | 使用 Typst 编写的中文简历, 语法简洁, 样式美观, 开箱即用, 可选是否显示照片 | ||
140 | 简历 Typst | GeorgeHoneywood/ alta-typst | A simple Typst CV template, inspired by AltaCV by LianTze Lim. | ||
141 | 简历 Typst | wusyong/ resume.typ | Resume template for Typst. Mirror to https://typst.app/project/rVVa3y9vXemUKyvNKnabKV | ||
142 | 简历 Typst | bamboovir/ typst-resume-template | typst-resume-template | ||
143 | 简历 Typst | elegaanz/ vercanard | A colorful resume template for Typst | ||
144 | 简历 Typst | caffeinatedgaze/ bare-bones-cv | A minimalistic CV comprising essentials only | ||
145 | 简历 Typst | tzx/ NNJR | NNJR: NNJR is Not Jake's Resume. However, it is similar and is written in Typst! | ||
146 | 简历 Typst | ice-kylin/ typst-cv-miku | A simple, elegant, academic style CV template for typst. Support for English and Chinese (and more). | ||
147 | 简历 Typst | Harkunwar/ attractive-typst-resume | Attractive Typst Resume Template | ||
148 | 简历 Typst | giovanniberti/ moderncv.typst | A typst template inspired by LaTeX moderncv | ||
149 | 简历 Typst | LaurenzV/ simplecv | SimpleCV is a simple and elegant CV template written in Typst. | ||
150 | 简历 Typst | peterpf/ modern-typst-resume | A modern typst resume template | ||
151 | 简历 Typst | UntimelyCreation/ typst-neat-cv | A set of templates to produce modern, minimal and elegant CVs and cover letters using Typst. | ||
152 | 简历 Typst | mizlan/ typst-resume-sans | ✨ Pretty resume template written in Typst | ||
153 | 简历 Typst | tomowang/ typst-twentysecondcv | Twenty Seconds CV/Resume in Typst | ||
154 | 简历 Typst | jxpeng98/ Typst-CV-Resume | A CV template inspired by Deedy-Resume | ||
155 | 简历 Typst | daxartio/ cv | Programmatic generation of high-quality CVs | ||
156 | 简历 Typst | gvariable/ billryan-typst | A simple and minimalist resume template, inspired by Resume by Billryan. | ||
157 | 简历 Typst | vaibhavjhawar/ typst-cv-template1 | A Typst Resume/CV template, inspired by Alessandro Plasmati's Graduate CV LaTex template | ||
158 | 简历 Typst | hexWars/ resume | A pretty resume template in Typst \| 一个美观的typst简历模板 | ||
159 | 简历 Typst | titaneric/ typst-mixed-resume | |||
160 | 简历 Typst | JCGoran/ typst-cv-template | Template for a CV using typst | ||
161 | 简历 Typst | kznr02/ neet-cv | 基于typst排版系统编写的简历模板 | ||
162 | 简历 Typst | DawnEver/ typst-academic-cv | Typst Template for Academic CV | ||
163 | 简历 Markdown | CyC2018/ Markdown-Resume | ⭐️ Markdown 简历模版 | ||
164 | 简历 Markdown | BingyanStudio/ LapisCV | 📃 开箱即用的 Markdown 简历,支持 VSCode / Obsidian / Typora | ||
165 | 简历 Markdown | john-bokma/ resume-pandoc | LaTeX resume template for Pandoc based on Jason R. Blevins' template | ||
166 | 简历 其他 | dyweb/ awesome-resume-for-chinese | :page_facing_up: 适合中文的简历模板收集(LaTeX,HTML/JS and so on)由 @hoochanlon 维护 | ||
167 | 简历 其他 | HugoBlox/ theme-academic-cv | 🎓 无需编写任何代码即可轻松创建漂亮的学术网站 Easily create a beautiful academic résumé or educational website using Hugo and GitHub. No code. | ||
168 | 简历 其他 | ManiMozaffar/ awesome-resumes | Create resumes and CV with awesome-resumes. Practical tips, guidelines, guide, examples and documentation for all IT fields | ||
169 | 简历 其他 | IvanIsCoding/ ResuLLMe | Enhance your résumé with Large Language Models | ||
170 | 简历 其他 | sadransh/ awsome-list-of-cv-and-resume-templetes | a collection of cv and resume styles | ||
171 | 书籍 LaTeX | ElegantLaTeX/ ElegantBook | Elegant LaTeX Template for Books | ||
172 | 书籍 LaTeX | fmarotta/ kaobook | A LaTeX class for books, reports or theses based on https://github.com/kenohori/thesis and https://github.com/Tufte-LaTeX/tufte-latex. | ||
173 | 书籍 LaTeX | chianjin/ zhvt-classic | 中文线装书排版 | ||
174 | 书籍 LaTeX | BeautyLaTeX/ Beautybook | A very Beautiful LaTeX Book Template, Happy LaTeXing! | ||
175 | 书籍 LaTeX | Steve-Cheung-emct/ upLaTeX-SZ.CLS | A Template of Chinese/Japanese vertical book style. | ||
176 | 书籍 LaTeX | yicheng-dev/ Material-of-MCM-ICM | LaTeX template, Outstanding papers of last years and some useful books about MATLAB | ||
177 | 书籍 LaTeX | mohuangrui/ latexspine | LaTeX Template for Producing Book Spine | ||
178 | 书籍 LaTeX | academic-templates/ tex-book-template | A template for writing a nice book with LaTeX | ||
179 | 书籍 LaTeX | maximelucas/ AMCOS_booklet | LaTeX template for scientific conference booklet, or book of abstracts | ||
180 | 书籍 LaTeX | qyxf/ qyxf-book | 钱院学辅 LaTeX 书籍模板 | ||
181 | 书籍 LaTeX | andy123t/ zhbook | zhbook 中文书籍 LaTeX 模板 | ||
182 | 其他 LaTeX | lukas-blecher/ LaTeX-OCR | pix2tex: Using a ViT to convert images of equations into LaTeX code. | ||
183 | 其他 LaTeX | google-research/ arxiv-latex-cleaner | arXiv LaTeX Cleaner: Easily clean the LaTeX code of your paper to submit to arXiv | ||
184 | 其他 LaTeX | synercys/ annotated_latex_equations | Examples of how to create colorful, annotated equations in Latex using Tikz. | ||
185 | 其他 LaTeX | personqianduixue/ Math_Model | 数学建模、美赛、美国大学生数学建模竞赛、全国大学生数学建模竞赛、华为杯研究生数学建模、国赛LaTeX模板、美赛LaTeX模板、mathorcup、电工杯、华中赛、APMCM、深圳杯、中青杯、华东杯、数维杯、东三省数学建模、认证杯、数学建模书籍、常用matlab算法、国赛评阅要点、软件模型算法汇总、智能算法、优化算法、现代的算法 | ||
186 | 其他 LaTeX | Tufte-LaTeX/ tufte-latex | A Tufte-inspired LaTeX class for producing handouts, papers, and books | ||
187 | 其他 LaTeX | MartinThoma/ LaTeX-examples | Examples for the usage of LaTeX | ||
188 | 其他 LaTeX | xiaohanyu/ awesome-tikz | A curated list of awesome TikZ documentations, libraries and resources | ||
189 | 其他 LaTeX | rpgtex/ DND-5e-LaTeX-Template | LaTeX package to typeset material for the fifth edition of the "world's greatest roleplaying game". | ||
190 | 其他 LaTeX | egeerardyn/ awesome-LaTeX | Curated list of LaTeX awesomeness | ||
191 | 其他 LaTeX | xinychen/ awesome-latex-drawing | Drawing Bayesian networks, graphical models, tensors, technical frameworks, and illustrations in LaTeX. | ||
192 | 其他 LaTeX | MLNLP-World/ Paper-Picture-Writing-Code | MLNLP: Paper Picture Writing Code | ||
193 | 其他 LaTeX | ElegantLaTeX/ ElegantNote | Elegant LaTeX Template for Notes | ||
194 | 其他 LaTeX | writing-resources/ awesome-scientific-writing | :keyboard: A curated list of awesome tools, demos and resources to go beyond LaTeX | ||
195 | 其他 LaTeX | dustinvtran/ latex-templates | A collection of LaTeX templates used for research, courses, and miscellanea. | ||
196 | 其他 LaTeX | opieters/ business-card | A business card in LaTeX. | ||
197 | 其他 LaTeX | deedy/ Latex-Templates | A concise set of Latex templates that serves a small set of needs - CV, Essays, Articles and Problem Sets | ||
198 | 其他 LaTeX | PanCakeConnaisseur/ latex-briefvorlage-din-5008 | Deutsche Latex-Briefvorlage nach DIN 5008 auf Basis von KOMA-Script scrlttr2 | ||
199 | 其他 LaTeX | annProg/ PanBook | Pandoc LaTeX,Epub模板,用于生成书籍,幻灯片(beamer),简历,论文等(cv, thesis, ebook,beamer) | ||
200 | 其他 LaTeX | nasa/ nasa-latex-docs | An easy and convenient package to create technical LaTeX documents. | ||
201 | 其他 LaTeX | kylebutts/ latex-templates | latex templates | ||
202 | 其他 LaTeX | milaan9/ LaTeX4Everyone | Learn LaTeX from scratch in an easy-to-follow but highly effective way. Get up to the level of professional document writeup, presentation creation and even generating graphics and figures in LaTeX. | ||
203 | 其他 LaTeX | alexpovel/ latex-cookbook | A comprehensive LaTeX template with examples for theses, books and more, employing the 'latest and greatest' (UTF8, glossaries, fonts, ...). The PDF artifact is built using CI/CD, with a Python testing framework. | ||
204 | 其他 LaTeX | xinychen/ academic-drawing | Providing codes (including Matlab and Python) for visualizing numerical experiment results. | ||
205 | 其他 LaTeX | francois-rozet/ sleek-template | Sleek Template for quick, easy and beautiful LaTeX documents | ||
206 | 其他 LaTeX | fernandoans/ publicacoes | Minhas publicações no LaTex | ||
207 | 其他 LaTeX | nmfs-opensci/ quarto_titlepages | A Quarto extension for making title and cover pages for PDF output. | ||
208 | 其他 LaTeX | sleepymalc/ LaTeX-Template | 📜 LaTeX Templates for Notes, Reports, CV/Resumes, and Beamers | ||
209 | 其他 LaTeX | rudymatela/ concise-cheat-sheets | Cheat Sheets for programming languages and tools | ||
210 | 其他 LaTeX | itonik/ spbu_diploma | LaTeX шаблон для ВКР СПбГУ | ||
211 | 其他 LaTeX | janmattfeld/ latex-briefvorlage | :page_facing_up: Moderne Deutsche Briefvorlage für LaTeX (scrlttr2) | ||
212 | 其他 LaTeX | wisdomfusion/ latex-templates | My ready-to-edit LaTeX templates, for books, articles, and notes, using XeLaTeX, specified both for Chinese and English documents. | ||
213 | 其他 LaTeX | artemmavrin/ latex-homework | LaTeX class and template for typesetting math homework | ||
214 | 其他 LaTeX | quantum-journal/ quantum-journal | LaTeX template class for Quantum - the open journal for quantum science | ||
215 | 其他 LaTeX | nrennie/ PrettyPDF | Quarto extension to generate a PDF with (pretty) LaTeX styling. | ||
216 | 其他 LaTeX | dev-aditya/ LaTeX-template | A colorful latex template for notes and weekly math assignments. | ||
217 | 其他 LaTeX | MatNoble/ LaTeX-Document | LaTeX Templates for Document | ||
218 | 其他 LaTeX | ungdev/ ScribUTT | Template LaTeX de rapports de projets / TDs et stages (ST05,ST09,ST10,ST30) pour l'Université de Technologie de Troyes aka UTT (école d'ingénieur). | ||
219 | 其他 LaTeX | timkpaine/ oreilly-latex-template | O'Reilly Latex Template by Joan Queralt translated to english from https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/107862/oreilly-template | ||
220 | 其他 LaTeX | benyamxn/ persian-latex | A Persian Latex Template that can be used in different instances such as assignments, exams, quizzes; Not suitable for long documents such as theses or project reports. | ||
221 | 其他 LaTeX | alexmingzhang/ amznotes | LaTeX document class for writing pretty notes | ||
222 | 其他 LaTeX | jmrplens/ TFG-TFM_EPS | Plantilla LaTeX para la elaboración de TFG y TFM en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante | ||
223 | 其他 LaTeX | MIDL-Conference/ MIDLLatexTemplate | Latex template for the MIDL Conference | ||
224 | 其他 LaTeX | SimonWaldherr/ HowTo-Deploy-LaTeX-Documents | Deploy LaTeX (and Markdown) Documents as PDF (and DjVu) via GitHub and TravisCI | ||
225 | 其他 LaTeX | NicholasMamo/ adonis-template | A simple, elegant LaTeX template with dark mode support | ||
226 | 其他 LaTeX | catppuccin/ latex | ✨ Soothing pastel theme for LaTeX | ||
227 | 其他 LaTeX | klb2/ review-response-template | LaTeX template for the response to reviewer comments (scientific journal publications) | ||
228 | 其他 LaTeX | alfredholmes/ TeXNotes | Zettelkasten or Slip box with notes written in LaTeX | ||
229 | 其他 LaTeX | gi-ev/ LNI | A LaTeX class for submissions to the “Lecture Notes in Informatics” (LNI) published by the German “Gesellschaft für Informatik” (GI) | ||
230 | 其他 LaTeX | uio-latex/ Introduction-to-LaTeX | Introductory notes and templates for LaTeX | ||
231 | 其他 LaTeX | bruvellu/ mestre-em-latex | Modelo em LaTeX para dissertações e teses acadêmicas | ||
232 | 其他 LaTeX | KITrobotics/ Latex_Template | KIT, IAR-IPR Latex Template | ||
233 | 其他 LaTeX | olegrgv/ ml-msc-template | Machine learning project template originally prepared for students | ||
234 | 其他 LaTeX | rorygregson/ OSCOLA-LaTeX-Template | A LaTeX template using the OSCOLA referencing system, intended for law theses, articles, and books. | ||
235 | 其他 LaTeX | rossmacarthur/ latex-templates | Templates in LaTeX | ||
236 | 其他 LaTeX | leungll/ ByteDance-Letter-Template | Made with LaTex. ByteDance's recommendation letter template. In addition, you can adapt it into a recommendation letter template for other companies, such as Tencent, Alibaba, Pinduoduo, Meituan, etc. | ||
237 | 其他 LaTeX | schuler-henry/ dhbw-latex-template | This is a latex template for projects at the DHBW Friedrichshafen. | ||
238 | 其他 LaTeX | thesfinox/ latex-commons | Common custom commands and classes in LaTeX | ||
239 | 其他 Typst | qjcg/ awesome-typst | Awesome Typst Links | ||
240 | 其他 Typst | typst/ templates | Templates that are directly maintained by the Typst team. | ||
241 | 其他 Markdown | Wandmalfarbe/ pandoc-latex-template | A pandoc LaTeX template to convert markdown files to PDF or LaTeX. | ||
242 | 其他 Markdown | rstudio/ bookdown | Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown | ||
243 | 其他 Markdown | mundimark/ awesome-markdown | A collection of awesome markdown goodies (libraries, services, editors, tools, cheatsheets, etc.) | ||
244 | 其他 Markdown | mundimark/ awesome-markdown-editors | A collection of awesome markdown editors & (pre)viewers for Linux, Apple OS X, Microsoft Windows, the World Wide Web & more | ||
245 | 其他 Markdown | BubuAnabelas/ awesome-markdown | :memo: Delightful Markdown stuff. | ||
246 | 其他 Markdown | aaronwolen/ pandoc-letter | Pandoc template for writing letters in markdown | ||
247 | 其他 Markdown | pzhaonet/ bookdownplus | The easiest way to use R package bookdown for writing varied types of books and documents | ||
248 | 其他 Markdown | chrisanthropic/ Open-Publisher | Using Jekyll to create outputs that can be used as Pandoc inputs. In short - input markdown, output mobi, epub, pdf, and print-ready pdf. With a focus on fiction. | ||
249 | 其他 Markdown | maehr/ academic-pandoc-template | Write beautifully typeset academic texts with distraction-free Markdown and Pandoc. | ||
250 | 其他 Markdown | universvm/ obsidian-pandoc-templates | A repository for pandoc templates. Geared for Obsidian. | ||
251 | 其他 Markdown | periodicpoint/ arabica | A sound and versatile pandoc LaTeX boilerplate to produce academic books using Markdown files featuring YAML, KOMA-Script, BibLaTeX and CSL | ||
252 | 其他 Markdown | webiaio/ awesome-markdown | awesome markdown writing tools | ||
253 | 其他 其他 | sparanoid/ chinese-copywriting-guidelines | Chinese copywriting guidelines for better written communication/中文文案排版指北 | ||
254 | 其他 其他 | ruanyf/ document-style-guide | 中文技术文档的写作规范 | ||
255 | 其他 其他 | James-Yu/ LaTeX-Workshop | Boost LaTeX typesetting efficiency with preview, compile, autocomplete, colorize, and more. | ||
256 | 其他 其他 | garrettj403/ SciencePlots | Matplotlib styles for scientific plotting | ||
257 | 其他 其他 | zotero-chinese/ styles | 中文 CSL 样式 | ||
258 | 其他 其他 | mzlogin/ chinese-copywriting-guidelines | Chinese Copywriting Guidelines:中文文案排版指北(简体中文版) | ||
259 | 其他 其他 | Wookai/ paper-tips-and-tricks | Best practice and tips & tricks to write scientific papers in LaTeX, with figures generated in Python or Matlab. | ||
260 | 其他 其他 | MLNLP-World/ Paper-Writing-Tips | MLNLP社区用来帮助大家避免论文投稿小错误的整理仓库。 Paper Writing Tips | ||
261 | 其他 其他 | CTeX-org/ lshort-zh-cn | A Chinese edition of the Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2ε | ||
262 | 其他 其他 | secdr/ research-method | 论文写作与资料分享 | ||
263 | 其他 其他 | wklchris/ Note-by-LaTeX | 《简单粗暴 LaTeX》出版图书开源仓库 \| The opensource repo for my published LaTeX book. | ||
264 | 其他 其他 | xinychen/ latex-cookbook | LaTeX论文写作教程 (清华大学出版社) | ||
265 | 其他 其他 | zepinglee/ gbt7714-bibtex-style | GB/T 7714-2015 BibTeX Style | ||
266 | 其他 其他 | RQLuo/ MixTeX-Latex-OCR | MixTeX multimodal LaTeX, ZhEn, and, Table OCR. It performs efficient CPU-based inference in a local offline on Windows. | ||
267 | 其他 其他 | hushidong/ biblatex-gb7714-2015 | A biblatex implementation of the GB/T7714-2015 bibliography style \|\| GB/T 7714-2015 参考文献著录和标注的biblatex样式包 | ||
268 | 其他 其他 | yikeke/ zh-style-guide | An open-source style guide for writing Chinese technical documents: https://zh-style-guide.readthedocs.io | ||
269 | 其他 其他 | Haixing-Hu/ typesetting-standard | 中文排版所需遵循的标准和规范 | ||
270 | 其他 其他 | huangxg/ lnotes | LaTeX Notes | ||
271 | 其他 其他 | oetiker/ lshort | The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX | ||
272 | 其他 其他 | Haixing-Hu/ GBT7714-2005-BibTeX-Style | A GB/T 7714-2005 national standard compliant BibTeX style. | ||
273 | 其他 其他 | Haixing-Hu/ latex-chinese-fonts | Simplified Chinese fonts for the LaTeX typesetting. | ||
274 | 其他 其他 | hantang/ latex-templates | A collection of awesome LaTeX Thesis/Dissertation templates and beyond! (LaTeX / Word / Typst / Markdown 格式的学位论文、演示文稿、报告、项目申请书、简历、书籍等模板收藏) | ||
275 | 其他 其他 | FudanSELab/ academic-writing-guide | 一些关于写论文的教程,防止犯一些低级错误 | ||
276 | 其他 其他 | NicklasVraa/ LiX | Compose papers, dissertations, textbooks, novels, newspapers etc. quicker using abstractions to the standard LaTeX document classes - or create your own classes easily. | ||
277 | 其他 其他 | latexstudio/ LaTeX-TeXWiki | 给大家普及本已普及了的 LaTeX 知识 - LaTeX 工作室 ( ask.latexstudio.net ) | ||
278 | 其他 其他 | doersino/ markdeep-thesis | Write your (under)graduate thesis with Markdeep and typeset it right in your browser. | ||
279 | 其他 其他 | cooelf/ PaperWritingTips | Tips for paper writing and researches 科技论文写作经验记录和总结 | ||
280 | 其他 其他 | PacktPublishing/ LaTeX-Beginner-s-Guide-Second-Edition | LaTeX Beginner's Guide - Second Edition, published by Packt | ||
281 | 其他 其他 | academic-templates/ tex-course-index-template | A template for writing a condensed course index leveraging LaTeX indexing | ||
282 | 其他 其他 | store2be/ pape-rs | A Latex template to PDF generation web service written in Rust. | ||
283 | 其他 其他 | sparks-baird/ auto-paper | The aim of auto-paper is to give you tips, tricks, and tools to accelerate your publication rate and improve publication quality. | ||
284 | 其他 其他 | rockyzhz/ latexdoc-chinese-translation | LaTeX 文档中文翻译项目 | ||
285 | 其他 其他 | the-ccsn/ china-university-thesis-index | |||
286 | 其他 其他 | dermatologist/ journal-paper-thesis-word-to-latex | Collaboratively write journal papers or thesis in MS-Word and compile it to LaTeX using any template. |